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Old 21-11-2008, 14:10   #16
God Member

Re: Benefit cuts for single parents

And where did you get this information from Jaysay?, the latest of what is becoming a long list of Tory propaganda posts made by you, from Mien Kampf ? (oh I meant The Daily Mail) slip of the tongue!
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Old 21-11-2008, 14:47   #17

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Re: Benefit cuts for single parents

Scoring political pionts???????????
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Old 21-11-2008, 14:52   #18
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Re: Benefit cuts for single parents

They might actually get round to targetting single people between the ages of 16-20 and never done a days work since leaving school one of these days.
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Old 21-11-2008, 15:03   #19
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Re: Benefit cuts for single parents

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
It seems that the Government are about to start a witch hunt on single parents for children aged 12 and over (7 and over in two years time) They face losing 40% of their benefits if they can't prove they are actively seeking work. I know nearly everybody has a view on this issue, but for my own part I think they are treading on very dangerous ground, for on, no two peoples circumstances are the same, and there are a lot of single parents would love to go back to work, but at a time when unemployment is likely to rise to close on 3 million, this may not be the right time to embark on this action

[quote][Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me./QUOTE]

It's another of those difficult things!

Of course every child is innocent and needs looking after, but the Mothers?

Well, actually yes of course, to function correctly as single parent's, (by single parent's I don't include separated or divorced women, I mean those that chose or due to circumstances are not involved with a partner), also need looking after, but to make a career of it at the expense of others? Is that right?

The system is far better than it used to be, were a single mother would either end up on the streets and if lucky, end up in the hands of a charity.

But, since the period of, 'free love', reputed to be around in the sixties, (I seemed to blink and miss it!).

We, as a society claim to 'understand', but where does understanding and tolerance of repeated mistakes become wrong?

I was married, my wife decided that she would stop at home and look after our children, fair enough, other mothers wanted to get back in there and so employed minders, a similar sacrifice.

But, single mothers? Yes if you've made a mistake, I for one don't want you or an innocent child to suffer, but if you're going to turn it into a career, please at least consider the poor soul's that have to contribute to your upkeep, they need to live as well, so how about a compromise?

You're single, you get pregnant, a house/flat will be provided, but if after finding how difficult bringing a child up on your own is, then don't blame or expect everyone else to help if it happens again, we are busy bringing up our relations!
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Old 21-11-2008, 15:28   #20
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Re: Benefit cuts for single parents

Aparently a representative of single mothers was on breakfast TV saying thatthey want to be able to spend time with their kids rather than go to work.

Er indoors was livid, she also would love to spend more time with our kids, but she has to work, so perhaps they should too.

We know of one single mother to be ho is purposely arranging things so that she becomes one of the dependants we all pay for.
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Old 21-11-2008, 15:48   #21
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Re: Benefit cuts for single parents

Originally Posted by mattylad View Post
Aparently a representative of single mothers was on breakfast TV saying thatthey want to be able to spend time with their kids rather than go to work.

Er indoors was livid, she also would love to spend more time with our kids, but she has to work, so perhaps they should too.

We know of one single mother to be ho is purposely arranging things so that she becomes one of the dependants we all pay for.

Unfortunately the latter part of your post is what gets most single mothers tarred with the same brush. The majority of single mothers have been left in the lurch by some selfish lust driven excuse of a father, and just to balance it up a bit it also happens the other way round, I think the latest figures show that 11% of single parents are actually single dad's.

Most single parents would rather provide a better quality of life for their kids, unfortunatley what the government seem to forget in these instances are that the childcare and suitable jobs ( ie those that have some flexibilty ) are not as widely available as the spin machines make out.

By the way I don't think the single mother on the news did herself any favours and it was interesting to see that although she passes herself off as a campaigner she certainly wasn't representing any official body, a loose cannon springs to mind. Even worse her kids were 16 & 14 !!
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Last edited by lancsdave; 21-11-2008 at 15:50.
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Old 21-11-2008, 16:30   #22
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Re: Benefit cuts for single parents

I can understand any mother who wants to stay at home with her small children, I didn't work until mine were ready for Grammar School (but I had a husband with a well-paid job), but when they are at school it's a different matter and if it's possible mum should work. The help should come in finding suitable employment for them and persuading employers to accept flexi-time working.

Both my daughters have been single parents (Nik still is) and both have always worked. It wasn't easy for either of them but neither was prepared to be a "single-mother-on-benefits".
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Old 21-11-2008, 17:03   #23
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Re: Benefit cuts for single parents

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
And where did you get this information from Jaysay?, the latest of what is becoming a long list of Tory propaganda posts made by you, from Mien Kampf ? (oh I meant The Daily Mail) slip of the tongue!
Might be better if you laid of the pop and watched the news occasionally, you may just learn whats going on in the world day to day, but I'm not holding my breathe, moron
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Old 24-11-2008, 21:44   #24
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Re: Benefit cuts for single parents

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
It seems that the Government are about to start a witch hunt on single parents for children aged 12 and over (7 and over in two years time) They face losing 40% of their benefits if they can't prove they are actively seeking work. I know nearly everybody has a view on this issue, but for my own part I think they are treading on very dangerous ground, for on, no two peoples circumstances are the same, and there are a lot of single parents would love to go back to work, but at a time when unemployment is likely to rise to close on 3 million, this may not be the right time to embark on this action
Well its a start in the right direction.They should lose their benefits if they can`t prove there seeking work.Why should other working tax payers support them and there children when they are capable of working. Regarding a lot of single parents would love to go back to work maybe but how many did work before they had children.I think most would more likely love to stay supported by the tax payer.
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Old 24-11-2008, 22:21   #25
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Re: Benefit cuts for single parents

Originally Posted by Gordie View Post
Regarding a lot of single parents would love to go back to work maybe but how many did work before they had children.I think most would more likely love to stay supported by the tax payer.
On what amount of experience on the subject are your views based ?
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Old 24-11-2008, 22:42   #26
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Re: Benefit cuts for single parents

Total could any Goverment cut benifits that are in place to ensure a child is not in poverty?..complete rubbish!
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Old 24-11-2008, 23:26   #27
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Re: Benefit cuts for single parents

Wow...that seemed to have touched a nerve?
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Old 25-11-2008, 00:42   #28
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Re: Benefit cuts for single parents

Its the politicians of all stripes who are to blame , they allow cheap imports which destroy the local manufacturing jobs, and then they use the 'guilt trip' by saying they are doing it to raise the living standards of the third world and to wipe out poverty , a load of bull crap , they are dragging use down to third world levels.
It's the same misguided argument as used by modern day educators who belive putting low intelligence kids in the same class as bright kids and it will raise the standards of the morons , wrong brings down the levels of the bright kids .
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Old 25-11-2008, 02:26   #29
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Re: Benefit cuts for single parents

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Its the politicians of all stripes who are to blame , they allow cheap imports which destroy the local manufacturing jobs, and then they use the 'guilt trip' by saying they are doing it to raise the living standards of the third world and to wipe out poverty , a load of bull crap , they are dragging use down to third world levels.
It's the same misguided argument as used by modern day educators who belive putting low intelligence kids in the same class as bright kids and it will raise the standards of the morons , wrong brings down the levels of the bright kids .
well looks like it did not work in your case started off stupid and ended up stupid !
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Old 25-11-2008, 02:36   #30
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Re: Benefit cuts for single parents

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
well looks like it did not work in your case started off stupid and ended up stupid !
and your the poster child for MENSA I suppose
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