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Old 28-03-2013, 22:11   #2686
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
Presumably by "westie" you refer to Westland helicopters - Whirlwind or Wessex?
I suggest that you check your facts, there does not appear to be any Westland helicopters operated by Bristow's.
They are the largest helicopter operating company in the world and in fact provide training to UK Military Helicopter operations at both RAF Shawbury and RAF Valley, suggest you read a little more.
And I suggest you read my post again..didn't suggest that Bristow used Westlands', was referring to RAF SAR ,and even if I'm wrong on the type of helo that the RAF use for SAR, (because I'm no expert,) it was just meant to highlight that the RAF are capable and cheaper...

Not arguing that Bristow provide training..I'll bow to your superior knowledge on argument is as posted before..

'So who is to say that 20 years from now the US owned Bristow company will refuse to send out its brand spanking new state of the art helo on an SAR unless it recieves adequate remuneration from HMG in Westminster, whereas now an ageing westie can slowly plod its way to the rescue zone and costs can be written off against training.'
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Old 28-03-2013, 22:16   #2687
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
...yet the NHS is being slowly, sneakily and systematically destroyed..nobody blames politicians..
The NHS has always been a political football(and we all know that the politicians make mileage out of this)......and if doctors were to concentrate on treating those who are already sick instead of sucking up to pHARMa companies who want patients on various surveillance progams..(under the guise of illness prevention) then perhaps those who need treatment would be able to get an appointment.
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Old 28-03-2013, 22:45   #2688
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
The NHS has always been a political football(and we all know that the politicians make mileage out of this)......and if doctors were to concentrate on treating those who are already sick instead of sucking up to pHARMa companies who want patients on various surveillance progams..(under the guise of illness prevention) then perhaps those who need treatment would be able to get an appointment.
Nail, hammer, head..if people only knew how doctors have to waste their time going out to care homes for pointless annual checks to earn £80+ per person just to tick boxes and earn a few quid for their practices so that they can treat genuine illnesses and keep practice managers in jobs.... or how much time they waste fighting knock backs by hospital managers, 9-5 consultants and other associated pen pushers just to get someone seen by a specialist.... or dealing with screw ups made by hospitals who discharge people too early either without medication, with incorrect medication or without checking the circumstances of the discharged person..and keep within their government restricted timeframes and budget...funny how before (any politically coloured) government got involved, people used to be able to go to their doctors wait an hour, get seen and dealt with accordingly.
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
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Old 28-03-2013, 23:21   #2689
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by yerself View Post
Surprised cmon hasn't mentioned this: BBC News - Bristow Group to take over UK search and rescue from RAF
How often will the RAF be called to pull them out of the mire?
times must be hard if they are hiring an ex dart player with a shakey hand to recue folk
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Old 29-03-2013, 09:07   #2690
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
C'mon actually has a valid point here..

There's a current thread where everyone is clicking like to people bemoaning local doctors...yet the NHS is being slowly, sneakily and systematically destroyed..nobody blames politicians..they blame receptionists that doctors have had to employ to filter out those least in need so that they can spend their time on those that are really in need because of cuts..cuts..cuts.....unfortunately nobody can afford to give those receptionists the training needed to make those judgements because of funding cuts..cuts..cuts...they blame nurses who have to do stupid training courses that filter out people who actually want to care for others and encourage the bean counters and status seekers.

Because of tory led privatisation..our railways are owned by French, German, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Uncle Tom Cobley and all investors, who have no interest in making trains run on time, comfortable, fast, clean, safe or economical to its customers..they have a captive audience and therefore a licence to print money regardless of quality.

So who is to say that 20 years from now the US owned Bristow company will refuse to send out its brand spanking new state of the art helo on an SAR unless it receives adequate remuneration from HMG in Westminster, whereas now an ageing westie can slowly plod its way to the rescue zone and costs can be written off against training.

It's just another example of the cuts..cuts..cuts mentality of this government, just because C'mon can't string a coherent argument together, it shouldn't mean he is always wrong
If the previous government hadn't been on a spend, spend, spend, trip then there wouldn't need to be a cut cut cut policy now, no matter were you are, be it in your own home, running a business or running a country, if you don't manage the finances correctly its a recipe for disaster. If a home owner doesn't pay his dues he loses his home, if a company run out of money they go bankrupt, but the only thing that happens to reckless government is they lose office and walk away with a golden hand shake, ask Gordon and Tony. The last government had no qualms about landing this country in so much debt it was financially paralised, what was the note left by the out going treasury minister "there's no money left we've spent it all, is that responsible government. Labour didn't give a monkeys about how much it spent or were the money came from because they knew all to well they wouldn't be the ones to sort it out, again, because they have got previous as far as reckless government is concerned, every Labour government in history has ended the same way deep in debt, devoid of money and credibility

