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expat 25-06-2007 11:58

I can't seem to get Limewire to work for me, it keeps telling me I have got a fire wall blocking it, even though I have allowed it on my anti virus software
I have even tried turning my anti virus off with no success, I have had a gutfull does anybody know what it could be and is there a better program than Limewire.

***Mr D*** 25-06-2007 11:59

Re: Limewire
Anti Virus & Firewalls are different.

Are you using windows firewall?

I tunes, also legal.;)

entwisi 25-06-2007 17:44

Re: Limewire
As Mr D says, Firewalls are a different thing from Anti Virus, Windows has a basic one built in. Secondly if you access teh net through a router then you need to open up teh relevant ports on that and forward them to your PC

mab 25-06-2007 22:20

Re: Limewire

Originally Posted by expat (Post 439981)
I can't seem to get Limewire to work for me, it keeps telling me I have got a fire wall blocking it, even though I have allowed it on my anti virus software
I have even tried turning my anti virus off with no success, I have had a gutfull does anybody know what it could be and is there a better program than Limewire.

:mad:i have the same problem!!was working ok on windows service pack 1.but stopped working soon as windows servie pack 2 was down loaded:eek:

Mancie 25-06-2007 22:42

Re: Limewire
You could try's similar to Limewire. Bearshare comes with adverts but you can uninstall them.

entwisi 26-06-2007 08:16

Re: Limewire

Originally Posted by mab (Post 440109)
:mad:i have the same problem!!was working ok on windows service pack 1.but stopped working soon as windows servie pack 2 was down loaded:eek:

This is almost certainly the Windows firewall, it was set to start as default as part of SP2 even if you had disabled it pre update. Go in and add Limewire to teh list of apps that have both client and server privilages.

WillowTheWhisp 26-06-2007 12:41

Re: Limewire
Not that you'd be downloading anything copyright of course ;)

Liam 04-08-2007 23:57

Re: Limewire
it isnt always about your anti virus/firewall software. it can sometimes be windows blocking certain programs because they use ports and access the internet. windows see's this as a threat and blocks it. usually if you click on limewire and go to properties it will say something about 'unblock.block this program from use' and you just click it.

andrewb 05-08-2007 08:58

Re: Limewire
You're correct... but what you're talking about is still a firewall, Windows Firewall :)

beechy 05-08-2007 12:45

Re: Limewire
i always had trouble with limewire
changed to ares galaxy problems solved

flashy 05-08-2007 13:31

Re: Limewire
windows is peeing me off at the moment, was trying sync some music to my mp3 player and it wont do it

entwisi 05-08-2007 18:15

Re: Limewire
Perhaps techman can help you....

Liam 05-08-2007 18:59

Re: Limewire
i had to fix my uncles laptop, which didn't have the wirefall turned on and everytime you opened limewire a windows popup caem up saying 'block unblock' program, was wierd cos they didnt even have the firewall on :l i think it only does it with the newer version's of windows.

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