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23-09-2007, 16:47
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!
One day they will realise that we are being fleeced, but by then it will be to late. It seems as though we are paying the whole world but not our own.
23-09-2007, 16:50
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!
Originally Posted by Speedy
I also have a young son and the only benefit we get for him is child benefit,
The person who is getting the Child Benefit is entitled to claim Child Tax Credit. If they are single (not living together) they don't have to be working, a person on Income Support can claim it and the Jobcentre should be able to calculate whether the child element of Income Support or Child Tax Credit is the best thing for them to claim.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
23-09-2007, 18:51
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!
Originally Posted by Bagpuss
When it comes to voting in the General Election please remember this thread and vote for a party who will deal with this big problem,
I suspect that would mean abstaining from voting altogether.
23-09-2007, 19:01
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!
Originally Posted by lancsdave
I suspect that would mean abstaining from voting altogether.
Sadly that may be so but I have it worse.
24-09-2007, 02:09
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!
Nothing will ever be done in this country to stop all this until the genuine british people come together and unite which isnt going to happen ..
We live in a nanny state purely because we have allowed governments to tell us what to do.... ie dont smack , dont cane, dont do this , dont do that , dont say black but you can say white . lose the gollywog off a jar a jam because its racist........What a load of balllony .. We are to blame because we dont have the b**ls to fight back and /or the unity .. so why are we all whinging about it?????
we can all sit behind a keyboard crying about it . but at the end of the day the whole of the british population havent got the bottle to come together and stand up to a government ..(whichever one is standing at the time ) and tell them what we want .. we just go along with what they want and make do .....We will never get rid of foriegners nor will we ever beat them .. they are taking over and we are to soft and polite to do anything about it ..
24-09-2007, 04:05
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!
Originally Posted by cherokee
Nothing will ever be done in this country to stop all this until the genuine british people come together and unite which isnt going to happen ..
We live in a nanny state purely because we have allowed governments to tell us what to do.... ie dont smack , dont cane, dont do this , dont do that , dont say black but you can say white . lose the gollywog off a jar a jam because its racist........What a load of balllony .. We are to blame because we dont have the b**ls to fight back and /or the unity .. so why are we all whinging about it?????
we can all sit behind a keyboard crying about it . but at the end of the day the whole of the british population havent got the bottle to come together and stand up to a government ..(whichever one is standing at the time ) and tell them what we want .. we just go along with what they want and make do .....We will never get rid of foriegners nor will we ever beat them .. they are taking over and we are to soft and polite to do anything about it ..
Karma on its way .......good post
24-09-2007, 07:58
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!
Originally Posted by cherokee
Nothing will ever be done in this country to stop all this until the genuine british people come together and unite which isnt going to happen ..
We live in a nanny state purely because we have allowed governments to tell us what to do.... ie dont smack , dont cane, dont do this , dont do that , dont say black but you can say white . lose the gollywog off a jar a jam because its racist........What a load of balllony .. We are to blame because we dont have the b**ls to fight back and /or the unity .. so why are we all whinging about it?????
we can all sit behind a keyboard crying about it . but at the end of the day the whole of the british population havent got the bottle to come together and stand up to a government ..(whichever one is standing at the time ) and tell them what we want .. we just go along with what they want and make do .....We will never get rid of foriegners nor will we ever beat them .. they are taking over and we are to soft and polite to do anything about it ..
totally agree with you there
take the french for example: if they don't like something their government comes out with they go on national strike, barricade the ports and make the whole country come to a standstill untill the government makes a u turn
untill we as a nation stand up to the government nothing will ever be done
karma on its way!
24-09-2007, 08:13
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!
Originally Posted by cherokee
Nothing will ever be done in this country to stop all this until the genuine british people come together and unite which isnt going to happen ..
We live in a nanny state purely because we have allowed governments to tell us what to do.... ie dont smack , dont cane, dont do this , dont do that , dont say black but you can say white . lose the gollywog off a jar a jam because its racist........What a load of balllony .. We are to blame because we dont have the b**ls to fight back and /or the unity .. so why are we all whinging about it?????
we can all sit behind a keyboard crying about it . but at the end of the day the whole of the british population havent got the bottle to come together and stand up to a government ..(whichever one is standing at the time ) and tell them what we want .. we just go along with what they want and make do .....We will never get rid of foriegners nor will we ever beat them .. they are taking over and we are to soft and polite to do anything about it ..
good post well said.
