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Old 04-10-2009, 08:31   #61
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

Oh give it a rest Mancie. The country is in a mess. Debt is off the scale. It's not going to be a nice painless recovery - but your assertion that the Tories would 'seek revenge' is just incredibly distasteful.
formerly cyfr
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Old 04-10-2009, 12:39   #62
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

The thing is...didn't Labour promise to work wonders in their 1997 you remember some of the sound bites 'Tough on Crime, Tough on the causes of Crime'.......did they deliver on these promises?
I think that the truthful answer is that they didn't.
I have no political allegiance.........I have to go on what the parties say they will do.......when these promises fail to materialise, I become disillusioned, distrustful.

I do not want to hear broadcasts where MP's from opposing parties pillory one another, and sling mud.....What I really want is someone to tell us how they are going to get us out of the mess that a succession of inept governments have got us into.

When I hear from the party that tells me what they are going to do in 'real' terms, how they are going to fix broken families, how they are going to deal with illegal immigrants, how they are going to solve the financial crisis, how they are going to clean up the sleazy parliament that they all belong to(which makes those who have done nothing wrong, guilty by association)how they are going to pare down the welfare benefits system....then I will vote for them regardless of what they call themselves......or what colour their banner is.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 04-10-2009, 14:30   #63
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

to. mancie.... I know not who you are. or where you live.. but having read a lot of your silly ranting's can only think one very silly old ? man.. get a life ...
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Old 04-10-2009, 14:58   #64
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

Originally Posted by nortype View Post
to. mancie.... I know not who you are. or where you live.. but having read a lot of your silly ranting's can only think one very silly old ? man.. get a life ...
Ha Ha Ha, leave him alone you bully.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 04-10-2009, 16:12   #65
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I feel that we have little chance of ever living peacably together when folk show such rancour over what political party someone is allied to, or supports.

Live and let live for goodness sake.
I quite agree.

There's good and bad throughout the political spectrum, and I too find it odd when people attack someone else because they are in another 'team'.

The fanaticism some people have is akin to blindly following a football team, with all opposition to be hated.

Without this post becoming too concerned with party politcs, the Conservative members we have on Accy Web seem to be the nastier, when it comes to attacking their opponents, certainly more than the Labour members, who as far as I know, are the Labour Councillors.

There is Mancie's rabid attacks on anything blue, but other than his hatred, I've no idea who he actually supports.
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Old 05-10-2009, 09:31   #66
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
I quite agree.

There's good and bad throughout the political spectrum, and I too find it odd when people attack someone else because they are in another 'team'.

The fanaticism some people have is akin to blindly following a football team, with all opposition to be hated.

Without this post becoming too concerned with party politcs, the Conservative members we have on Accy Web seem to be the nastier, when it comes to attacking their opponents, certainly more than the Labour members, who as far as I know, are the Labour Councillors.

There is Mancie's rabid attacks on anything blue, but other than his hatred, I've no idea who he actually supports.
Its not the nastiness on here that's the problem as far as I'm concern, Labour are underneath, they don't do the abusing in the public eye Rindi. for 20 years I had a catalogue of abuse thrown at me, just because I had the audacity to question their policies.

Things like used condoms in the post, with the usual epithet of Tory Bastard. the phone calls at 4am which consisted of "woke you up again you Tory bastard", the poison pen letters threatening to Smash my windows, burn my home down and one death threat that did actually reach the media at the time and was investigated by the police, dog dirt smeared all over my front door, car window smashed all my tyres let down. So excuse me Rindi if I don't share your love for everything Labour
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Old 05-10-2009, 09:33   #67
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

The way I see those happenings-
When you send out hate, you get hate back.

