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Old 07-11-2008, 16:42   #31
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Angry Re: Third Mosque for Accrington

The day that Islam takes over the UK draws ever closer.

Sharia law has now been integrated into British law. Any judgement made in a Sharia court will be rubber stamped by the British courts to give it full UK legal authority.

By the end of the 21st century the UK will be an Islamic country in all but name. Towns like Blackburn, Accrington, Bradford etc will be Islamic towns where non Muslims will be second class citizens unless they convert to Islam. But the chances are that by then non Muslims will have been quietly pushed out or left of their own accord.

That’s what has happened on a smaller scale in first streets, then areas, then districts. Veni Vidi Vici could have been coined for Islam rather than the Romans.
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Old 07-11-2008, 17:01   #32
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Re: Third Mosque for Accrington

The Romans didn't colonise us in quite the way you describe.
They were more like an army of occupation which left.

They established a system of government, sent taxes back to Rome, and established town style living.

They left as the empire declined, in order to defend other parts of the empire.

When they left, the small percentage that stayed were not true Romans, but persons who had been resident in other parts of the empire and who had been granted Roman citizenship due to army service. Most of them had never even been to Rome.
They stayed because they had integrated and married locals.

It always amazes me that people conclude that one small city can produce enough people to invade and rule an empire - they didn't - the term 'roman' applied to many nationalities who happen to have served in the roman army.

Our local fort at Ribchester housed 2 cavalry garrisons who originated in Iberia and, what is now, Hungary.

After the Romans left the system of government broke down and there followed 'the Dark Ages'.

Last edited by MargaretR; 07-11-2008 at 17:08.
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Old 07-11-2008, 17:28   #33
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Cool Re: Third Mosque for Accrington

I am amazed that from just three Latin words you have managed to assume that I was describing how the Romans colonised the British Isles or at least part of them.

And then launched into a brief history lesson taking the thread totally off topic.
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Old 07-11-2008, 17:33   #34
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Re: Third Mosque for Accrington

Perhaps you need to be able to say those 3 little words in Urdu in order to avoid being misconstrued

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Old 07-11-2008, 17:45   #35
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Cool Re: Third Mosque for Accrington

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Perhaps you need to be able to say those 3 little words in Urdu in order to avoid being misconstrued
Perhaps you should try and overcome your overwhelming desire to make a post even if it drags the thread off topic.

Your turn!
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Old 08-11-2008, 10:31   #36
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Re: Third Mosque for Accrington

They stayed because they had married locals Margaret, where have I heard that before, seems the Yanks did that during the last war
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Old 08-11-2008, 14:46   #37
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Re: Third Mosque for Accrington

Could someone define what a mosque is? According to the Lancashire Council of Mosques there are only 4 mosques in the Audley Range area and I know there are at least 17 places of worship for Asians between the Fountains pub on Accrington Rd and Bennington St and that doesn't include groups held in private homes. That road is probably about 2 or 3 miles long. There are 2 churches as well.
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Old 08-11-2008, 23:03   #38
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Re: Third Mosque for Accrington

Garinda The Mosque in Dublin is a show piece to show Europe how tolerant the Irish are
thats all that really is.When in Rome do as the romans do stands here with reasonable tolerance to different cultures.
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Old 09-11-2008, 00:09   #39
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Re: Third Mosque for Accrington

Originally Posted by Gordie View Post
Garinda The Mosque in Dublin is a show piece to show Europe how tolerant the Irish are
Did I say it was anything else?

It looks jolly nice, and I'm sure the Republic of Ireland's 32,000 + Muslims enjoy worshipping there, plus anyone else who visits the community centre.
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Old 09-11-2008, 00:39   #40
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Re: Third Mosque for Accrington

This Dublin Mosque looks remarkably like an old Christian church.
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'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 09-11-2008, 20:24   #41
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Re: Third Mosque for Accrington

ffs i wish jambutty would stop goin on about sharia - when it happens i'll make sure we implement it on you first yeah? i'll be the one with the whip....

as for this mosque - i hope it doesnt go through. there's no need for it. tariq ali is a bag of hot air which is why he didnt get elected. i do hope it gets made into a kids play area - a footy pitch or something. THATS needed a mosque isnt. the one just up from willows lane barely gets full on daily prayers and they all go to grimshaw st mosque for the friday prayers which still doesnt get full. only on the rare funerals i've seen that place get full and on eid prayers.

its in a bad location too - if possible they should seek to extend the grimshaw st site esp wtih the derelict site near by.
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Old 09-11-2008, 20:30   #42
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Re: Third Mosque for Accrington

Originally Posted by mani View Post
ffs i wish jambutty would stop goin on about sharia - when it happens i'll make sure we implement it on you first yeah? i'll be the one with the whip....
Oh dear Mani...... now hes gunna call you kinky
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Old 09-11-2008, 20:55   #43
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Re: Third Mosque for Accrington

Originally Posted by K-P View Post
At least theres no nuns in a mosque...
At least you can see the full face of a nun.

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Old 09-11-2008, 23:27   #44

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Re: Third Mosque for Accrington

Bought some postage stamps the other day from the asian post office on avenue parade ..... instead of the qheens head on them there was a picture of claudia jones ///civil rights activist. on them. I felt like giving them back and saying sorry i want british stamps with our queen on them not some activist.. what the hell is going on in this country. in a few years WE will be the minority in our own country.
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Old 09-11-2008, 23:33   #45

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Re: Third Mosque for Accrington

I despair at the thought of what is going on and no one is prepared to do a bat to prevent it.
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