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Old 07-07-2009, 09:03   #16
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Tealeaf's Avatar

Re: brown just go.

Cuts? Lets start with the obvious shall we:
  • Get out the EU - Saving £30bn annually
  • Shut down the Dept. of Overseas Development - Savings £10bn
  • Let the Scots have independence - Saving £18bn
  • Give the Scots responsibility for their banks that got us into this mess - saving £200bn
  • Shut down the Quangos - saving £60bn
  • Sack half of all bureaucrats - whatever dept - saving £30bn
  • Sling out so called asylum seekers - saving £4bn
  • Sling out Brown, Darling and the other crooks - saving, priceless.
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Accrington Web
Old 07-07-2009, 09:10   #17
God Member

Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Cuts? Lets start with the obvious shall we:
  • Get out the EU - Saving £30bn annually
  • Shut down the Dept. of Overseas Development - Savings £10bn
  • Let the Scots have independence - Saving £18bn
  • Give the Scots responsibility for their banks that got us into this mess - saving £200bn
  • Shut down the Quangos - saving £60bn
  • Sack half of all bureaucrats - whatever dept - saving £30bn
  • Sling out so called asylum seekers - saving £4bn
  • Sling out Brown, Darling and the other crooks - saving, priceless.
the EU have given grants worth over 80 billion to farmers and devoplement to no savings there... I'd rather get rid of you than any asylum seeker... do us a favour and top yerself..could save us a few quid on bullets!
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:16   #18
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Re: brown just go.

thing is headline cuts to the NHS are seen as bad, ask a Nurse ( my sister being one) and they don't mind cuts if that removes all the middle management and interference layers that stop them doing their job. The NHS can according to her be run on a fraction of the current cost if it was run like an actual business rather than a job creation factory.

Pension cuts? my pension is all in Money purchase as I was never in a final salary scheme so all my money is invested where I choose. The only impact the gov can have on that is in keeping us in recession and share prices and other investments low. As this is not good for anyone rich and poor in equal measure.

As for investments in technology. The NHS system is a joke. its cost HUGE amounts of money and in IT circles was known to be doomed before it kicked off. The Passport system went through money faster than you do Stella.

You call me Tory but like Garinda I think myself non partisan. I'm happy to slag off both sides equally and pass positive comment where appropriate. At this moment the Labour Gov are doing themselves no favours. OK they haven't been helped by the Merkins borrowing and lending but lets be honest they have embraced a debt culture far in excess of anything ever seen before and if the merkins hadn't gone pop it wouldn't have been long before we did.

Technical God, No 1 Geek And Linux Guru

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Old 07-07-2009, 09:27   #19
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Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by entwisi View Post
thing is headline cuts to the NHS are seen as bad, ask a Nurse ( my sister being one) and they don't mind cuts if that removes all the middle management and interference layers that stop them doing their job. The NHS can according to her be run on a fraction of the current cost if it was run like an actual business rather than a job creation factory.
That's a coincidence, because that's exactly what my missus who also works in the NHS says. In fact, most people who work in real jobs in the NHS seem to say that. As for the IT project, it's nothing short of a scandal - billions and billions of £'s worth of our money wasted on an unworkable system. Cuts could be made in the NHS without affecting patient care - just cut the bureacracy!
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:28   #20
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Re: brown just go.

