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View Poll Results: If a General Election were called tomorrow which way would you vote?
Labour 9 25.00%
Conservative 16 44.44%
Liberal Democrat 2 5.56%
Other 9 25.00%
Voters: 36. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 22-04-2008, 09:32   #61
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Re: General Election Tomorrow

oh right, i didnt know that, thanks katex
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Old 22-04-2008, 09:47   #62
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Re: General Election Tomorrow

Originally Posted by katex View Post
The good thing in the U.K. Yolanda is, even if you haven't voted, you do still have the right of free speech.
That may well be true katex, but if you don't vote you can have no qualms about the predicament you find yourself in, you have a choise, even if you go to the poll and spoil your paper as a protest, you have expressed an opionion
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Old 22-04-2008, 09:56   #63
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Re: General Election Tomorrow

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
That may well be true katex, but if you don't vote you can have no qualms about the predicament you find yourself in, you have a choise, even if you go to the poll and spoil your paper as a protest, you have expressed an opionion
Whats the difference between spoiling your paper and abstaining ? Surely the end result is the same.
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Old 22-04-2008, 10:41   #64
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Re: General Election Tomorrow

I once said I'd like a "none of the above shower cause your all rubbish" box so we can actually get the message across to the MPs that we don't think they do a good job.

I enjoy a political debate(although Julie always tells me to shut up at Accyweb meets when we start one ) but no-one comes knocking at my door because I live in a traditional Tory area its seen as a lost cause.

What I'd like is an answer from Greg Pope to the following question

" As you initially raised the bill against the removal of 10p Tax are you going to vote against the budget at next weeks vote or follow the party whip as you usually do?"

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Old 22-04-2008, 10:56   #65
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Re: General Election Tomorrow

Originally Posted by entwisi View Post
I once said I'd like a "none of the above shower cause your all rubbish" box so we can actually get the message across to the MPs that we don't think they do a good job.

I enjoy a political debate(although Julie always tells me to shut up at Accyweb meets when we start one ) but no-one comes knocking at my door because I live in a traditional Tory area its seen as a lost cause.

What I'd like is an answer from Greg Pope to the following question

" As you initially raised the bill against the removal of 10p Tax are you going to vote against the budget at next weeks vote or follow the party whip as you usually do?"
He'll answer on the 2nd May
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Old 22-04-2008, 11:01   #66
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Re: General Election Tomorrow

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Whats the difference between spoiling your paper and abstaining ? Surely the end result is the same.
But at least you have given your 3 minutes to tell those in power what you think, in a two words NOT MUCH, maybe if more peope who are disillusioned recorded a spoiled voting slip and there were thousands at every count the penny may just drop, but even the I wouldn't be holding my breathe
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Old 22-04-2008, 15:40   #67
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Re: General Election Tomorrow

Originally Posted by Yolanda25 View Post
i never vote,never listen to politicians, my mum always said that if i dont vote i dont have the rite of speech later on if i want to complain
Yolanda, I think what your Mum means is that if you haven't made the effort to cast your vote, (you don't have to leave the house to do it these days, now you can request a postal vote.) then you can hardly complain about whoever finishes up being did nothing to stop them getting in power.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
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Old 22-04-2008, 19:48   #68
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Re: General Election Tomorrow

Originally Posted by Cyfr View Post
Thought this was a bit odd so decided to paste what the Conservatives stand for:

Giving people more opportunity and power over their lives

Making families stronger and society more responsible

Making Britain safer and greener

Doesn't sound like a bad thing to me.
Doesn't sound like anything to me. When you strip away the jargon and the cliches you are left with "a tale told by an idiot ... signifying nothing"
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Old 22-04-2008, 19:54   #69
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Re: General Election Tomorrow

It could be worse ... both major parties in Canada are under investigation by the RCMP and Elections Canada (they oversee the raising and spending of money on elections campaigns). The only honest parties are the NDP (Labour), the Bloc Quebecois (not hard to figure out what they want), and the Greens. None of those three have a cat in hells chance of winnning. So for most Canadians it is a choice between the least crooked. Jeez. What is likely to happen is that Canadians will stay away from the polls in droves. Sounds like that may be a good choice for you guys too.
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Old 22-04-2008, 20:09   #70
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Re: General Election Tomorrow

