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shillelagh 27-01-2010 22:17

Who wants one?
The iPad has arrived ...

Steve Jobs the boss of Apple unveiled it today ...

So who wants one?

I dont .. prefer the old desktop rather than that ..

Can you imagine watching a film - your head bent down for 90 mins .. and i know he says its only 1.5 lbs ...

notice though nothing was said about price or release date ...

BBC News - In pictures: Apple's iPad device

BBC News - Apple unveils iPad tablet device

Bob97531 28-01-2010 09:53

Re: Who wants one?
The odd thing to me is this is not new, tablet PC's have been around for about 5 years now if not more...

We tested HP Tablets at work ages ago....

I'll have one but not one of these, a standard HP tablet can be had cheap enough now.


entwisi 28-01-2010 13:13

Re: Who wants one?
its not even a decent PC spec, can't multitask, no 3G, not much higher res than a decent top end mobile ( my N900 is 800x480 )

In effect its an overgrown ipod touch.

No thanks....

accyman 28-01-2010 15:08

Re: Who wants one?
absolute garbage ,its apple it can be nothing else but garbage, limited functionality just like their iphones which cant bluetooth pictures to friends unless hacked , it dosnt even have a hdmi port for outputing movies to your tv

their rivals will bring out much better for half the price just wait and see

jaysay 28-01-2010 16:22

Re: Who wants one?
I takes me all my time to use my laptop

shillelagh 28-01-2010 16:51

Re: Who wants one?
BBC - dot.Maggie: The morning after the tablet

now theres a blog on it .. reading the comments on the blog ..

Accyman and Neil .. dont read the first few paragraphs of the blog ..

accyman 29-01-2010 05:47

Re: Who wants one?

"Apple's iPad name not the first choice for women. Period."
yup it sounds like a panty pad which is ironic as it was designed by a cupid stunt

this pompus twit thinks hes teh pioneer in everything but just take al ook at this that microsft developed over 2 years ago, yes its a table but it shows apple dont do anything new realy

in another clip i saw teh other year it demostrated a keyboard and drum kit on the table which you could play just using your fingers lol

YouTube - Microsoft Table top Technology

n.c.i.s los angeles spring to mind ?

apples sales technique is to stick an half eaten apple logo onto somthing already thought of by somone else, restrict it to only apple products and charge 10x what other retailers would to give it the appearance of worth

Neil 29-01-2010 08:34

Re: Who wants one?
I am not an Apple fan anyway.

Yes the interface appears good but the hardware not.

I wonder if they spend that long developing the software that the hardware is out of date when the product is ready for market.

I think Apple products are overly priced and are still outdated almost yearly when they bring out the next version.

Neil 29-01-2010 08:44

Re: Who wants one?

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 783220)
Accyman and Neil .. dont read the first few paragraphs of the blog ..

You trying to insight trouble again? :p:D

I was just reading the comments and it sounds like a waste of time. I can sit watching BBC iPlayer in a hotel on my netbook, it cant even do that.

I cant believe it can't do flash, everything is flash these days (unfortunately)

Like someone said it is an oversized iphone that can't even do video calls as it has no camera. I use video calls a lot when away fron home to talk to the kids. If I had an ipad I would still need to take my netbook away with me.

accyman 29-01-2010 09:47

Re: Who wants one?
my mobile phone has more functionality than this peice of crap lol

entwisi 29-01-2010 10:50

Re: Who wants one?
to not have flash or java in these days on a device aimed at web browsing is criminal.

So, No farmville, no flash video, no flash gaming, no Java

best analogy I've heard is its an iphone in mid life crisis, its teh tech equivilant of a fat balding middleaged bloke in a porsche hoping teh ladies will buy into him again. :D

accyman 29-01-2010 11:01

Re: Who wants one?

Originally Posted by entwisi (Post 783370)
So, No farmville,

ahh so there is at least one good thing going for it then :)

entwisi 29-01-2010 11:19

Re: Who wants one?

or cafeworld or any of the other sodding invite generating annoying pieces of FB rubbish.... :D

Neil 29-01-2010 11:56

Re: Who wants one?

Originally Posted by entwisi (Post 783392)

or cafeworld or any of the other sodding invite generating annoying pieces of FB rubbish.... :D

A lad at work started playing cafeworld to try and beat his girlfriend, just to annoy her. You can get cheat software of the net for it so he whooped her in no time :D:D

SPUGGIE J 29-01-2010 20:52

Re: Who wants one?

Originally Posted by entwisi (Post 783392)

or cafeworld or any of the other sodding invite generating annoying pieces of FB rubbish.... :D

Take it you are not a fan then?

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