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29-12-2007, 09:42
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How many more times
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29-12-2007, 10:31
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Re: How many more times
As usual the pet is put down and all because too many people are not responsible enough to have children and/or pets. I wouldn't mind knowing why a 1 year old is in a yard with a dog that is not living at the same property, and where were the parents and dog owners?
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
29-12-2007, 16:34
☆ V.I.P Member ☆
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Re: How many more times
apparantly the little lads cousin was holding him and as soon as the lad opened the back door the dog snatched the tot off him and mauled him.
the dog was a family pet, a two and a half year old female Rottweiler, which the family had owned for about six months.
Although the dog lived in the yard of the premises, it had interacted with members of the family including children, and another dog and cat at the house, and had showed no previous signs of any aggression.
it just goes to show a dog can turn at any time
very tragic
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29-12-2007, 16:36
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Re: How many more times
As a responsible dog owner myself it sickens me to read such tragic stories like this..not only tragic for the family but also the dog..
I saw this on the news earlier today. isn't it funny that they are instantly jumping to the "dangerous dogs"debate rather than the 1 year old, a 6 year old and a 7 year old were all being "looked after" by their 16 year old auntie..... who was upstairs at the time of the attack!!!!!
The statement that the one year old was "snatched from the 7 year olds arms" by the dog has come from the 7 year old who was the only one there at the time!
Death puts spotlight on dog laws
The fatal attack on a one-year-old boy by a pet rottweiler comes almost exactly a year after five-year-old Ellie Lawrenson was killed by her uncle's dog.
It is certain to reignite the debate about how to deal with dangerous dogs and the legisation covering them - which was introduced after a series of attacks and has been widely criticised as rushed and ineffective.
Indeed, the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 was cited in a BBC Radio 4 poll last January of laws the public would most like to see revoked.
It bans the breeding, sale or exchange of four kinds of dogs: pit bull terriers, Japanese tosas, the dogo Argentinos and the fila brasileiros. Cross-breeds of these are also covered by the law.
The RSPCA says it is wrong to "criminalise" individual breeds of dog, but this latest death will put rottweilers firmly in the spotlight - particularly coming just a fortnight after the amputation of kennel worker Mandy Peynado's arm after she was mauled by a rottweiler at Knightwood Kennels, near Salisbury, Wiltshire.
Chris Window, from the Rottweiler Club, said there were tens of thousands of rottweilers in the UK and it was very uncommon for attacks to take place.
Banned dog
"The vast majority of rottweilers never get involved in any incidents," he said.
But Mr Window said the rottweiler is "a very strong dog" and added: "When these incidents do happen the injuries sustained are quite significant."
And he stressed that young children should never be left alone with any breed of dog.
I own what could be described as powerful dogs,but there again no child would be left alone around mine,although i trust mine implicitly i as a responsible owner would never allow it to happen..
29-12-2007, 16:38
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Re: How many more times
there was a story a few months ago with two jack russels attacking a small child.... why didnt this make the front cover of the paper it only seems to be big dogs that do.... it annoys me soooooooooooo much.
yummy mummy !!!!!!
29-12-2007, 16:49
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Re: How many more times
It's not the dogs. It's the dog owners.
29-12-2007, 16:50
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Re: How many more times
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
It's not the dogs. It's the dog owners.
i agree.................
yummy mummy !!!!!!
29-12-2007, 16:51
☆ V.I.P Member ☆
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Re: How many more times
iv always said this....if that dog is treated badly then it will eventually turn and then god help the person whos in the way!
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29-12-2007, 16:59
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Re: How many more times
Originally Posted by panther
iv always said this....if that dog is treated badly then it will eventually turn and then god help the person whos in the way!
just a shame its usually a child or baby
yummy mummy !!!!!!
29-12-2007, 17:01
☆ V.I.P Member ☆
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Re: How many more times
probably because they are less of a threat ...get the weakest?
"Dont make someone a priority if your only an option!!"
29-12-2007, 17:05
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: How many more times
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
It's not the dogs. It's the dog owners.
It's both, some dogs just aren't right for the home environment no matter how well it normally behaves, any dog can turn nasty.
Good training for both the dog and the owner should be compulsory anyone not willing to submit to the time or expense of learning to control and be watchful of this potential killer should be banned from keeping them.
I loved my dogs and they all lived to a very old age but I would never, ever, leave them alone with children no matter how much I thought I could trust them, it only needs a few seconds of a toddler trying to stick his fingers in the dogs eye, (because the child knows no better), for the animal to show what is under the thin veneer of domesticity!

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29-12-2007, 17:10
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Re: How many more times
what about pit bulls though...is it the owners or the temprement of the dog
yummy mummy !!!!!!
29-12-2007, 17:10
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Re: How many more times
The Wolfman documentary was repeated on tv last night
The Wolfman - New Documentary Series on FIVE, Friday May 18 | Documentary | News | Throng
All dogs are descendants of wolves, and the programme gave remarkable insight into dog behaviour.
All creatures resort to basic instincts when stressed. We need to understand the way our animals think -- sadly few pet owners take the trouble to find out
ps - just read there in the comments, that it is on Youtube listed as ' shaun ellis - wolfman ' , in 6 parts
Last edited by MargaretR; 29-12-2007 at 17:15.
29-12-2007, 17:22
☆ V.I.P Member ☆
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Re: How many more times
The Wolfman documentary was repeated on tv last night
The Wolfman - New Documentary Series on FIVE, Friday May 18 | Documentary | News | Throng
All dogs are descendants of wolves, and the programme gave remarkable insight into dog behaviour.
All creatures resort to basic instincts when stressed. We need to understand the way our animals think -- sadly few pet owners take the trouble to find out
ps - just read there in the comments, that it is on Youtube listed as ' shaun ellis - wolfman ' , in 6 parts
oh i watched that last night....loved it, my daughter loves wolves and all she could say is 'awww cute'
now she wants one!!
ok back to topic.............
"Dont make someone a priority if your only an option!!"
29-12-2007, 17:35
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: How many more times
Originally Posted by kathleen_firth
what about pit bulls though...is it the owners or the temprement of the dog
If you have a certain type of dog then you should have been responsible enough to find out the typical temperament of that animal, no dog, no matter what the breed should be trusted on it's own with a child, both for the childs sake and for the poor dog!
Responsible ownership will help prevent these incidents happening they are not accidents they are mishaps that could often have been prevented with a little forethought and care for all those involved be they human or animal.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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