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02-11-2010, 17:47
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Closer military ties with France is this right for our armed forces?
It has been announced today that our armed forces are going to work more closely with france.Is this right for us, france looks after france when push comes to shove as during the falklands war for example when they were still selling exocet missles to argentina. 
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02-11-2010, 18:00
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Re: Closer military ties with France is this right for our armed forces?
Remember the Air France Concord crash? If the French had fitted new tyres(as BA did) instead of remoulds the bit of metal probably wouldn't have shredded the tyre. So Air France grounded its Concords but of course the French didn't like BA continuing to fly theirs!
So what did they do? They decided they would refuse to supply BA with any spares.Result-no BA Concords flying.
So come the day we say 'please may we borrow your aircraft carrier' if the French don't like what we want it for- guess what? The Charles de Gaulle will suddenly need urgent repairs.
Are we mad??
02-11-2010, 18:04
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Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys
I might live there but join with them militarily? May God forbid
As the Mayor of Paris said to the German General when they took Paris - "Table for two thousand Messieur?"   
02-11-2010, 18:06
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Re: Closer military ties with France is this right for our armed forces?
Originally Posted by walkinman221
It has been announced today that our armed forces are going to work more closely with france.Is this right for us, france looks after france when push comes to shove as during the falklands war for example when they were still selling exocet missles to argentina. 
Sorry, hadn't seen this when I erupted about Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys
02-11-2010, 18:10
Re: Closer military ties with France is this right for our armed forces?
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
Sorry, hadn't seen this when I erupted about Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys
I merged your thread with this which is why your post is above
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02-11-2010, 18:12
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Re: Closer military ties with France is this right for our armed forces?
Originally Posted by Neil
I merged your thread with this which is why your post is above
OK Neil, no problem whatsoever. 
02-11-2010, 18:23
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Closer military ties with France is this right for our armed forces?
Always knew French at School would come in handy,
Je me rends
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02-11-2010, 18:25
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Re: Closer military ties with France is this right for our armed forces?
You are now seeing the start of the Armed Forces of the United States of Europe.
The French and Germans want it and we've now opened the door and let them in. And we as the biggest military power in the EU will naturally be the main contributor-at OUR expense! The EU already has its own Foreign Minister, soon it will have its own Armed Forces-mainly ours. No independant Foreign Policy or armed defence or intervention for the UK-another score for the EU bureaucrats, our new masters.
02-11-2010, 18:42
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Re: Closer military ties with France is this right for our armed forces?
and as usual the tories doing the opposite of what they say they stand for  lets hope the argentinians dont invade the falklands
02-11-2010, 18:44
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Re: Closer military ties with France is this right for our armed forces?
Originally Posted by Less
Always knew French at School would come in handy,
Je me rends
The Fench I learned even the French wouldn't understand Less 
02-11-2010, 18:49
Beacon of light
Re: Closer military ties with France is this right for our armed forces?
In the words of Charles De Gaulle 'Non'.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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02-11-2010, 18:52
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Re: Closer military ties with France is this right for our armed forces?
If ever there was a RIGHT time to get out of Europe - this is most certainly IT.
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02-11-2010, 18:54
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Re: Closer military ties with France is this right for our armed forces?
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
and as usual the tories doing the opposite of what they say they stand for
It hurts but I have to fully agree! The one party I thought would protect our independent Military!
The Charles de Gaulle is already inoperable and our planes(once the Harriers go) couldn't use it.So when Ark Royal goes be nice to the Argentineans or else!
02-11-2010, 19:17
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Closer military ties with France is this right for our armed forces?
nowt surprises me these days, in fact getting around the negotiating table wi Bin Laden would not be a shock,  after all it seemed a good idea wi Adams n McGuinness. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
02-11-2010, 19:19
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Re: Closer military ties with France is this right for our armed forces?
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
It hurts but I have to fully agree! The one party I thought would protect our independent Military!
The Charles de Gaulle is already inoperable and our planes(once the Harriers go) couldn't use it.So when Ark Royal goes be nice to the Argentineans or else!
Providing the French troops come under British Officers then it might just work - remember the Free French troops in WWII.
But French Officers - Non, Je ne peux pas accepter cela.
Under French Officers - The Peninsular War, Trafalgar, Waterloo, WWI, WWII, Dien Bien Phu, Algeria - Je ne pense pas ainsi (I do not think so)
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