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05-04-2013, 10:32
Beacon of light
Re: The Tories
Now Cashy, don't ask daft questions...especially those to which you know the answer 
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
05-04-2013, 10:35
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Now Cashy, don't ask daft questions...especially those to which you know the answer 
Oh we know the answer, pity jaysay n the like don't.  
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
05-04-2013, 11:37
Senior Member
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by jaysay
In that case why didn't Tony and Gordon re-nationalise them then they had enough time, and certainly borrowed enough money to squander on other useless things, just a thought 
Ah..yes the bad old days of nationalisation....
When there was and electric and gas board showroom in every town, where you could pay your bills, get complaints sorted out and everyone paid the same for each therm we used..terrible wasn't it
In a country of abundant rainfall, we had reservoirs looked after by a water board, no droughts or hosepipe bans every time the sun shone, and a water supply we paid pennies for...sheesh dunno how we managed
Plenty of social housing, plenty of jobs
Buses liveried to the town they came from, smart drivers and conductors, inspectors to complain to, reasonable fares and safe buses. Reasonably priced train services
A coal industry and a steel industry
Search and rescue that was the envy of the world, an army with equipment, a navy with ships and an airforce with planes.......
Then in the Shire Year of 1979, the Dark Lady who had been resting in the misty mountains of Grantham captured the palace of Westminster and sent forth her black riders led by the necromancer king, who some may know as Geoffrey of Howe, to herald the age of the banker. And lo..did these bankers stop building houses, closed schools and sold off all that was good to the people from across the great ocean. The bankers created much gold for themselves and built themselves the city of Yuppie. Here they did nothing all day but wave pieces of paper at each other and make strange gestures with their hands and arms.
The people of the Shire suffered and begged for work only to be told to get on their bikes, whilst the people of Yuppie rode around in Ferraris and Maseratis armed with a filofax and a communication device that looked like a black brick with an aerial.
The greed of the bankers knew no bounds, the power of the Dark Lady waned, and a man from Sedgefield promised the Shire folk many things, and thus began the 13 years of Grima Wormtongue. He broke his pledges to the folk of the Shire, giving the bankers all that they asked and then making war with many other lands because Saruman the Stupid of Texas told him to. The bankers grew fat, so fat that they did not even check they had enough gold to cover all the pieces of paper they were waving around at each other.
One day, in the town of Northern Rock, one of the Shire farmers forgot to put his money in the bank. This caused great consternation, the bank at Northern Rock did not now have the money it owed to the great bank in the south. The bank in the south grew worried because it could not allow the bankers to wave papers if the shire folk weren't giving them their money to play with. It decided to make an example of the bankers of Northern Rock for being stupid and make them close their doors. But they pleaded, begged and cried so much, that the apprentice of Grima came down from a land in the north called Scotland, he decided to buy the bank using even more of the Shire peoples money and give the bankers in Northern Rock a nice fat bundle of paper to wave at each other, the apprentice of Grima called this bundle of paper a 'bone us'. He told the Shire people that they were 'share holders', but would not get any money for being 'share holders' because the money was needed for the bankers 'bone us'.
It is prophesised that one day, a great light will shine on the Shire, the bankers will wither and jobs, houses, schools and happiness will return to the Shire, but most Shire people think that this is something called a 'con spear I see thee or he' written by someone called the Head Military Band.
Wayy..wayyyy too much time on my hands today  
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
05-04-2013, 12:11
Coffin Dodger.
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by cashman
Cos has been said many times there all the ruddy same. 
Originally Posted by jaysay
Well not really
See what i mean MargaretP, They will never change no matter how many times they say Camerons useless or they dont like him. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Last edited by Neil; 05-04-2013 at 13:11.