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24-09-2007, 12:11
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!
Originally Posted by cherokee
Nothing will ever be done in this country to stop all this until the genuine british people come together and unite which isnt going to happen ..
We live in a nanny state purely because we have allowed governments to tell us what to do.... ie dont smack , dont cane, dont do this , dont do that , dont say black but you can say white . lose the gollywog off a jar a jam because its racist........What a load of balllony .. We are to blame because we dont have the b**ls to fight back and /or the unity .. so why are we all whinging about it?????
we can all sit behind a keyboard crying about it . but at the end of the day the whole of the british population havent got the bottle to come together and stand up to a government ..(whichever one is standing at the time ) and tell them what we want .. we just go along with what they want and make do .....We will never get rid of foriegners nor will we ever beat them .. they are taking over and we are to soft and polite to do anything about it ..
Good Post.
It winds me up that foriegners have more rights and get treated better than us, you just know they are laughing at easy pickings Britan. 
Everything is OK
24-09-2007, 13:22
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!
Its not just money, they are entitled to medical help, they take jobs at a minimum wage, which seems good to them but how can an English person live and bring up a family on only minimum wage, they are taking all the rented houses, its getting out of hand but it seems there is nothing we can do about it.
24-09-2007, 13:56
Accy Red
Re: Child benefit to Poland!
Originally Posted by cherokee
Nothing will ever be done in this country to stop all this until the genuine british people come together and unite which isnt going to happen ..
We live in a nanny state purely because we have allowed governments to tell us what to do.... ie dont smack , dont cane, dont do this , dont do that , dont say black but you can say white . lose the gollywog off a jar a jam because its racist........What a load of balllony .. We are to blame because we dont have the b**ls to fight back and /or the unity .. so why are we all whinging about it?????
we can all sit behind a keyboard crying about it . but at the end of the day the whole of the british population havent got the bottle to come together and stand up to a government ..(whichever one is standing at the time ) and tell them what we want .. we just go along with what they want and make do .....We will never get rid of foriegners nor will we ever beat them .. they are taking over and we are to soft and polite to do anything about it ..
Cherokee you are a star and I wish we had more people like you living in this country. I mentioned earlier in the thread that the British just winge and never actually do anything about it, people never give up there is always something that you can do. 
"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
24-09-2007, 15:13
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!
Well,let's here it then, what can we as individuals do. Vote Conservative at the next election?
Where will that get us?
Organise a National Strike? Er,there will be a ready pool of strike breakers.
Emigrate? Can't beat them then join them?
I for one haven't got an answer.
24-09-2007, 16:16
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!
well done cherokee i second every sentiment
of your thread things will not change
whilst governments may change... ministers never do
and its ministers that make desicions politicians only implement them
its just
like i've never been gone
24-09-2007, 17:39
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!
I know that the asians have been doing this for years now. My friend used to work for the benefit agency and she told me that a particular asian had been claiming for 5 children in Pakistan. Now what i dont understand is for one why do they get to claim when they havent paid into the system and two why the government lets them. a family member lives in Saudi Arabia for 10 months out of the year where her husband works but she still pays into her NI in England. When she was last home she had a letter saying that she wasnt entitled to National Insurance because she lived out of the country. Needless to say she gave them what for and they had no right to try and take it away when she had paid into it all her working life. So why is it so easily given away???
24-09-2007, 17:47
Beacon of light
Re: Child benefit to Poland!
Cherokee, I agree with a lot of your sentiments, but we can tell governments what we want......but do you think that they will listen?
Look at the number of people who got off their butt cheeks and demonstrated against the government on the Iraq issue......did it make any difference? No....of course it didn't. That is because, politicians will promise anything to get elected...once elected they jump on the gravy train and do what they damn well please......and bu88er the electorate that put them in place. British people still believe that the right way is through 'due process' and the ballot box.....despite have experience that proves otherwise.
It was still a very thought provoking post though.
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It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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