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Old 09-03-2011, 13:16   #1
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flashy's Avatar

2011 Census

Mine has just arrived and it's epic, i'm sure it's a lot bigger than the last one, i never realised it is compulsary to fill it in either, you can be fined if you don't do it (or so it says)

i don't mind doing it because it's building a history for future generations, if we didn't fill it in we may aswell never have existed, we'd not be able to find our ancestors if we didn't fill them in
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Old 09-03-2011, 13:21   #2
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Re: 2011 Census

Mine came today too.

Using a pen, to fill it in?

Wish me luck.

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Old 09-03-2011, 13:26   #3
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Re: 2011 Census

Except, Flashy, that this might be the last one.
It is a very expensive/inefficient way to collect information......much of which may be of very little value.

There are some questions which I am happy to complete, but there are others which are intrusive and I can't see the point in them...they just seem nosey.

The government already have rafts of information about every one of us......which could all be collated without too much effort.

I haven't got my form yet, but Ma has got hers and she is full of trepidation about filling it in.......84, poor eyesight and feels that she really doesn't want to be bothered.
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Old 09-03-2011, 13:33   #4
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Re: 2011 Census

i can see what you mean Marg, info on where we live, who lives with us, what job we do, how many children we have should really be enough, thats all we look for when we do a family tree, i haven't fully looked through it yet though, i can't see the point in 'who stayed at your house on March 27th' though....i hope no one sends it back before the 27th or they will probably send it right back and ask you if you are psychic
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Old 09-03-2011, 13:50   #5
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Re: 2011 Census

The fines for refusing completion of this document could be up to £1000.....this didn't deter 1.5 million households from not completing the last census........I haven't yet been able to find out how many of these were subject to legal intervention.

I am sure that I read somewhere that the information is being correlated by a US company, and that the EU would have access to the info......but looking at the website of the ONS, it says that it will be illegal for information from census forms to be used by anyone, either in the UK or outside the UK......and I know that it would probably be difficult for anyone to trace my own personal form......however, I still don't like to give personal/private information that is of no real use to anyone.
You should be able to put MYOB to questions that you consider to be intrusive, and of no value when commissioning infrastructure or services.
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Old 09-03-2011, 13:54   #6
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Re: 2011 Census

I cant imagine that everyone will fill this in. A lot of people cant read or write so how would they manage. Its a bit long and drawn out.
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Old 09-03-2011, 13:58   #7
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Re: 2011 Census

Originally Posted by turkishdelight View Post
I cant imagine that everyone will fill this in. A lot of people cant read or write so how would they manage. Its a bit long and drawn out.
Apparently, if you don't fill it in then you will be contacted by census officers....they will tell you of your civil responsibility and the possibility of legal action for non compliance, and if you cannot fill in the form due to some disability or other probelm, then you will be helped to complete the can also complete the form online.

There are copies of the form in large print, audio versions etc, etc.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 09-03-2011, 14:20   #8
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Re: 2011 Census

---and if you don't understand English, it doesn't matter as there are 56 other languages to choose from including Igbo, Lingala and Yeruba. It's no wonder this census is so expensive!
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Old 09-03-2011, 14:26   #9
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Re: 2011 Census

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
....i hope no one sends it back before the 27th or they will probably send it right back and ask you if you are psychic
Oh dear. I bunged mine in the post this morning.
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Old 09-03-2011, 15:18   #10
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Re: 2011 Census

Is this it?

2011 Census homepage - England and Wales

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Old 09-03-2011, 15:20   #11
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Re: 2011 Census

Cant wait til mine comes...........not!!!
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Old 09-03-2011, 18:59   #12
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Re: 2011 Census

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Oh dear. I bunged mine in the post this morning.
I was going to do that Tealeaf until I noticed the 27th of March as the date you should fill them in, but seeing a sleeking shapely very sexy green eyed blonde is unlikely to move in with me within the next 18 days don't suppose it matters really
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Old 09-03-2011, 19:01   #13
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Re: 2011 Census

Originally Posted by heth View Post
Cant wait til mine comes...........not!!!
Nout to worry about heth it only takes 10 minutes to fill in, if that
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Old 09-03-2011, 20:14   #14
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Re: 2011 Census

Haven't got mine .. mustn't exist.

Moan, moan, moan .. just fill it in ... helps the Government to deal with housing, jobs, health, etc., where money is needed most ... ancestry is just a bonus.

Fill it in very clearly. Years past, lots of the enumerators spelling of some the names was lost in the translation of their fancy writing.

Think will be very difficult for our off springs to find out their true past, what with no marriages, multiple marriages, children with lots of varying fathers, step-children, single mothers, etc. So, if you get a minute, write it all down now for them. They will thank you posthumously.
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Old 09-03-2011, 21:14   #15
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Re: 2011 Census

did i not say that in my first post?
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