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Old 20-09-2008, 15:26   #1
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
What use is a Million pounds?

So, we hear that the 'Author' J K Rowling has generously donated £1,000,000 to the Labour party.

Harry Potter author JK Rowling gives £1 million to Labour - Telegraph

Oh Joy I thought until I saw how Labour in debt for 17.8 MILLION! Dont't plan to use the money to help pay of their debt, Oh, No, they will use it to:-

allow the party to continue with its work.
Now I'm No Conservative, but a million pounds paid off a debt means I would at least be trying to straighten my economical deficit, that would suggest to me that I could perhaps trust Labour with my Country's Economy. I can't understand, however that they given the amount they owe can choose how the money is spent.

If it was you or I, the cheque would rightfully be swallowed paying off our debtor's, come on Labour of all the rubbish parties we have to choose from, I for one consider this is a shot in the foot!

Given the Economic climate it won't be long before you drag out the, 'work together, tighten our belts', Clichés, please, please, lead by example pay your debts.
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Old 20-09-2008, 15:33   #2
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Re: What use is a Million pounds?

It should go towards paying off their debt. What an irresponsible example to set for the rest of the country.

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Old 20-09-2008, 17:21   #3
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Re: What use is a Million pounds?

J.K.Rowling was in receipt of unemployment benefit over a period of several years while she was busy writing the first of the Harry Potter novels. In other words, she was not available for employment and was thus involved in a fraudulent claim against the benefit office.

I would assume, therefore that the million quid this woman is forking out to the labour party is nowt less than a bribe to keep the long arm of the law away. If this government had any principles they would by now have brought her before a court of law, had her locked up and seized her assets - all six hundred million quid.
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Old 20-09-2008, 17:23   #4
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Re: What use is a Million pounds?

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
J.K.Rowling was in receipt of unemployment benefit over a period of several years while she was busy writing the first of the Harry Potter novels. In other words, she was not available for employment and was thus involved in a fraudulent claim against the benefit office.

I would assume, therefore that the million quid this woman is forking out to the labour party is nowt less than a bribe to keep the long arm of the law away. If this government had any principles they would by now have brought her before a court of law, had her locked up and seized her assets - all six hundred million quid.

Or just ask her to pay it back

Would save the goverment a lot of money instead of dragging her through court and sending her to prison
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Old 20-09-2008, 17:28   #5
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Re: What use is a Million pounds?

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
J.K.Rowling was in receipt of unemployment benefit over a period of several years while she was busy writing the first of the Harry Potter novels. In other words, she was not available for employment and was thus involved in a fraudulent claim against the benefit office.

I would assume, therefore that the million quid this woman is forking out to the labour party is nowt less than a bribe to keep the long arm of the law away. If this government had any principles they would by now have brought her before a court of law, had her locked up and seized her assets - all six hundred million quid.
what a load of rubbish!!
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 20-09-2008, 20:09   #6
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Re: What use is a Million pounds?

That is the most outrageous claim I've ever heard.

Writing the book didn't make her unavailable for employment, she was a single mum! She would have paid tax on the money she earned from publishing the book so I'm pretty sure she paid much more back in tax than she received in benefits.

Some people are just bitter.

As for the way Labour are choosing to spend the money, I think it could make sense because investment into other things could generate more money to pay off more of the debt...

...but investment doesn't seem like that brilliant of a thing right now so I wouldn't get my hopes up on that

I can't imagine wanting to give that kind of money to a political party. Bob Geldof and Bono are trying to save africa, amongst many other celebrities, and good old J K Rowling wants to save Labour. You couldn't make it up could you really.
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Old 20-09-2008, 20:44   #7
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Re: What use is a Million pounds?

Dame Rowling would look good on the next book cover

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Old 20-09-2008, 21:01   #8
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Re: What use is a Million pounds?

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Dame Rowling would look good on the next book cover
Naughty Naughty.This is clearly a case of Gordon teaching the nation to be PRUDENT.Stuff the bills and use the money to find a new job.I wish him well.
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Old 21-09-2008, 15:28   #9
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Cool Re: What use is a Million pounds?

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
J.K.Rowling was in receipt of unemployment benefit over a period of several years while she was busy writing the first of the Harry Potter novels. In other words, she was not available for employment and was thus involved in a fraudulent claim against the benefit office.

I would assume, therefore that the million quid this woman is forking out to the labour party is nowt less than a bribe to keep the long arm of the law away. If this government had any principles they would by now have brought her before a court of law, had her locked up and seized her assets - all six hundred million quid.
Absolute and total codswallop!
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Old 21-09-2008, 21:38   #10

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Re: What use is a Million pounds?

It might not be true but it does pose an interesting question.

If you write a book and then publish it to make money, which period of the writing/publishing/publicising etc do you class as working?

Surely the time spent writing the book must be classed as working if you get paid for it in the end.
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Old 21-09-2008, 22:05   #11
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Re: What use is a Million pounds?

Perhaps she was writing in her spare time. The rest of the time she was officially unemployed.

I'm fairly sure she'll have come off the social after the first book so writing would have been her job after that.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 21-09-2008, 22:16   #12
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Re: What use is a Million pounds?

I have been writing a book for about 4 years. I write it when I have time to spare and the "muse" is on me.

If I ever finish it and submit it for publication, and if it is accepted and published, I might make some money from it. The money would be taxed in the year in which it was earned, i.e. the year when I received payment. Any time spent preparing the book for publication and payment could not be classed as "earning" time as there would be no reward during this period. Until such time as it became lucrative, which might be never, it could only be classed as a hobby.
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Old 21-09-2008, 22:26   #13
I am Banned

Re: What use is a Million pounds?

Is that figure right, 600 million quid. How do you make that much from a series of books. If she maybe gets 1 quid or even 2 quid for every book sold, how does it come to 600 million, how many books has she actually sold, even film rights wouldn't bring it to that figure surely.

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Old 21-09-2008, 23:27   #14
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Re: What use is a Million pounds?

Originally Posted by Retlaw View Post
Is that figure right, 600 million quid. How do you make that much from a series of books. If she maybe gets 1 quid or even 2 quid for every book sold, how does it come to 600 million, how many books has she actually sold, even film rights wouldn't bring it to that figure surely.

Well.If she got £1 quid it would be 600 million But if she got £2 quid it would be 300 million.
Maths over for the day. - English next!!!!
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Old 21-09-2008, 23:39   #15
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Re: What use is a Million pounds?

Originally Posted by Benipete View Post
Well.If she got £1 quid it would be 600 million But if she got £2 quid it would be 300 million.
Maths over for the day. - English next!!!!
Got that one wrong again
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