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
I disagree with your first satement Margaret, if like in my case and I'm sure in Graham Joneses case, you decide to get involved in politics at an early Age (I started at 16, some 46 years ago) The fact is I am committed Conservative and would stick with them through thick and thin, although I may not always agree with the Party line, but thats democratic politics Margaret, and if you get involve your in it up to your neck I'm afraid. As for your other points, couldn't agree more, but we also have to remember that not all MPs are bad and sleazy, I may not like Greg Pope's politics, but I like him as a person and there is nothing that tells me he has done anything to be classed with some of his fellow MPs who are less than honest, and I mean from all parties. The point is though Margeret we are talking about the issues which can only be for the better
I can't see how you can vote for something that you feel is that not mindless following?
How do you change things when you don't agree with what the party as a whole stands for?
And as for democracy, the only way that could be achieved is if there was a system that truly represented the wishes of the electorate...or at least the majority of the electorate......and you will never get true representation until there is proportional representation.....that really would be democracy.
And I do realise that not all politicians are involved in sleaze, but the one who are give the rest a bad name. Most politicians are involved in 'spin', which to me is just another euphemism for lies.
As soon as a politician opens their mouth I am thinking to myself 'how much of this is true?'

I am not apathetic about voting.....I am just disillusioned and disappointed by people saying what they are going to do and it doesn't happen.
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Old 22-04-2008, 21:59   #71
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Re: General Election Tomorrow

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Doesn't sound like anything to me. When you strip away the jargon and the cliches you are left with "a tale told by an idiot ... signifying nothing"
Exactimundo. Karma for you, hoss!
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Old 22-04-2008, 22:00   #72
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Re: General Election Tomorrow

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
Exactimundo. Karma for you, hoss!
Well I would, but apparently I've got to 'share it around' (innuendo obviously strategically placed by Roy) before I give karma to you again.

Have a tin of Spam instead:
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Old 23-04-2008, 09:35   #73
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Re: General Election Tomorrow

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I can't see how you can vote for something that you feel is that not mindless following?
How do you change things when you don't agree with what the party as a whole stands for?
And as for democracy, the only way that could be achieved is if there was a system that truly represented the wishes of the electorate...or at least the majority of the electorate......and you will never get true representation until there is proportional representation.....that really would be democracy.
And I do realise that not all politicians are involved in sleaze, but the one who are give the rest a bad name. Most politicians are involved in 'spin', which to me is just another euphemism for lies.
As soon as a politician opens their mouth I am thinking to myself 'how much of this is true?'

I am not apathetic about voting.....I am just disillusioned and disappointed by people saying what they are going to do and it doesn't happen.
I can see your point of view Margaret and can't say that I don't agree with you to a point, but when you are totally involved in party politics as I was for many years, it is just a little different, although I don't agree with P. R. that way you are opening the door to the likes of the BNP and nobody wants that I'm sure
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Old 23-04-2008, 12:43   #74
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Re: General Election Tomorrow

Well Jaysay, then it isn't real democracy if you don't take into consideration the views of the electorate....and the way to keep out the BNP is to make your own party politics more inviting/relevant, and tackle issues that are the concerns of the voting public, better than they do.
I'm sure that a lot of political apathy boils down to the fact that people feel that their vote won't change anything......and maybe a bit of competition from different parties would open up the race a bit.
We have three main parties at present and two of them could be virtually one party....though i don't suppose you would agree with that.
Like I say, come the election, I will head for the polling station with a blindfold and a pin.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 23-04-2008, 13:06   #75
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Re: General Election Tomorrow

im not voting this time, they all p..s in one pot.wast of time whoever get in no good for this town its dead any way shops all going no work.thay all promise you all sorts then nothing gets done. time wasters.
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