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View Poll Results: Did you vote?
Yes 17 38.64%
No, I deliberately didn't vote this time round 11 25.00%
No, my ward wasn't up for election 10 22.73%
No, I live outside the area so couldn't vote even if I wanted to 6 13.64%
Voters: 44. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 06-05-2006, 19:08   #31
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Unhappy Re: So did you actually vote?

I have voted at every local and national election since I left the navy in ’67. Prior to ’67 the call of the sea took precedence.

This time round I had a choice of two (labour or liberal) neither of whom took my fancy but as a protest labour didn’t get my vote. Strangely enough I got Tory election literature through my door and there wasn’t even a Tory standing in my ward.
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Old 06-05-2006, 19:10   #32
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Re: So did you actually vote?

In answer to Willow the Wisp, if you used to be central but aren't nay more, you are probably now in Church, - which also didn't have any election this time.
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Old 06-05-2006, 19:18   #33
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Re: So did you actually vote?

Can't imagine that I'm in Church cos I'm up Willows Lane. I shall have to get to the bottom of this with the Council when I can find the time.

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Old 06-05-2006, 21:46   #34
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Re: So did you actually vote?

Originally Posted by garinda
That's a bit unfair, we all make mistakes on here, and no one should be put off from posting because of spelling mistakes.

I may not agree with his politics, but I agree with the sentiments of his post.
It was a bit unfair. Apologies.
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Old 06-05-2006, 22:23   #35
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Re: So did you actually vote?

I voted but it was in Rossendale anyway so i dont know if that counts.
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Old 06-05-2006, 23:31   #36
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Re: So did you actually vote?

I never vote. It's just a waist of time.
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Old 07-05-2006, 07:56   #37
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Re: So did you actually vote?

Originally Posted by ANNE
I never vote. It's just a waist of time.
I think a lot of people feel like Anne because as Bill Hicks (comedian) once said society has made people politically docile, disenfranchised and individualised. Partly capitalism in it's need to make people feel insecure and isolated and partly politicians and decision makers.

There is in fact a lot going on in politics Anne that is worth voting for. At this local election you would have had Community Wardens up your street (voting one way) and no Comunity Wardens (voting the other). Block grants & face lift grants would have been extended out of West Accrington (or voting the other way NOT) and private landords would now be facing some of the most draconian licensing in Britain (but people voted against it - probably without realising).

Quango's would be shut down and the town hall and civic theatre brought back under Council Control (and possibly Sports Centres) but people voted against that to. There would have been a feasability on a new Community Stadium for Stanley but again - people voted against it.

There would have been a huge clampdown on dog fouling (with 24 wardens to do it) and littering and all filthy premises targeted for fines. People voted against that to.

Ther would have been a huge push towards IT, the IT department in Council which runs complex databases, financial systems, seveal server systems and a satelite network system would not have been sold off but expanded to help the private sector businesses and a huge push towards more IT industry in the area. People voted agianst that as well.

There is a long list. So people have made choices and for 12 months we will have work with the choices we have made. Sadly the papers will carry on not printing the real issues but the personality and showbiz side of certain politicians.

Last edited by g jones; 07-05-2006 at 08:34.
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Old 07-05-2006, 08:06   #38
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Re: So did you actually vote?

Anne - this might be interesting to you. Its has a lot of interesting info.



Its interesting that one bookmaker has the Tories at 4/6 to win he next general and labour 11/10 though Brown is 3:1 against Cameron as choce for the next elected PM. Those looking for a good bet are saying the Tories are very overly priced based on a mass of negative headlines and the price on a Labour win is therefore underpriced. So take the odds now for a Labour win, they are generous from a financial point of view.
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Old 07-05-2006, 09:55   #39

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Re: So did you actually vote?

Originally Posted by g jones
There is in fact a lot going on in politics Anne that is worth voting for.
I wont quote the rest of it as it's only a couple of posts above. All these thing's sound very good for Hyndburn Graham. So why did you not take control of HBC? I suspect it was down to the way you marketed yourselves. It is very difficult to attract the attention of the public when more than half of them don't even bother to vote and many of then think there is no point because nothing will change, crack that and you will be in I am sure. Maybe you would be in control know if people read the leaflets and understood what was going on around them. Most don't even bother to read the information you give them so I think it is time to find a new way to get the message accross. I don't think cars driving round with PA systems shouting out "Vote Labour" work either, all they do is annoy people when you wake up their babies
I still think people vote in local elections for Political Parties and national issue rather than local issues and local candidates. You must have lost votes due to the stupid antics of several MP's over the last few weeks. Tony Blair has sent us a strange message by keeping his Deputy as well hasn't he? I would have expected them all to be out as I believe they cost Labour heavily last Thursday.

I know i have probably stated the obvious so you are more than welcome to insult or swear at me again if it makes you feel better.
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Old 07-05-2006, 10:02   #40
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Re: So did you actually vote?

Originally Posted by Neil

I know i have probably stated the obvious so you are more than welcome to insult or swear at me again if it makes you feel better.
is this an open invitation or just to mr jones ..?
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Old 07-05-2006, 10:04   #41
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Re: So did you actually vote?

