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Old 18-06-2008, 21:54   #16
Apprentice Geriatric
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Cool Re: Irish Lottery Scam

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
fair comment jim, but back then no-one had TV, n there have been countless warnings on telly, papers,radio, about differant cons, so i reckon greed was a factor.
Greed could well have been a factor but not greedy greed. More of a chance of here is an opportunity for her luck to change. Being an old lady she was probably a pensioner existing on what this government laughingly calls a pension. All it needs is a persuasive person.

There have been several programmes where obviously well educated people have been conned.

I grant you that I don’t watch the telly all that much but I do make a point of watching the news but I haven’t heard of a recent warning about the Irish Lottery scam. There could have been one but I didn’t hear about it.
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Old 18-06-2008, 22:18   #17
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Irish Lottery Scam

So, how old is an old woman? Is she my age? My granddaughter thinks I'm positively ancient and, should I have the misfortune to be reported about in the press, I would be given the patronising title "Pensioner" (suggesting feebleness and senility). Well I'm 65 and, despite what you may think, I'm "all there". I don't expect my common sense to deteriorate within the next 20 years, either, but if dementia does creep up I would think I'd be incapable of using a credit or debit card anyway.

The way I see it, there's a hard and fast rule about giving out card details. If you've approached them - to buy something etc. - fine (if you trust them). If they approach you - by phone, email or whatever - divulge nothing.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 18-06-2008, 22:21   #18
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Re: Irish Lottery Scam

i think old is 98
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Old 18-06-2008, 22:33   #19
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Cool Re: Irish Lottery Scam

Originally Posted by West Ender View Post
So, how old is an old woman? Is she my age? My granddaughter thinks I'm positively ancient and, should I have the misfortune to be reported about in the press, I would be given the patronising title "Pensioner" (suggesting feebleness and senility). Well I'm 65 and, despite what you may think, I'm "all there". I don't expect my common sense to deteriorate within the next 20 years, either, but if dementia does creep up I would think I'd be incapable of using a credit or debit card anyway.

The way I see it, there's a hard and fast rule about giving out card details. If you've approached them - to buy something etc. - fine (if you trust them). If they approach you - by phone, email or whatever - divulge nothing.
You know the hard and fast rule, as do I and many other people. This old lady obviously did not or the person calling was very persuasive.

I don’t see “Pensioner” as being patronising, nor does it suggest feebleness and senility to me. My view of a pensioner is someone who has managed to retire from the daily grind of having to earn a living. Age doesn’t come into it.

A pensioner is a person who draws a pension usually but not limited to a retirement pension.
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Old 19-06-2008, 01:08   #20
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Re: Irish Lottery Scam

[quote=jambutty;594764]Greed could well have been a factor but not greedy greed. More of a chance of here is an opportunity for her luck to change. Being an old lady she was probably a pensioner existing on what this government laughingly calls a pension. All it needs is a persuasive person.

There have been several programmes where obviously well educated people have been conned.

I grant you that I don’t watch the telly all that much but I do make a point of watching the news but I haven’t heard of a recent warning about the Irish Lottery scam. There could have been one but I didn’t hear about it.[/quote
Seem to remember one of the Directors of a large bank got his I.D stolen and got stuffed for a few grand curtasy of his own security service.Bet he got his money backBy the way some pensioners do very well, it's that not many know their rights and they are not told unless they ask
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Old 19-06-2008, 06:32   #21
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Re: Irish Lottery Scam

I think it was jeremey clarkson actually

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Old 19-06-2008, 07:00   #22
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Re: Irish Lottery Scam

I wouldnt be too hard on this old lady, I think EVERYBODY has been scammed or ripped off at some point in thier life, if not, they are exceedingly clever, lucky, or are scammers, people always have and always will be scammed, as long as money changes hands and the banks do so little to help the unfortunate people out, designers come up with ideas all the time to protect cardholders, but if someone is clever enough to do that, there are criminals clever enough to get round it, and they have an added incentive, greed, its back to making the punishment fit the crime in my eyes.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 19-06-2008, 09:44   #23
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Re: Irish Lottery Scam

Originally Posted by flashytart View Post
i think old is 98
I think old is 62 I've 4 weeks to go
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Old 19-06-2008, 09:49   #24
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Re: Irish Lottery Scam

The point is with scams like this how many times do we hear the word if it sounds to good to be true it probably is, with the number of times these things are highlighted on TV is incredible that anybody falls for it any more no matter what their age is, its the same as bogus workmen, always ask for ID and check it, and not just a quick flash of a card.
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Old 19-06-2008, 11:38   #25
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Re: Irish Lottery Scam

Poor woman. I never give my card details to anyone and shred everything, its the safest way. If anyone wants to try putting the shredding back together they will have to remove remove hamster droppings first lol
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Old 19-06-2008, 15:23   #26
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Re: Irish Lottery Scam

Originally Posted by Debbie J View Post
Poor woman. I never give my card details to anyone and shred everything, its the safest way. If anyone wants to try putting the shredding back together they will have to remove remove hamster droppings first lol
You shred hamster droppings.
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Old 19-06-2008, 18:01   #27
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Irish Lottery Scam

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
I don’t see “Pensioner” as being patronising, nor does it suggest feebleness and senility to me. My view of a pensioner is someone who has managed to retire from the daily grind of having to earn a living. Age doesn’t come into it.

A pensioner is a person who draws a pension usually but not limited to a retirement pension.

Yes, I know the literal meaning of pensioner. What I mean is that the Press often uses the term to indicate a degree of pathos which I, personally, would not wish to have attributed to me. I have received 2 pensions since I was widowed, at the age of 53, but at that age I would not have been classed by the media as a "pensioner". I'm still the same person, albeit no longer running myself ragged running a home and a job, and no more frail or vulnerable, just 12 years older.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 18-08-2008, 21:26   #28
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Re: Irish Lottery Scam

There is a report in tonights Telegraph about a poor eighty two year old lady being conned out of £35,000 on a Spanish lottery scam. She has been paying large sums to different Spanish banks in the belief that it was taxes on her winnings. Surely if someone elderly starts making unusual payments like this the bank should get suspicious and question why!!!
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Old 18-08-2008, 21:34   #29
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Re: Irish Lottery Scam

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
There is a report in tonights Telegraph about a poor eighty two year old lady being conned out of £35,000 on a Spanish lottery scam. She has been paying large sums to different Spanish banks in the belief that it was taxes on her winnings. Surely if someone elderly starts making unusual payments like this the bank should get suspicious and question why!!!
I read this in the paper today.

It's very sad and also quite frustrating that it's happened again as it's not the first time by a long way that a story of this kind has been in the news.

These fraudsters do tend to target the elderly....when will people ever learn?
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
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Old 19-08-2008, 09:51   #30
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Re: Irish Lottery Scam

Originally Posted by Lilly View Post
I read this in the paper today.

It's very sad and also quite frustrating that it's happened again as it's not the first time by a long way that a story of this kind has been in the news.

These fraudsters do tend to target the elderly....when will people ever learn?
Why are the GPO still delivering this rubbish, these things are usualy posted from an Engish address, and there has been enough said on news programs, and the likes of Watchdog, even so if these mail shots are coming from abroad they know exactly what they contain, that is unless they are thick that is. Surely they are not that hard up for buisness that they have to keep dealing with these conmen, specially when they know they are conmen
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