Last edited by jaysay; 29-03-2013 at 09:10.
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Old 29-03-2013, 09:57   #2691
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Re: The Tories

but the tories are wasting more money than labour ever did. at least with labour you got modernised hospitals. Theres a propaganda machine in full swing here you can whistle blow in the nhs but you cant speak out about other departments,like the uk border agency.sack half the work force then blame the poor sods who were left behind and say not fit for purpose.everybody with a bit of a brain knows what they were up to.they will split it up and put it for tender to firms like g4s. who will have a conflict of interest,the tories not fit for purpose not fit for goverment. before anybody says its to save money how come the nationalised eastern railway line has given the taxpayer 670 million pounds in the last financial year and bought £40 million worth of rolling stock.
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Old 29-03-2013, 10:02   #2692
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
If the previous government hadn't been on a spend, spend, spend, trip then there wouldn't need to be a cut cut cut policy now, no matter were you are, be it in your own home, running a business or running a country, if you don't manage the finances correctly its a recipe for disaster. If a home owner doesn't pay his dues he loses his home, if a company run out of money they go bankrupt, but the only thing that happens to reckless government is they lose office and walk away with a golden hand shake, ask Gordon and Tony. The last government had no qualms about landing this country in so much debt it was financially paralised, what was the note left by the out going treasury minister "there's no money left we've spent it all, is that responsible government. Labour didn't give a monkeys about how much it spent or were the money came from because they knew all to well they wouldn't be the ones to sort it out, again, because they have got previous as far as reckless government is concerned, every Labour government in history has ended the same way deep in debt, devoid of money and credibility
every day gordon brown is getting credit by stopping us joining the euro,saving the banks thus stopping them robbing people cyprus style you say he sold the gold but he more than saved the money he lost by using the money propping up the economy during the crash and saving money interest.where do you think the money went.the tories are borrowing more than labour ever did. wheres the money going you cant keep blaming labour the facts are there so many people are politically an economic inept by taking in all the propaganda on the mainstream news.
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Old 29-03-2013, 10:10   #2693
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
every day gordon brown is getting credit by stopping us joining the euro,saving the banks thus stopping them robbing people cyprus style you say he sold the gold but he more than saved the money he lost by using the money propping up the economy during the crash and saving money interest.where do you think the money went.the tories are borrowing more than labour ever did. wheres the money going you cant keep blaming labour the facts are there so many people are politically an economic inept by taking in all the propaganda on the mainstream news.
Still flogging a dead horse
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Old 29-03-2013, 10:17   #2694
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Re: The Tories

nope jaysay the truth is unraveling day by day.remember 100,000 pound tax cut for millionaires comes in on monday.
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Old 29-03-2013, 11:15   #2695
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
nope jaysay the truth is unraveling day by day.remember 100,000 pound tax cut for millionaires comes in on monday.
Your trouble is you suffer from that evil sin of Envy, have you ever stopped to think that without financial investment in the private sector there would be very few jobs, for get the state run communist way of life even the ruskies know that that didn't work, only by people investing money in business will this country flourish, you have a hatred for anything or anybody with financial clout, always remembering that the one eyed man is king in the land of the blind and your wandering around with nowhere to go
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Old 29-03-2013, 12:18   #2696
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
every day gordon brown is getting credit by stopping us joining the euro,saving the banks thus stopping them robbing people cyprus style you say he sold the gold but he more than saved the money he lost by using the money propping up the economy during the crash and saving money interest.where do you think the money went.the tories are borrowing more than labour ever did. wheres the money going you cant keep blaming labour the facts are there so many people are politically an economic inept by taking in all the propaganda on the mainstream news.
I have been trying to cut this to make just the bit I want to comment on stand out...but C'mon....I have given up with that.

Gordon Brown did stop us getting into the single currency(for which, we must all be grateful for) but where did you get the figures to corroborate your next thought....which is, that he 'more than saved us the money he lost by selling our gold reserves off cheaply'.
That, you must have dreamed up.

The last government was economically inept...which meant whoever won the next election would have been in dire straits. I just wonder what policies a Labour government would have put into place to try and get us out of the fiscal Fisons that we are in....because from the tripe that Ed Balls has been spouting, I have to conclude, we would be further down the ship(well, it rhymes with ship)canal than you think we are right now.
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Old 29-03-2013, 13:54   #2697
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I have been trying to cut this to make just the bit I want to comment on stand out...but C'mon....I have given up with that.

Gordon Brown did stop us getting into the single currency(for which, we must all be grateful for) but where did you get the figures to corroborate your next thought....which is, that he 'more than saved us the money he lost by selling our gold reserves off cheaply'.
That, you must have dreamed up.

The last government was economically inept...which meant whoever won the next election would have been in dire straits. I just wonder what policies a Labour government would have put into place to try and get us out of the fiscal Fisons that we are in....because from the tripe that Ed Balls has been spouting, I have to conclude, we would be further down the ship(well, it rhymes with ship)canal than you think we are right now.
Well at least he has the right name Margaret, because he talks a load of um every time he opens his gob, he's a bigger waffler than Fanny Cradock, and that's saying somat, you really do have to wonder what this country would be like if the two Eds were in charge, doubt if two Eds would be better than one that's for sure
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Old 29-03-2013, 14:29   #2698
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Re: The Tories

you just cant see past the bbc and sky news facts and figures prove he did save money in the long run.the propganda goes on heres the met office thats going to get privatised next BBC News - Met Office three-month forecast was 'not helpful'
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Old 29-03-2013, 14:38   #2699
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Re: The Tories

You still have not corroborated your statement with reliable facts.
And personally....I don't care if the Met Office is privatised.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 29-03-2013, 14:42   #2700
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
you just cant see past the bbc and sky news ]
Well at least were partially sighted, yer sodding Blind.
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