Reason: fix quote
05-04-2013, 13:43
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Guinness
Wayy..wayyyy too much time on my hands today  
Put a bottle of beer in one hand ... a glass in the other ... pour ... enjoy ... repeat as often as you feel necessary.  ... and forget about politics for a while.  Me ... I'm going to twist up a couple, grab a six pack of Bomber, and head down to the lake to do a little mudcatting, and forget about the bs going on in Ottawa, Washington, Westminster and other centers of crime without punishment  Cheers, eh 
Last edited by Eric; 05-04-2013 at 13:45.
05-04-2013, 17:09
Resting in Peace
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by cashman
Just seen a picture of that arrogant sod "Osbourne" Whilst he has cut disabled benefits, he was parking in a disabled space, despite being loads of empty spaces within yards of it.  Were really all in this together are we not. 
They sell photographs don't tell lies but in this case they do, he was in an unmarked police care and was dropped of at the cafeteria on the motorway service station, it was already parked there when he came out, so if anything have a go at the police driver, who should have known better in the first place 
05-04-2013, 17:12
Resting in Peace
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Guinness
Ah..yes the bad old days of nationalisation....
When there was and electric and gas board showroom in every town, where you could pay your bills, get complaints sorted out and everyone paid the same for each therm we used..terrible wasn't it
In a country of abundant rainfall, we had reservoirs looked after by a water board, no droughts or hosepipe bans every time the sun shone, and a water supply we paid pennies for...sheesh dunno how we managed
Plenty of social housing, plenty of jobs
Buses liveried to the town they came from, smart drivers and conductors, inspectors to complain to, reasonable fares and safe buses. Reasonably priced train services
A coal industry and a steel industry
Search and rescue that was the envy of the world, an army with equipment, a navy with ships and an airforce with planes.......
Then in the Shire Year of 1979, the Dark Lady who had been resting in the misty mountains of Grantham captured the palace of Westminster and sent forth her black riders led by the necromancer king, who some may know as Geoffrey of Howe, to herald the age of the banker. And lo..did these bankers stop building houses, closed schools and sold off all that was good to the people from across the great ocean. The bankers created much gold for themselves and built themselves the city of Yuppie. Here they did nothing all day but wave pieces of paper at each other and make strange gestures with their hands and arms.
The people of the Shire suffered and begged for work only to be told to get on their bikes, whilst the people of Yuppie rode around in Ferraris and Maseratis armed with a filofax and a communication device that looked like a black brick with an aerial.
The greed of the bankers knew no bounds, the power of the Dark Lady waned, and a man from Sedgefield promised the Shire folk many things, and thus began the 13 years of Grima Wormtongue. He broke his pledges to the folk of the Shire, giving the bankers all that they asked and then making war with many other lands because Saruman the Stupid of Texas told him to. The bankers grew fat, so fat that they did not even check they had enough gold to cover all the pieces of paper they were waving around at each other.
One day, in the town of Northern Rock, one of the Shire farmers forgot to put his money in the bank. This caused great consternation, the bank at Northern Rock did not now have the money it owed to the great bank in the south. The bank in the south grew worried because it could not allow the bankers to wave papers if the shire folk weren't giving them their money to play with. It decided to make an example of the bankers of Northern Rock for being stupid and make them close their doors. But they pleaded, begged and cried so much, that the apprentice of Grima came down from a land in the north called Scotland, he decided to buy the bank using even more of the Shire peoples money and give the bankers in Northern Rock a nice fat bundle of paper to wave at each other, the apprentice of Grima called this bundle of paper a 'bone us'. He told the Shire people that they were 'share holders', but would not get any money for being 'share holders' because the money was needed for the bankers 'bone us'.
It is prophesised that one day, a great light will shine on the Shire, the bankers will wither and jobs, houses, schools and happiness will return to the Shire, but most Shire people think that this is something called a 'con spear I see thee or he' written by someone called the Head Military Band.
Wayy..wayyyy too much time on my hands today  
Ya I see what you mean, just wasted 5 minutes reading it 
05-04-2013, 17:14
Resting in Peace
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: In a state of confusion
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Re: The Tories
Just a wonder, Good old Tony surfaced today and said Labour would have done much better at the 2010 General Election if he's still have been in charge, mind you he didn't go far enough to say they'd have won
05-04-2013, 18:25
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Guinness
Wayy..wayyyy too much time on my hands today  
Aye, you're quite right there fella ! Still it raised a grin. 
