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Adam Cottier 20-03-2005 15:53

What are we going to do?.........
.............on the bus to canvey. its quite a trek.

We could have a whip round on the coach to buy Rory some black shoes and present them to him at Watford gap services while I try to steal his car like I did on Saturday night. Ha ha.

Or we could wrap Dany in clingfilm (Jason Graham)

Or ridicule Dan 2BR en route

any other sugestions?

zayno14 20-03-2005 15:57

Re: What are we going to do?.........
rip sheets of red and white paper up it reasonable sized confetti pieces ;)

lindsay ormerod 20-03-2005 16:13

Re: What are we going to do?.........
Or you could use the time to grow up Adam.:rolleyes:

zayno14 20-03-2005 16:16

Re: What are we going to do?.........
now now lindsay!

Adam Cottier 20-03-2005 16:28

Re: What are we going to do?.........
only having a laugh............. chill out

KiTChener 20-03-2005 17:26

Re: What are we going to do?.........

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod
Or you could use the time to grow up Adam.:rolleyes:

Trip not long enough.... he'll need that injection mentioned on other threads, that enables one to live 900 years!!

Adam Cottier 20-03-2005 17:37

Re: What are we going to do?.........
dont see your names on the list for the canvey coach

AccyStanFan 20-03-2005 17:39

Re: What are we going to do?.........
but some of the names for burton were quite funny :)

Smiffy16 20-03-2005 17:40

Re: What are we going to do?.........
Yeh good idea we'll have some more confetti, people get some more sheets :) Lets have a little display down Canvey :)

Adam Cottier 20-03-2005 17:44

Re: What are we going to do?.........
lol - and let it out the sunroof to delight those behind the coach

Smiffy16 20-03-2005 17:49

Re: What are we going to do?.........
That looked quality!

lindsay ormerod 20-03-2005 17:53

Re: What are we going to do?.........
Can't make it to Canvey;I have a proper job and bills to pay!See you on Monday for the York match though Adam;if you make it back from Canvey.[Us "older fans" can be quite intimidating when roused!]

Smiffy16 20-03-2005 17:58

Re: What are we going to do?.........
Well if it wasn't for 'Adam' you 'older' fans wouldn't get any coverage on BBC Radio be careful what you say :):)

AccyStanFan 20-03-2005 18:04

Re: What are we going to do?.........
they could always listen to 2br tho lol :)


Willie Miller 21-03-2005 14:35

Re: What are we going to do?.........
For the people that can't make Canvey no worries but why post on a thread entitled what are we gonna do on the way down......


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