They've started already..according to entwisi and his sister cuts in funds to the NHS are a good thing... and cuts in real terms for people with no other income but a state pension is a good thing because old people should invest the money they rely on from week to week in whatever stocks and share they can get a return from....typical Tory ("back to the 80's) garbage...this is a prime example of what we are heading for under Tory rule...the greedy will survive and toss out the less well off!
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:28   #21
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Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
the EU have given grants worth over 80 billion to farmers and devoplement to no savings there... I'd rather get rid of you than any asylum seeker... do us a favour and top yerself..could save us a few quid on bullets!
I'm quite sure that you lot south of the river in Bermondsey know all about bullets....after all, that is the No 1 criminal hotspot in the whole of the UK with proportionately more drive-by's and child murders than anywhere else. However, over here in Wapping and back in Accy we are a little more civilised and as such we are capable of having a civilised exchange of opinion without resort to threats of this nature.
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:30   #22
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Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
They've started already..according to entwisi and his sister cuts in funds to the NHS are a good thing...
Don't you understand the difference between red tape and front line services?...oh well, never mind!
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:31   #23
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Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
That's a coincidence, because that's exactly what my missus who also works in the NHS says. In fact, most people who work in real jobs in the NHS seem to say that. As for the IT project, it's nothing short of a scandal - billions and billions of £'s worth of our money wasted on an unworkable system. Cuts could be made in the NHS without affecting patient care - just cut the bureacracy!
cor blimey Wynonie...they've even roped you into the belief that cuts are good ..roll on 1979.. all is lost!
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:35   #24
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Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
the EU have given grants worth over 80 billion to farmers and devoplement to no savings there...
In the nine years 1997-2005 inclusive, the UK, in aggregate, paid over £108.4bn to EU institutions & received back £64.4bn, resulting in an aggregate Net Contribution of £44.0bn.

Couldn't let you get away with that one, Mancie!
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:37   #25
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Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
cor blimey Wynonie...they've even roped you into the belief that cuts are good ..roll on 1979.. all is lost!
Yep, I believe that cutting out wasteful spending is good! Does that make me a Tory? How strange!
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:45   #26
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Re: brown just go.

come on..we all should know what "cuts in wasteful spending" means under the Tories... it means lower wages for the people that actually do the job and high returns for the private fat cats that do sod all other than turn up for meetings once a week... do you really think the Tories have changed the policy they have had for 200 yrs?
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:51   #27
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Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
come on..we all should know what "cuts in wasteful spending" means under the Tories... it means lower wages for the people that actually do the job and high returns for the private fat cats that do sod all other than turn up for meetings once a week... do you really think the Tories have changed the policy they have had for 200 yrs?
So you think that carrying on with an NHS overburdened with non-productive bureacrats and saddled with a ruinously expensive IT system that doesn't work is going to benefit ordinary people?

Oh well, it takes all sorts...
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:52   #28
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Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
T. and cuts in real terms for people with no other income but a state pension is a good thing because old people should invest the money they rely on from week to week in whatever stocks and share they can get a return from..
didn't say that at all, the state pension is now to do with the pension cuts that GB has performed ( Yes, LABOUR has scammed more from Pensions than any other Gov in History). State pension comes from my taxes which as you know are nothing to do with pension cuts. My Mum is 79 and relies on her state pension fo every day shopping and life. You seem to forget I come from ordinary Spring Hill Stock and its only in the last 10 years through hard work and some luck that I have made my way up the salary schemes. 10 years ago I earned 1/4 what I do now. I have spent evenings coppering up to get some beans and cheap bread from ALDI cause there was no food in and we'd no money to buy stuff. I've free wheeled my car down from Redcap to Church commercial on my way home from a 15 hours shift at the Redcap because I had no money for petrol. Don't think that I am some silver spoon born monster with no understanding of what its like to not have money.

What I do object to is the sheer waste of money that this goverment have allowed to exist for so long that we really have no idea what it costs to do stuff any more.

Technical God, No 1 Geek And Linux Guru

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Old 07-07-2009, 09:54   #29
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Re: brown just go.

and you did all that in the last ten years under a Labour Government entwisi?...think about it.

Last edited by Mancie; 07-07-2009 at 09:58.
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:57   #30
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Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
So you think that carrying on with an NHS overburdened with non-productive bureacrats and saddled with a ruinously expensive IT system that doesn't work is going to benefit ordinary people?

Oh well, it takes all sorts...
I think that it's better to invest more money into the NHS and let it work reasonably well ...rather that cut funds and let it fall to ruin as it did in the 80's.
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