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Nickelson 30-08-2007 21:03

Laptop screen
hi today two verticle lines have apearred on my screen one green and one red it is all the way down i pressed the top of the case they dissapearred but appeared when i moved the screen... help please ....

K.S.H 30-08-2007 21:10

Re: Laptop screen
I was going to suggest it might just be a dodgy ribbon cable but I did a quick Google and come across THIS PAGE, Is it like the 3rd image?

Nickelson 30-08-2007 21:13

Re: Laptop screen
yes it is K.S.H they look just like that

K.S.H 30-08-2007 21:22

Re: Laptop screen
According to that site it looks like it might need changing, personally though I'd be checking the cable before I bought a new screen, there easy to get into and worth trying

Nickelson 30-08-2007 21:25

Re: Laptop screen
is either of theses options expensive k.s.h and do you know a reputable shop were i can have this done ?

K.S.H 30-08-2007 21:28

Re: Laptop screen
The ribbon won't be expensive if thats all it is, not sure on screen prices, only changed one and that was out of an old laptop, easy enough to do yourself if you get hold of a screen

Nickelson 30-08-2007 21:31

Re: Laptop screen
haha cheers think i would have to get some one else to do it as i am not very techie

K.S.H 30-08-2007 21:42

Re: Laptop screen
Surely you can undo half a dozen screws and pull a cable out of a socket carefully then do the same in reverse :D

Nickelson 30-08-2007 21:47

Re: Laptop screen
haha im baffled already

no seriously i havent got a clue wot type of ribbon cable i need or owt

Nickelson 30-08-2007 21:55

Re: Laptop screen
my guess personally it is the ribbon cable has come loose or broken in some way as it only happens when i move teh screen and i then have to 'set' it to get it back but sometimes the lines come back. i read after a google that the ribbon cable does somtimes become loose after freqeunt opening and closing of the laptops..

entwisi 31-08-2007 07:18

Re: Laptop screen
There is a new guy opened at the top of peel street, You could ask for a quote there?

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