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
05-04-2013, 21:17
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Guinness
Ah..yes the bad old days of nationalisation....
When there was and electric and gas board showroom in every town, where you could pay your bills, get complaints sorted out and everyone paid the same for each therm we used..terrible wasn't it
In a country of abundant rainfall, we had reservoirs looked after by a water board, no droughts or hosepipe bans every time the sun shone, and a water supply we paid pennies for...sheesh dunno how we managed
Plenty of social housing, plenty of jobs
Buses liveried to the town they came from, smart drivers and conductors, inspectors to complain to, reasonable fares and safe buses. Reasonably priced train services
A coal industry and a steel industry
Search and rescue that was the envy of the world, an army with equipment, a navy with ships and an airforce with planes.......
An astute summary of many of the things that this country has lost in the privatisation mania of the last few decades. Still we have free market fanatics telling us that privatisation encourages competition, giving us more choice and better value for money. It might do when you're selling baked beans, but for essential community services, it has just led to cosy little cartels who make us pay through the nose for a mediocre product.
Water's a prime example - bills have gone spiralling up way beyond the rate of inflation, because the foreign companies who run the companies involved have no interest in providing a long term service for the British public, they've no commitment to this country, they simply want to take the money and run.
It's an over-used phrase now, but the politicians of both stripes, who run this country know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
05-04-2013, 22:15
Senior Member
Re: The Tories
I'm not the brightest button, don't mind admitting it. Way I see it, as long as I can fill my plastic fag with liquid, afford a few beers, fill the motor with fuel, get a doctor to fix me when i'm ill and keep a roof over my head, I'm reasonably happy.
I know I have to share the wealth by paying taxes, which ostensibly, will pay to protect me from crime, educate my kids, keep me healthy, help the less fortunate in times of hardship and pay a bunch of guys in Westminster to actually collect and share this money out fairly.
Seems reasonable enough to me...
Unfortunately it's been shown that the guys in Westminster are skimming my money to pay for duckponds, second homes, moats and designer clothes for themselves, they give money to countries that don't need it and pay an outrageous annual sub to be in a social club called Europe. Result is my taxes ain't enough to do what they are supposed to do. So these guys decide to install a few extra taxes..not only do you get taxed on what you earn, you get taxed on what you spend, what you save, when you make a profit and even when you die.
These guys in Westminster, that I'm paying, still cannot do their job, they can't budget the money they have coming in with the money they have going out, unfortunately they have a contract of employment that prevents me from firing them immediately. Clutching at straws they try to save their jobs by showing that they are smart and clever at budgeting.
First they reduce the money paid to protect me from crime, then they screw with the way they educate my kids to save a few quid, then they muck about with doctors and health services. But they still can't balance the books.
So they blame the people least able to argue their case, the unemployed, the disabled and the sick. They make savage cuts, force them to pay for extra bedrooms and council tax from their allowance, which is already supposed to be the bare minimum they need to live on and thus over-ride their own definition of bare minimum benefit.
The Westminster gang judge the average person the way they judge each other. They would not pay 3p in the £1 extra tax to help their fellow man, to pay for decent healthcare and crime free streets and they assume that neither would we, because as the current gang have shown, they prefer to reduce the taxes of millionaires by 5p in the £1.
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
06-04-2013, 06:52
Beacon of light
Re: The Tories
I see that the Childrens Cardiac Unit at Leeds is going to be re-opening for surgery soon.
As for there being only 190 families with more than ten children on benefits.......there are lots more with maybe 6 or so children that the taxpayer is paying for...while working families resist the natural urge to have more children, because they cannot pay for them.
But then, you only see one viewpoint.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
06-04-2013, 07:02
God Member
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Re: The Tories
the heat was on jeremy hunt 
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