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Old 05-10-2009, 10:18   #68
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
The way I see those happenings-
When you send out hate, you get hate back.
Since when as asking questions about a political parties policies been sending out hate
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Old 05-10-2009, 10:21   #69
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Since when as asking questions about a political parties policies been sending out hate
It's not what you do, it's the way that you do it

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Old 05-10-2009, 10:36   #70
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
It's not what you do, it's the way that you do it
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Old 05-10-2009, 15:35   #71
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

Lets just get the truth out. I have long wanted a coalition with the Tories for 3 years. A coalition between Labour and those Conservatives opposed to PB. This included a new Tory leade. And most recently a grand coalition with Independents and Tories. Senior Tories and Indies know the deal is on the table. I have read a lot of nonsense about fighting between parties which was nonsense.

My view shared by the coalition partners is PB has wrecked hyndburn.

Arguing had to stop. Working together Has to come first and last.

It collapsed from the Tory side leaving a unoffcial coalition of Indie and Labour. Maverick Tories did not seem interested and just wanted to moan about PB.

When people say we are always arguing, people in the know knew what efforts I was making as Labour Leader behind the scenes.

We will rewrite the constitution to end squabbling and make sure it does not happen again.

Hyndburn should come first, not the nasty politics unfortunately of a certain individuals locally.

Last edited by g jones; 05-10-2009 at 15:45.
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Old 05-10-2009, 15:42   #72
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Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
The thing is...didn't Labour promise to work wonders in their 1997 you remember some of the sound bites 'Tough on Crime, Tough on the causes of Crime'.......did they deliver on these promises?
I think that the truthful answer is that they didn't.
I have no political allegiance.........I have to go on what the parties say they will do.......when these promises fail to materialise, I become disillusioned, distrustful.

I do not want to hear broadcasts where MP's from opposing parties pillory one another, and sling mud.....What I really want is someone to tell us how they are going to get us out of the mess that a succession of inept governments have got us into.

When I hear from the party that tells me what they are going to do in 'real' terms, how they are going to fix broken families, how they are going to deal with illegal immigrants, how they are going to solve the financial crisis, how they are going to clean up the sleazy parliament that they all belong to(which makes those who have done nothing wrong, guilty by association)how they are going to pare down the welfare benefits system....then I will vote for them regardless of what they call themselves......or what colour their banner is.
Crime in my ward is down dramatically. That's a personal statement.

Crime according to the main statistics is down over 1/3 in 7 years in Hyndburn. No-one has disagreed with this. Burglary, criminal damage and ASB are easy to record for eg.

It's the first recorded drop in crime since 1945. Using the same stats, the last government saw a 200% increase in crime so there is a way to go before we reach 1979 levels.

Some of your other points I accept.
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Old 05-10-2009, 15:43   #73
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

I think the majority would sooner have PB than you any day Graham, the nastiness was started locally by Labour before your time, in the days of Goldsmith and Delaney and also involved the then MP Ken Hargreaves, there are those of us who can't forget
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Old 05-10-2009, 15:50   #74
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

Maybe it did and George Slynn was quick to put the boot in too, but it takes a brave leader to end it and all PB has done is exact maximum revenge, hence why he is the last person who should MP.

I believe from Tory HQ they won't let him one Tory A lister told a senior regional labour organiser.

That's why you can't select because of all the squabbling behind the scenes. The HQ list has been sent back 4 (or is it 9) times because PB is not on it.

My source tells me you are about to have a Camronite imposed.

All recent posts via mobile !!
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Old 05-10-2009, 16:02   #75
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Re: Potential Labour Candidate for Hyndburn

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
Maybe it did and George Slynn was quick to put the boot in too, but it takes a brave leader to end it and all PB has done is exact maximum revenge, hence why he is the last person who should MP.

I believe from Tory HQ they won't let him one Tory A lister told a senior regional labour organiser.

That's why you can't select because of all the squabbling behind the scenes. The HQ list has been sent back 4 (or is it 9) times because PB is not on it.

My source tells me you are about to have a Camronite imposed.

All recent posts via mobile !!
Just wish I could understand what your trying to say Graham
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