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susie123 30-07-2012 21:31

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1006037)
It was Sue who spotted it Dave.......I wasn't going to say anything...being as I'm the shy and retiring type :D

Glad my proof reading prowess hasn't deserted me!!

davemac 30-07-2012 22:34

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1006031)
Was that a deliberate mistake Dave?

I'm having a shocker of a night first posting rude words and then not getting it right who found it, I do apologise Susie, I think I will sign off and go and make a brew and have a fig newton

davemac 30-07-2012 22:37

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1006035)
Think that might be a female Green-veined White, Dave.

when it opened its wings it had the spots of a white, but its not definitive.

susie123 30-07-2012 22:40

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1006043)
when it opened its wings it had the spots of a white, but its not definitive.

Yes - it's the same as a cabbage white on the top side.

susie123 30-07-2012 22:42

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1006042)
I'm having a shocker of a night first posting rude words and then not getting it right who found it, I do apologise Susie, I think I will sign off and go and make a brew and have a fig newton

Thought you might have meant it deliberately as it did look like a shaggy wig.

No need to apologise, I'm not going to resign from your fan club.

davemac 30-07-2012 22:49

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1006045)
Thought you might have meant it deliberately as it did look like a shaggy wig.

No need to apologise, I'm not going to resign from your fan club.

I was typing sphagnum, missed the "p" out it became a rude word, ran the spell checker, it didn't point it out, so it must be a word.

I'm not subtle enough for that type of reference

davemac 30-07-2012 22:51

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1006044)
Yes - it's the same as a cabbage white on the top side.

Looks like I'm off to flickr to correct my entry.

mobertol 31-07-2012 07:07

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1005994)
Thanks for exposing yourself like that, if I may be a bit in
impertinent, if we put a speech bubble on number 1. would it say "according to mummy, I'm going to be a proper little madam". And if you are still speaking to me after that, I'll send some "k" to make it up.

Well spotted Dave -I can be a right little madam at times;):D
That photo was taken just before setting out on a 2 hour hike in the pouring rain -I convinced friend Andrea to go as I love walking in the rain -it was absolutely tonking down though. Husband Dave had a better idea - watched some TV and then came to the pub in Howtown and sat in the snug having a few pints while he waited for us to arrive!:drink:

Thanks for the K -just seen it -you must have been really worried that I would be miffed;):D

mobertol 31-07-2012 07:36

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Was out early this morning -finished in the office then had a wander to take some shots of how they're up-dating the farm by installing solar panels on the old 1960's buildings which now house all the young livestock -quite a hive of activity. The old asbestos roofs have to be removed first (by law!) and then they are prepared with a new roofing which will finally be covered with the panels -it's a very extensive area. Generators will be installed in the area which housed the old milking parlour and in my old office they are having an operating theatre built and a sanitorium for sick animals. Note how Italian workmen follow health and safety -hard hats, harnesses, protective clothing -not a thing in sight!
1 Removal of asbestos roof (all dressed in specail clothing and masks!)
2 New delivery of solar panels
3 Area already re-roofed
4 Safety a priority when working on a roof.
5 Removal of old parlour -note workman inside bottom right.
6 Shadows cast by un-roofed structure
7 Unloading
8 Hard at work?!
9 Curious heifers
10 Long view back

davemac 31-07-2012 08:40

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1006056)
Was out early this morning -finished in the office then had a wander to take some shots of how they're up-dating the farm by installing solar panels on the old 1960's buildings which now house all the young livestock -quite a hive of activity. The old asbestos roofs have to be removed first (by law!) and then they are prepared with a new roofing which will finally be covered with the panels -it's a very extensive area. Generators will be installed in the area which housed the old milking parlour and in my old office they are having an operating theatre built and a sanitorium for sick animals. Note how Italian workmen follow health and safety -hard hats, harnesses, protective clothing -not a thing in sight!
1 Removal of asbestos roof (all dressed in specail clothing and masks!)
2 New delivery of solar panels
3 Area already re-roofed
4 Safety a priority when working on a roof.
5 Removal of old parlour -note workman inside bottom right.
6 Shadows cast by un-roofed structure
7 Unloading
8 Hard at work?!
9 Curious heifers
10 Long view back

Your farm looks massive, and now up to date with solar panels, with all that sun, looks like free leccy.

Operating theatre, is that normal for a farm ?

davemac 31-07-2012 10:59

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 1006039)
sorry i aint posted the last couple of days .. but i been ill again :( ... anyway heres some what i took yesterday and today ....

Hope you are feeling better, nice coloured sunsets again.

mobertol 31-07-2012 11:03

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1006061)
Your farm looks massive, and now up to date with solar panels, with all that sun, looks like free leccy.

Operating theatre, is that normal for a farm ?

Not at all -most just operate cows in a stall - hard to keep things sterile though. You'd be surprised how many operations we have during the year - not too many Caesarians luckily but a lot of umbilical hernias in calves, suturing after difficult calvings, dislocations of the abomasum are the most common problem and in the seven years we've been on this farm I've seen two amputations of part of a cows foot. We have also had some torsions of the intestine but generally if the cows get this they go to be butchered - very sad. Occasionally the vet does an autopsy if a cow dies unexpectedly.

It is a very big farm now -milking 400 cows a day -altogether there are about 1100 animals. It's rather like looking after a village full of people but about 40% of them are pregnant all time so it's a lot of work keeping on top them all! In the office I'm in charge of registering births, deaths and marriages;):D

davemac 31-07-2012 11:15

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1006088)
Not at all -most just operate cows in a stall - hard to keep things sterile though. You'd be surprised how many operations we have during the year - not too many Caesarians luckily but a lot of umbilical hernias in calves, suturing after difficult calvings, dislocations of the abomasum are the most common problem and in the seven years we've been on this farm I've seen two amputations of part of a cows foot. We have also had some torsions of the intestine but generally if the cows get this they go to be butchered - very sad. Occasionally the vet does an autopsy if a cow dies unexpectedly.

It is a very big farm now -milking 400 cows a day -altogether there are about 1100 animals. It's rather like looking after a village full of people but about 40% of them are pregnant all time so it's a lot of work keeping on top them all! In the office I'm in charge of registering births, deaths and marriages;):D

Well, that sounds a complex farm operation in more than the sense of the word, and with all those animals perhaps a lot of photo oportunities at feeding time, perhaps I will lend you my hover boots for an aeriel shot of the whole farm.

susie123 31-07-2012 12:06

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Lancaster continued...

1 The Town Hall clock
2 Plaque on the A6 bridge over the canal
3 Looking down on the canal from the A6 bridge, hospital behind
4 The canal basin with a rather nice footbridge
5 The A6 bridge from the canal
6 Seat on the canal basin. I would have fallen in if I'd gone any further back!
7 Not mush room under here- mooring bracket on the canal side. Sorry Marg you've made the same joke on Flickr!
8 Nice name for a leisure boat
9 Not far to go from your boat if yo want to do some DIY...
10 Going into town now - nice pub in the main street, no didn't stop, was tempted

More tomorrow...

Sorry just noticed posted from the wrong set of photos... a couple of those should have been cropped - using new software - does all sorts of silly things.

Gremlin 31-07-2012 13:37

Re: Today in pictures
6 Attachment(s)
After looking at the pictures of the moon I thought I would try to get some shots of it.

I looked every where for it but couldn't see it. I know it was about because Davemac had just posted a photo of it, I also knew where it should be.

After while I took a few snaps of things in the sky and just as I was about to get back to my beer the moon came rolling down the roof of a house a hundred yards away. It must have been hiding behind the chimney stack.

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