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Old 19-04-2007, 08:38   #1
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Tag elderly people, says science minister

This is in today's Independant

There are few compensations to getting old but the right to be accepted as an eccentric is one of them.
We have all heard some sad tale from distraught relatives relating how grannie was found wandering the streets in her nightie in the small hours, but tagging seems a bit 'over the top'.
If I decide to go bungie jumping off Sydney harbour bridge without informing my relatives beforehand I do not expect to be stopped at the airport and be subjected to a psychriatric assessment. This could assist relatives in preventing you spending 'their inheritance'
I saw Altzheimers in action in my late father and can sympathise with any of you who are having the same problems - but tagging!!! - a step too far don't yoou think?

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Old 19-04-2007, 09:47   #2
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Re: Tag elderly people, says science minister

The link doesn't seem to work, just checked and I can't get the Independent site up as well, so perhaps it's down temporarily.

I also had a friend who had Alzheimer's, and it is very worrying when they wander off, however I too think tagging is a bit extreme.

The only old person who should be tagged on her release is the the old lady on the ASBO, who was recently jailed for her terrible anti-social behaviour.,00.html
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Old 19-04-2007, 09:55   #3
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Re: Tag elderly people, says science minister

I tried my link and its OK.
I agree about the old ASBO lady.
Tags are for criminals (and dogs) and she is one (criminal I mean )

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Old 19-04-2007, 09:56   #4
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Re: Tag elderly people, says science minister

Link working for me too now.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 19-04-2007, 10:06   #5
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Re: Tag elderly people, says science minister

I can see the reasoning behind it. I have a friend whose father has Alzheimers and although they try to watch him he sometimes gets out and gets lost which is very worrying for the whole family, especially her mother who herself is in poor health. He is very strong and gets angry with people 'imprisoning' him and also accuses them of having kidnapped his family. He doesn't recognise them as his family. It's awful.

I also remember a lovely little old lady who used to live across the road from us. She used to wander off and get lost and many times I brought her back home again when I found her. She wanted to go home but just didn't know how to get there and every time she would ask me who I was and where I lived and if I'd gone a long way out of my way to take her home. She really should have been in a nursing home or sheltered accommodation but flatly refused. In the end she burned herself to death cooking. Chip pan I think. I remember thinking what an awful end and if only she'd been looked after somewhere.

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Old 19-04-2007, 10:11   #6
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Re: Tag elderly people, says science minister

oh i just dont think its fair that we should lose our marbles when we get older... but then life isnt always fair.....
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Old 19-04-2007, 10:12   #7
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Re: Tag elderly people, says science minister

I've got my marbles in a glass jar on the windowsill.

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Old 19-04-2007, 10:15   #8
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Re: Tag elderly people, says science minister

Finally got the page to load so I've read it now. I imagine this more like a subcutaneous security chip a used for beloved pets rather than a removable ankle tag or similar used for criminals.

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Old 19-04-2007, 10:16   #9
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Re: Tag elderly people, says science minister

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
I've got my marbles in a glass jar on the windowsill.
thats where i put my teeth
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Old 19-04-2007, 10:17   #10
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Re: Tag elderly people, says science minister

I agree it is most distressing for family to see a loved relative deteriorate mentally. Our society needs to provide more sheltered accommodation. Especially since our population is due to have a greater percentage of very old people.
I am concerned that the present poorly regulated nursing home provision is an excuse to abuse and profit from the elderly. I visited many local homes (my work), albeit 20 odd years ago, (hope they are better now), and I would choose euthanasia rather than that, (if I was mentally still capable of making a choice.)

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Old 19-04-2007, 10:32   #11
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Re: Tag elderly people, says science minister

Trouble is you can't force people to go into even sheltered accommodation if they won't go. We had a situation with an elderly gentleman who was fiercely independant and it was hard to convince him that he could have the best of both worlds in a flat in a complex. Eventually after a few falls at home and not being able to alert the neighbour (who always popped in once a day so eventually he was found) he gave in and then found he actually liked his little flat better than his old house! The warden was on call at the touch of a button yet he still had his own space and his own privacy.

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Old 19-04-2007, 10:34   #12
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Re: Tag elderly people, says science minister

If you've experienced the sheer panic of 'losing' an elderly person (or a younger person with alzheimers for that matter) because they've left the house and no one knows where they are then you'll understand the severity of it. I don't think this article means tagging all old people, just vulnerable ones who are suffering some sort of mental impairment.

I've seen it happen a few times - one old lady left her house without a coat on in winter and didn't take her keys with her. The neighbours alerted the family when they saw her leaving but by the time the family had got there ten minutes later she was nowhere to be seen. They set off looking for her and eventually found her, extremely cold in the local park - she'd got lost and couldn't find her way home.

Another, who lived with her husband, let herself out of her house late at night whilst he was in the kitchen and she tried to walk all the way across Blackburn in her nighty to the house she lived in when she was a child.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 19-04-2007, 10:48   #13
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Re: Tag elderly people, says science minister

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
If you've experienced the sheer panic of 'losing' an elderly person (or a younger person with alzheimers for that matter) because they've left the house and no one knows where they are then you'll understand the severity of it. I don't think this article means tagging all old people, just vulnerable ones who are suffering some sort of mental impairment.

I've seen it happen a few times - one old lady left her house without a coat on in winter and didn't take her keys with her. The neighbours alerted the family when they saw her leaving but by the time the family had got there ten minutes later she was nowhere to be seen. They set off looking for her and eventually found her, extremely cold in the local park - she'd got lost and couldn't find her way home.

Another, who lived with her husband, let herself out of her house late at night whilst he was in the kitchen and she tried to walk all the way across Blackburn in her nighty to the house she lived in when she was a child.
My father was found wandering the corridors of sheltered housing in his pyjamas, but he couldn't get outside so came to no harm - (just gave a few liitle old ladies a surprise )
Later, in contrast, my mother was put in a nursing home (by my brother without consulting me) due to physical illheath. She was mentally very alert to the end, but spent 2 years in 2 homes (both bad ones) - a sadder way to end life.

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Old 19-04-2007, 17:41   #14
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Re: Tag elderly people, says science minister

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
She was mentally very alert to the end, but spent 2 years in 2 homes (both bad ones) - a sadder way to end life.
question ....if they were so bad why didn't you do something ?
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Old 19-04-2007, 18:07   #15
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Tag elderly people, says science minister

Has anybody seen my tag? I'm sure I was wearing it when I came out but, well, you know how it is.........
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