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flashy 02-10-2008 19:23

Menthol Crystals
i've been a bit off for the last few days, blocked up nose, aching joints, sore throat and a dry cough

i havent got flu, just a cold (or bird flu as appose to man flu;))

just been through my first aid box and found my trusty old menthol crystals so i'm now sat here with a bowl of steaming hot water infront of me with a sprinkle of menthol crystals in it

i usually use these when my asthma is bad, it helps me breathe, would recommend them to anyone with a bad chest, blocked up nose etc

they are dead cheap, i think i paid just over £1 for this little tub, you can get them from all good chemists

does anyone else ever use them?

emzy 02-10-2008 19:41

Re: Menthol Crystals
I use them when the boys are snuffly, either in an oil burner or used to put bowl of hot water with them in under their cot when they were bad, they are brill and cheap too

Benipete 02-10-2008 20:36

Re: Menthol Crystals
I put a few drops of Olbus oil on my pillow.

emzy 02-10-2008 20:40

Re: Menthol Crystals

Originally Posted by Benipete (Post 637332)
I put a few drops of Olbus oil on my pillow.

I use that with the boys now in their room, either that or covonia or karvol drops but in the living room where i can use an oil burner i use menthol crystals a lot

flashy 02-10-2008 20:44

Re: Menthol Crystals
olbas oil is fine but it seems to linger forever, not long ago i put some on my pillow case, no matter how much i wash that pillow case it still smells of olbas oil lol

buttonsmum 02-10-2008 20:49

Re: Menthol Crystals
Always use Olbas oil, but as you say the smell lingers. Will remember them for next time.

flashy 02-10-2008 20:53

Re: Menthol Crystals
as long as you dont touch the crystals they work really well, keep them out of Siobhans way though (i know that goes without saying but you can never be too careful)

buttonsmum 02-10-2008 20:59

Re: Menthol Crystals
I know what you mean, she is into everything these days, a lot of it is curiosity I suppose.

Where possible I always try to keep things like this in the upper kitchen units well out of her reach.

flashy 02-10-2008 21:00

Re: Menthol Crystals
even though Reece is 12 i still keep my medicinal things in a first aid box in the cupboard

Lilly 02-10-2008 21:14

Re: Menthol Crystals

Originally Posted by flashytart (Post 637336)
olbas oil is fine but it seems to linger forever, not long ago i put some on my pillow case, no matter how much i wash that pillow case it still smells of olbas oil lol

Can you really still smell it on the pillow case after several washes or has the oil gone through to the actual pillow?

Benipete 02-10-2008 23:58

Re: Menthol Crystals
When I was a child I used to be covered front and back with Vick - Stunk for ages:eek:

MargaretR 03-10-2008 00:10

Re: Menthol Crystals

Originally Posted by Benipete (Post 637411)
When I was a child I used to be covered front and back with Vick - Stunk for ages:eek:

That's better than having a camphor block in a specialy sewn in pocket in your vest or libery bodice;)

PS - not me - but you know who

derekgas 03-10-2008 07:03

Re: Menthol Crystals
I use Olbus oil, and the milder version for the kids, I also have a mackenzie bottle for the daytime, they are real strong (is smelling salts), keep it in your pocket and it warms up, it feels like it blows your head off.. But it clears the old sinuses and chest a treat.

Neil 03-10-2008 07:38

Re: Menthol Crystals
Next time Shaz put the Olbus oil on a tissue on a bedside table or maybe an old face cloth on your pillow so you don't have to worry about washing it away.

jaysay 03-10-2008 10:21

Re: Menthol Crystals

Originally Posted by Benipete (Post 637332)
I put a few drops of Olbus oil on my pillow.

Olbus oil is great Beni but god does it stink:o

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