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Chewbacca 25-04-2017 19:44

Re: Season Tickets
I'm not sure if the u12 at £0.00 were included in that last year's sales figure, however cheap they are at £23 they will struggle to sell more than last season with the price rises all round on early birds, which I expect make up the majority.

I got mine after a lot of messing about, not sure that everyone would do he same. I see they have extended the deadline by one hour.

AccyMad 26-04-2017 09:42

Re: Season Tickets
I agree it would have been good to make the closing date for the early bird offer the same date as our last home game but I don't think there should need to be an extension this year, they've been on sale from 6th March which is a lot longer period of time than we've had previously.

VALAIRIAN 27-04-2017 13:10

Re: Season Tickets
Good to see the numbers rising :)

60% Target Reached ? Accrington Stanley

:) :) :)

Lord Didsbury 28-04-2017 12:13

Re: Season Tickets
Just purchased mine.
Dealing with the ticket office was a pleasure.

AccyMad 29-04-2017 06:49

Re: Season Tickets
Now extended to 6pm today - this should've been announced at same time as the later opening hours this week, not really fair to tag an extra day on after some will have rushed to get up before Friday's 'deadline'

choirboy 29-04-2017 08:04

Re: Season Tickets

Originally Posted by AccyMad (Post 1193299)
Now extended to 6pm today - this should've been announced at same time as the later opening hours this week, not really fair to tag an extra day on after some will have rushed to get up before Friday's 'deadline'

I tend to agree with you AccyMad but if it sells more Season Tickets then it can only be a good thing, I suppose. It might encourage a few more to come to the match today to get their 'late' order in too?

ON STANLEY ON everyone with your Early Bird Season Tickets ordered!

baldy 29-04-2017 09:13

Re: Season Tickets
Should have been 6pm today all along but it made sense in a way to have the deadline yesterday as it possibly would have meant 200+ people queuing today!

VALAIRIAN 29-04-2017 09:17

Re: Season Tickets
Over 700 sold, which is great :)

Early Bird Extended Until 6pm TODAY! ? Accrington Stanley

Just a pity that we are not maximising each and every opportunity........ :(

:) :) :)

KiTChener 29-04-2017 09:22

Re: Season Tickets
Be interesting to see how many more are sold today?
Only about 50 sold yesterday (650 announced Thursday, 700 today)

VALAIRIAN 29-04-2017 09:44

Re: Season Tickets
To be honest, it should have been made easier on match days to re-new/buy tickets - just my opinion :)

:) :) :)

Lord Didsbury 29-04-2017 12:40

Re: Season Tickets
I might be being really thick, but I'm getting the impression from this "should be easier to buy em" thing I keep hearing that the people of Accy don't own a telephone? I phoned up. It took two mins to purchase two tickets.
Paid £3 but isn't that better than a bus fare, petrol, walk to the ground, queue etc for a once a year Thing when the tickets are so (relatively) cheap anyway? I'll get that money back by not having a crap pie at half time.

Chewbacca 29-04-2017 12:55

Re: Season Tickets
As Valairian said a week or so ago he would be amazed if teh deadline wasn't extended, bit very disingenuous by the club.

Of course they don't want a rush in an hour after the game so pretend the deadline is the day before, however maybe not the best way to treat fans. I wonder how many 'applications' got turned down, it really is in the dark ages asking fans to re-apply every season as though they can pick and chose.

Anyway wonder how many pillocks from Luton will be looking for trouble in town after the game this time?

Chrisr 02-05-2017 19:33

Re: Season Tickets
It is nice to hear there has been an increase in early season ticket take up. Lets hope we can up the average attendance at home games next season. We need some strong pre season friendlies so we hit the ground running next season. We can do it next season and loud support is a 12th man. we need the 12th man to counteract the effect of poor referees.

DAV007 02-05-2017 23:07

Re: Season Tickets
Now a good time to offer flexi tickets?

Outback Ozzy 04-05-2017 20:36

Re: Season Tickets

Originally Posted by Lord Didsbury (Post 1193333)
Thing when the tickets are so (relatively) cheap anyway? I'll get that money back by not having a crap pie at half time.

Thing is Lord D they are NOT relatively cheap. If I want a season ticket for the nearest club to where I live (Wigan Athletic) I would not be paying more than £199 even after the early bird promotion. No doubt the likes of Blackburn and Bolton's prices will be near abouts the same price. I know they get a lot more support, but this is where I believe ASFC are shooting themselves in the foot. Now far be it for me to go and buy one of these other clubs season tickets because I wouldn't, my team is ASFC through and through. Born and Bred and followed the team pre '63. Came back to the team in the mid 80's when i left the army and returned home. Glad to have a team to support again and all hail Andy Holt and others who have put there money where there mouths are and bought into the Stanley dream. I just wish others would follow suit instead of supporting those teams either side of Accy or worse still, follow the Mancs!

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