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flashy 18-02-2009 21:41

Latch key kids
pardon the title of this thread but i didnt know what else to put for it lol

what age is a decent age to give your child their first door key?

i got one made for Reece today and i'm in two minds whether to give it to him yet or not, he's 12 1/2, he's going to have to get used to not losing one when i go back to work, is now the right time?

i totally trust him in the house on his own now, have done for the last 5/6 months, mi dads next door so nothing untoward can happen to this the right time?

emamum 18-02-2009 21:47

Re: Latch key kids
i had a back door key when i started high school. it depends entirely on whether the kid is mature enough to look after it and it sounds like reece is (from what ive read about reece) your dads next door so he is safe, might be good for him??

MargaretR 18-02-2009 21:55

Re: Latch key kids
In your situation, I would say 'yes'
It wouldn't work for all 12yr olds or even some 14yr olds.
The fact that grandad is next door will make him feel secure and will give you peace of mind.
I was much younger when I got a key on string round my neck, and I remember that that key was 4" long. I did have a brother 3yrs older, so I wasn't alone. That was a time when neighbours cared as much as any relative does today, so there always would be help if any emergency arose.

flashy 18-02-2009 22:13

Re: Latch key kids
thats good to know, i have some great neighbours, we all look out for each other

maybe i will just have to be out one day when he comes home from school, just to see how he goes, he has been on his own a few times before but i've always left him when i nipped to the shops or tesco

Lilly 18-02-2009 22:31

Re: Latch key kids
I think you're doing right, Flashy.

From what you've said he sounds a sensible lad.

flashy 18-02-2009 22:32

Re: Latch key kids
ta H, he is sensible, can be a daft get at times though

Speedy 18-02-2009 22:42

Re: Latch key kids
best soloution id say is to give him the key but also a clip type thing so he can attach it to something and always know where it is, its too easy to lose things that fall out of pockets.

BERNADETTE 18-02-2009 22:45

Re: Latch key kids
Yep would trust Reece with a key he is a sensible lad:)

katex 18-02-2009 22:50

Re: Latch key kids
Latch key kids always sounds a horrible expression, doesn't it ? Smacks of kids left to their own devices somehow.

Well, they are in a way, but you have just got to ask yourself a few questions :-

  • Is he sensible enough not to leave lights on indiscrimitably, leave gas jets/electric hobs on, stick his finger in plugs ? in other words, safety to himself.
  • Let undesirable friends in your house whilst you are not there who will have no respect for your property.
  • In danger of any adult knowing he is alone and taking advantage. Locking doors if he goes out to play.
  • Will he get on with his homework without being strongly encouraged ?
Myself, wouldn't even consider it for a couple of more years, but Grandad is next door, and perhaps he could report to him when he arrives home, etc.

magpie 18-02-2009 23:18

Re: Latch key kids
In my days we never had a key.... the door was never locked...... happy day :-)

shillelagh 18-02-2009 23:50

Re: Latch key kids
i was 12 when i got my first door key on a string round my neck just in case my mum was out when i got home from school. I kept it on that string till i was 16 then graduated to a keyring in my purse!!! Was 10 when i was left in the house on my own watching telly on a saturday morning while mum & dad went down accy doing the shopping. Go for it flashy ... you wont know till you try... and like you say your dad is next door if he gets frightened or something goes wrong .... Its part of growing up getting your door key, being left on your own, going to the shops on their own, catching the bus etc....

cashman 19-02-2009 01:31

Re: Latch key kids
kids i think are more grown up these days than when i was that age, ya know yer own lad shaz, go with yer instinct., my parents never needed to give me a key, as i was a burglar.:D:D

flashy 19-02-2009 08:08

Re: Latch key kids

as a couple of accywebbers know, i USED to leave my door unlocked when i went out....until accyman rollocked me for it one day, Reece is sensible enough, he doesnt 'play out' anymore, think i'll give it a go when he goes back to school

cheers you lot, you always come up with the goods when asked a question :D

emamum 19-02-2009 11:40

Re: Latch key kids
hey flashy, if you're lucky he will have your tea on when you get home :D

jaysay 19-02-2009 11:52

Re: Latch key kids
Always remember when my Dad gave me a key to the front door, really makes you feel good and you've finally made it, I was 52 at the time:D

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