We did'nt get a vote around here! I think everyone should be made to vote! people have had to fight so that we can have a right to vote! with a none of them option on the ballot paper! for people who don't like the choice of party on offer!
Make mine a PINT.......

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Old 07-05-2006, 10:10   #42
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Re: So did you actually vote?

Originally Posted by g jones
I think a lot of people feel like Anne because as Bill Hicks (comedian) once said society has made people politically docile, disenfranchised and individualised. Partly capitalism in it's need to make people feel insecure and isolated and partly politicians and decision makers.

There is in fact a lot going on in politics Anne that is worth voting for. At this local election you would have had Community Wardens up your street (voting one way) and no Comunity Wardens (voting the other) until next year when they would be cast aside for a third time becasue we can't afford them regardless of the good job they do. Block grants & face lift grants would have been extended out of West Accrington paid for by whom? Would this have meant another rise on top of my already unpalatabley high council tax?(or voting the other way NOT) and private landords would now be facing some of the most draconian licensing in Britain (but people voted against it - probably without realising).

Quango's would be shut down and the town hall and civic theatre brought back under Council Control (and possibly Sports Centres) but people voted against that to. There would have been a feasability on a new Community Stadium for Stanley who said we wanted one? Who, other maybe the football fans, would want their money spending on a football ground. And you've already endeared yourself to over 2000 local fans by announcing in the paper that the ground is ramshackle but again - people voted against it.

There would have been a huge clampdown on dog fouling (with 24 wardens to do it) again I ask, Paid for by whom? If we have previously not been able to afford to retain six wardens in the town centre how on earth can we afford 24 people to pick up dog crap?and littering and all filthy premises targeted for fines. People voted against that to.

Ther would have been a huge push towards IT, the IT department in Council which runs complex databases, financial systems, seveal server systems and a satelite network system would not have been sold off but expanded to help the private sector businesses and a huge push towards more IT industry in the area. People voted agianst that as well.

There is a long list. So people have made choices and for 12 months we will have work with the choices we have made. Sadly the papers will carry on not printing the real issues but the personality and showbiz side of certain politicians.

All politicians could make a post similar to yours after losing. The fact remains that hardly anybody cares. If I could take some of Conservatory (sic) some labour and some liberal with a smattering of BNP then I am sure we would have a great Party. But then the next person along would disagree. I think we should close our borders and chuck out as many recent immigrants as possible. That makes me a racist apparently. So the next thing I would do would be banning the word "racist" and all its variations.

Politics is nothing but spin. Unfortunately there is no better option than the one we have.
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Old 07-05-2006, 10:21   #43
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Re: So did you actually vote?

Originally Posted by wayneyboy1942
We did'nt get a vote around here! I think everyone should be made to vote! people have had to fight so that we can have a right to vote!
yep and people have fought and died to protect the freedom that gives people the CHOICE to vote or not to vote so whats your point
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Old 07-05-2006, 10:58   #44
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Re: So did you actually vote?

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
All politicians could make a post similar to yours after losing. The fact remains that hardly anybody cares. If I could take some of Conservatory (sic) some labour and some liberal with a smattering of BNP then I am sure we would have a great Party. But then the next person along would disagree. I think we should close our borders and chuck out as many recent immigrants as possible. That makes me a racist apparently. So the next thing I would do would be banning the word "racist" and all its variations.

Politics is nothing but spin. Unfortunately there is no better option than the one we have.
oh dear... another Britcliffe clone ...

There was a Labour budget that stated exactly which bureaucrats (and their glossy brochures) were getting their notice Monday morning to pay for the wardens. No extra monies, no tricks, no council tax rises, no spin. What you said was very similar to what Peter Britcliffe usually says.

The reason THE COUNCIL can't afford grants is the debts under the Conservatives have risen from £11m to £26m. They will tell you though that our current account is +£60,000 (on a £13m budget) after cutting services 7.5% and how competent they all are.

The GRANTS I was refering about come from the nearly £10m the Government has given the Council this year (mainly through elevate). Absolutely nothing to do with Council Tax. This Council if it had not been bailed out by the Government (such as massive Elevate funding) or wholesale asset sales it would have gone down faster than the Titanic it's that incompetent.

In Hyndburn at this election there was a 3.3% swing from Conservatives to Labour from the last local elections in 2004. And thats against a national 9% swing from Labour to Conservative.

The two by elections since 2004 needed a 5% swing which Labour achieved and won those seats. Labour could not hold that 5% swing this time and with only a 3.4% swing they returned to the Conservatives (Rishton & Overton).

Clayton saw the Tory vote crumble and Labour cut by 100. With an increased turnout the Independent got in and Labour lost a third seat on a split vote. However with a 3.3% swing across the Borough most Labour seats increased their majorities and Immanuel (which needed a 1.5% swing to Labour) was lost by the Conservatives (to Labour).

Like I said. If you Conservatives think these figures are worth celebrating go and have a party. Your good at those. How much did the '30 years of Hyndburn' cost council tax payers? As for misleading people on this board, you have obviously been well tutored by the likes of PB in perfect spinology.

Last edited by g jones; 07-05-2006 at 18:03.
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Old 07-05-2006, 11:02   #45
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Re: So did you actually vote?

Calling one of your constituents stupid - that's a new angle to try and win votes!
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