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Old 30-03-2013, 13:47   #2716
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
nope the tories are the only ones implementing pain on the disabled and vulnerable to make a quick buck for their mates.the truth hurts im not the only one to have their suspicions aroused even a tory mp has his reservations. the truth will come out just like hillsborough did.this is not political points scoring this is the truth and everybody knows it. you cant defend the indefensible .
But is still stands that government did not close Leed Children's Heart surgery department becuase of political would just like us to think it did....and as for the way of collecting figures....all political parties have fudged issues, bamboozled the electorate, by changing either the way stats are collected or the way they are interpreted, or the criteria for there is nothing new in that ploy.
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Old 30-03-2013, 15:52   #2717
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
But is still stands that government did not close Leed Children's Heart surgery department becuase of political would just like us to think it did....and as for the way of collecting figures....all political parties have fudged issues, bamboozled the electorate, by changing either the way stats are collected or the way they are interpreted, or the criteria for there is nothing new in that ploy.
shusssh Margaret C'mon only became interested in politics on May 1st 2010 he was just oblivious to the all issue prior to that
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Old 31-03-2013, 11:18   #2718
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
The hospital in Leeds has only closed to cases where Congenital Heart Surgery was being performed........and this is for safety reasons( apparently there have been a higher rate of child deaths here and this is currently under investigation) Other services for children are not affected.......but of course while this is a loss for families who would have had their children treated is NOTHING to do with the government, and everything to do with the safety of children, yet you feel the need to criticise........on something else you appear to know very little about.
there may be a clue as to what was amiss when a spokeswoman being interviewed said that the consultants were comparatively "inexperienced"
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Old 31-03-2013, 12:06   #2719
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Re: The Tories

I don't place a lot of value on statistics.......because they are dependent on why they are being collected, who is doing the collection, what the criteria for inclusion/exclusion is, and how they are collated and interpreted.

Some centres of excellence will have higher death rates because they take on cases that other surgeons won't touch because they are too complicated....these people would die if they didn't get the surgery...but if that happened then they would not appear in statistics for surgery.

I don't think it does any good to enlighten C'mon, he sees governmental meddling in everything....oh, except he was blind whilst the last government were in power(well, apart from one post about the post office).
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Old 31-03-2013, 14:39   #2720
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Re: The Tories

saving money theyre having a laugh Welfare Reform Is Costing A Fortune IDS Admits ? And It?s Barely Even Begun | the void
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Old 31-03-2013, 18:01   #2721
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
You are such a clown there are always costs to change anything, it cost a fortune when your little Darling did away with the 10p rate of income tax too
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Old 31-03-2013, 18:55   #2722
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
They aren't attacking the disabled and the vulnerable (where have you cut and pasted this from, vulnerable spelt right)they are trying to sort the wheat from the chaff, to hear you and your lackeys every case is genuine, and fully entitled to everything they get, only a fool believes that, mind you you've proved that time and time again. You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on the bum. There are about £5 billions worth of benefit Fraud every year yet to hear you talk this is quite acceptable, if there was no fraud then the truly disabled would get more
Yes they are attacking the disabled and vulnerable, if the people they are causing suffering to were in a court of law they would be innocent until proven guilty, you and your lots attitude is bunch them all together if they are breathing they are guilty.

Aren't you glad that your 20 years of scrounging are over? you are happily retired.

(I don't actually think you scrounged for 20 years, you were a genuine case, there are several thousand genuine cases that deserve what you got, but they are being given grief instead),

This new system is wrong, the saying is supposed to be, 'we're all in it together', NOT lets blame the vulnerable as good Tories traditional would.

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Old 31-03-2013, 19:54   #2723
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Re: The Tories come on...'all in it together'...'Never had it so good' know it is politician-speak for 'I'm alright, bu88er you lot'.
Sound bites...meant to divert attention from whatever the boys at the POW don't want us to see...or think we might not understand.
We don't need to buy gas from abroad we have a house of parliament that produces enough of the stuff for all of us to stay warm into the next century...if only we had somewhere to put it!

