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Ryewolf90 02-07-2018 20:05

Re: Today in pictures
2 Attachment(s)
Look at me!! I've got 2 fish...

Less 04-07-2018 13:29

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Exile on Spencer St (Post 1214649)
I seem to recall that it's thanks to some animal-rights (sic) nutters that mink have spread like a plague, taking a lot of indigenous wildlife with it.

It's amazing isn't it? They drone on & on about animal rights, how meat is murder and other such drivel but in the end cock up the world just like the rest of us, (I think it's all to do with too much roughage, the more veggie you are the larger the amount of crap you dump on the rest of us).

Ryewolf90 05-07-2018 22:07

Re: Today in pictures
Whilst I can understand their reasoning, as they were being farmed purely for their fur, releasing 6000 top level predators into the wild with no other natural predator was just irresponsible and criminal. Apparently, from what I've read, a police undercover agent was present when they (the activists) released them from Crow Hill Farm in 1998, though I've yet to read about any prosecutions....

Reading this who is more to blame, the police for allowing this to happen or the ALF....???

Ryewolf90 05-07-2018 22:23

Re: Today in pictures
3 Attachment(s)
Heron coming into land at the weir at Whalley...

gpick24 06-07-2018 06:33

Re: Today in pictures
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Just one pic on my way home from work last night.

gpick24 08-07-2018 20:04

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Took Daisy & Duke for a walk down the river and along the canal..

1. Playing in the grass
2. Daft dog thinks she can smell underwater
3 & 4. A bit of horse play.
5. Keeping cool in the river.
6. A Sand Martin, plenty of these around.
7. Not easy to photograph these, darting about all over the place.
8. First time in a while but I saw 3 of these (or same one 3 times) today.
9. A bit of a fish in barrel shot.
10. A Swallow on the canal, like the Sand Martin, fast as .....

hilleluk 09-07-2018 10:31

Re: Today in pictures
All great pictures,

Ryewolf90 11-07-2018 21:23

Re: Today in pictures
1 Attachment(s)
The Ghost Garden

I spotted a news article in the local paper about a ghost garden appearing during very dry weather... So went out to have a look... Gawthorpe Hall, Padiham, Lancashire.

The outlines you can see are from the original Victorian Garden designed by Sir Charles Barry in the 1850's and was lost during WWII, it's due to the soil drying out at different rates. This is probably a once in a lifetime event - bit like England winning the world cup - (I was 4 when they did win in 1966) - only this was closer and could be seen and photographed....

gpick24 15-07-2018 17:51

Re: Today in pictures
1 Attachment(s)
I was able to get quite close to this Heron today.

Gremlin 15-07-2018 20:31

Re: Today in pictures
1 Attachment(s)
I got close as well recently mate. My second shot was the last few inches of his legs as he flew away.

Gremlin 16-07-2018 15:14

Re: Today in pictures
I was lucky with my shot of the heron.
It landed on the bungalow roof opposite while I was charging a little point and shoot Camera. I just took the photo through the kitchen window seconds before it flew away.
Over the course of a week it had cleared all the fish out of my neighbours pond.

Exile on Spencer St 16-07-2018 15:45

Re: Today in pictures
1 Attachment(s)
This caught the cat's attention but she thought better of it and wander off into the shade.
I'm informed it was a lime hawk moth caterpillar. Don't recall ever seeing one before.

Ryewolf90 17-07-2018 20:15

Re: Today in pictures
2 Attachment(s)
A Little Egret on the River Calder at Whalley, I have seen them a couple of times around Pendleton.

gpick24 07-08-2018 20:19

Re: Today in pictures
7 Attachment(s)
A few photos from The Lake District this weekend

hilleluk 08-08-2018 08:12

Re: Today in pictures
All great pictures as usual...Love the 4th one

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