Lots and lot of words but no blooming action.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 31-03-2013, 21:06   #2724

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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
It's just another example of the cuts..cuts..cuts mentality of this government, just because C'mon can't string a coherent argument together, it shouldn't mean he is always wrong
Am I right thinking I read that the last Labour Government started the ball rolling on this privatisation?
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Old 31-03-2013, 21:54   #2725
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Re: The Tories

nope maggies friends started up companies to tender ,passed laws stole the families jewels etc and we are paying for it now.eastern railways were nationalised not so long ago and gave the taxpayers £620 ,000,000 with £40 million in new stock.if thats not good value for taxpayers what shows its just the welfare bill they give private firms billions of pounds only for them to show it would have been better value for money to let the jcp do the work Delivering public services: the mystique of the private sector | ToUChstone blog: A public policy blog from the TUC
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Old 31-03-2013, 22:00   #2726

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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
nope maggies friends started up companies to tender ,passed laws stole the families jewels etc and we are paying for it now.eastern railways were nationalised not so long ago and gave the taxpayers £620 ,000,000 with £40 million in new stock.if thats not good value for taxpayers what shows its just the welfare bill they give private firms billions of pounds only for them to show it would have been better value for money to let the jcp do the work Delivering public services: the mystique of the private sector | ToUChstone blog: A public policy blog from the TUC

I was asking about the search and rescue privatisation
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Old 31-03-2013, 22:52   #2727
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Am I right thinking I read that the last Labour Government started the ball rolling on this privatisation?
Nope..the tories started the privatisation ball rolling long before the last shower of muppets...but this isn't a blame game..yes the last lot couldn't organise the proverbial in a brewery but neither can this bunch of buffoons.

Using the 13 year argument is becoming tedious, we all know that Blair, Brown and the associated spin doctors like that dingle Campbell totally mismanaged the running of the country...but this current mish-mash coalition of numpties are turning the screw so tight they are stripping the thread.

I think most of us agree that the last Labour government sucked...and that this lot are no better...and that current Labour policies are offering us nothing new or radical...UKIP are a one trick pony..but if they put up a candidate, my kiss is going in their box because the rest of them need to realise that the electorate have had enough of career politicians, stupid one upmanship games and their total apathy to voters wishes until election time!!
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Old 01-04-2013, 08:46   #2728
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Yes they are attacking the disabled and vulnerable, if the people they are causing suffering to were in a court of law they would be innocent until proven guilty, you and your lots attitude is bunch them all together if they are breathing they are guilty.

Aren't you glad that your 20 years of scrounging are over? you are happily retired.

(I don't actually think you scrounged for 20 years, you were a genuine case, there are several thousand genuine cases that deserve what you got, but they are being given grief instead),

This new system is wrong, the saying is supposed to be, 'we're all in it together', NOT lets blame the vulnerable as good Tories traditional would.

You keep banging on about this Less, there are thousands of people on benefits who quite frankly shouldn't be on benefits, dole yes sickness benefits no, but sickness benefit opens all the doors. The trouble is all governments of any colour know this but until now nobody has dared to do anything about it, £1 in every £3 spent by government is on some kind of benefit or another and is escalating fast, so you suggest we should just do nothing at all just sit back don't ask questions and everything's right with the world. The average family income is around £26,000 a year, this is now a ceiling on what can be claimed on benefit, but this is wrong, I'm sure you know at least one person who is pulling a fast one, the question is should they be allowed to get away with it or not, you seem to think they should
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Old 01-04-2013, 08:57   #2729
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post

I think most of us agree that the last Labour government sucked...and that this lot are no better...and that current Labour policies are offering us nothing new or radical...UKIP are a one trick pony..but if they put up a candidate, my kiss is going in their box because the rest of them need to realise that the electorate have had enough of career politicians, stupid one upmanship games and their total apathy to voters wishes until election time!!
Whilst I agree in principle the problem with this strategy is that it would be the majority of thinking voters that vote for UKIP and they would, in all probability, be tory voters. If that happens then it is more than likely that we would have another Labour Government. Should that happen we would be back into borrow and spend mode and 5 years further on we would be back into a drastic recovery situation once again with no money left in the pot.
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Old 01-04-2013, 09:11   #2730
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Re: The Tories

Barrie...I think you could have a point there.The politicians laugh at the electorate.
The only thing they really know how to do is talk.......and they say things that they think the electorate want to hear.

All this bullshine about immigrant......about making sure they do not get benefits, that they pay for their healthcare.......who really believes that this government can get away with that while we are still shackled to the moneypit that is the EU....and another top politician is saying that we cannot ditch the EU human rights legislation.

They aren't all singing from the same hymn sheet, but then, they aren't even in the same can they be, when the current government is like a 'push me pull you'?
The allegiance of all current politicians is not to the electorate....they might tell you that 'we are all in it together'....but what they are in, is a totally different situation to the rest of us.

There needs to be some kind of a revolution...and I'm not talking violence here, I am talking of a political revolution.....the people taking back the power.

I fear I will not see it in my lifetime, there are too many people who do not take any responsibility for their own lives....they are all waiting for the government to do it for them,it is never their fault...and while we vote for any of this shower of Fisons they will always have someone to blame(us) and they will always be rolling in the money(ours).
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