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Old 12-10-2013, 14:05   #3406
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
Follow up to the old dear who was finally given a bed after their records showed she was dead....

Discharged at 1pm..needed a hoist to get her into a wheelchair....hoist could not be found until 6.44pm (sole communication from BRH at 4.23pm 'we can't find an available hoist')

Old dear is doubly incontinent, has osteoporosis and learning difficulties. At 6.44 she would have been a mess if left to NHS care.

How do I know this?...because her carer was with her throughout....she was unpaid throughout..she stayed because she has a bond and she cared...

And thats what this nasty Cameron 'big society' government relies on, ordinary people taking up the slack (because they care), without pay (because they care) so that he can make money for his cronies (who don't give a monkey's as long as they can fuel their yachts).
Oh come on Guinness if you want I can right a book on the stupidity I've seen first hand over the last 20 years in the NHS, most of it in the care of Gordon and Tony, Its immaterial who's in charge at Westminster neither of um have a clue what they are doing, its not a political football but its treaded like that its Cameron's fault it Blair's fault its Brown's, they're all to blame end of story, maybe if they had to rely on it things might change, it will one day, none of them are blessed with good heath forever.
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Old 14-10-2013, 06:53   #3407
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Re: The Tories

goerge Osborne cant count
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Old 15-10-2013, 06:23   #3408
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Re: The Tories

people keep mentioning labour on this thread ill put my mention in
What LABOUR Achieved whilst in Government:

Edit: removed big long list - Please see link 2 post down to read big long list - Neil

Last edited by Neil; 15-10-2013 at 14:54.
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Old 15-10-2013, 07:24   #3409
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Re: The Tories

Where did you cut and paste that clearly isn't your own work as it has capital letters and is properly punctuated.
You should attribute these articles you are using so that we can determine their value.
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Old 15-10-2013, 07:55   #3410
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Re: The Tories

I think if you are going to copy & paste something, you should at least give the credit to the person who wrote it by posting a link.

Political Parties ? NOT all as bad as each other | kittysjones

Last edited by gpick24; 15-10-2013 at 07:57.
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Old 15-10-2013, 08:58   #3411
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by gpick24 View Post
I think if you are going to copy & paste something, you should at least give the credit to the person who wrote it by posting a link.

Political Parties ? NOT all as bad as each other | kittysjones
yep that's the one I thought I had left the link in. lets debate the content.. ive been checking every policy and its true so lets debate what the tories have brought in,and how much money they have wasted .like George Osborne taking the European commission to court with taxpayers money to help out his hedge fund banker associates .
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Old 15-10-2013, 09:13   #3412
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Re: The Tories

Why don't we debate how the labour party sold us down the river......brought in mass immigration as a way of ensuring votes for the party and while we are at it why don't we debate how this party robbed the pensioners?
Debate ? C'mon, you haven't the faintest concept of how to debate...all you know how to do is cut and paste and your last effort shows that you can't even do that properly...seeing as you left out the attribution......from a Wordpress article...the personal publishing platform.
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Old 15-10-2013, 10:03   #3413
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
yep that's the one I thought I had left the link in. lets debate the content.. ive been checking every policy and its true so lets debate what the tories have brought in,and how much money they have wasted .like George Osborne taking the European commission to court with taxpayers money to help out his hedge fund banker associates .
Don't lie, you deliberately worded your opening sentence as if it was your work, also you have put so many links on site you would know if you had put the link in or as is obvious deliberately omitted it.

people keep mentioning labour on this thread ill put my mention in
What LABOUR Achieved whilst in Government:
Still, thank's to gpick we now have a link so it saves you copying and pasting the second part of it as if that was also your work.

I hope the owner of the copyright sues your ass, but takes into consideration that it isn't the sites fault that you are a thief!
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Old 15-10-2013, 10:09   #3414
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Re: The Tories

every government since 1690 has been dipping into pensions. who brought out the winter fuel payment? it had its flaws but stopped pensioners freezing to death.. yes the labour party it was Europe who brought in mass immigration and it started before 1997 when the tories were in. just like now if your Chinese your in. that's a bit of discrimination lol..we all know its because they are lending £800,000,000 for the Manchester project and they want their own tradesmen in on the cheap to make a quick buck..
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Old 15-10-2013, 10:12   #3415
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Re: The Tories

another tory misinformation to help their mates coin it in. HMRC's tax gap figures "not providing accurate picture"
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Old 15-10-2013, 10:27   #3416
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
every government since 1690 has been dipping into pensions.
Proof please.......I'm sure you will find something to cover it in your cut and paste library
it was Europe who brought in mass immigration and it started before 1997 when the tories were in.
The government were incharge of the Border Agency...they had absolutely no idea how many people came into this country......and they still don't.
Ed Balls has also admitted that Labour got the immigration policy wrong, and that they did not listen to the concerns of the electorate

just like now if your Chinese your in.
I wonder if you are referring to the relaxation of Tourist Visa Regulation for chinese tourists...not migrants.

that's a bit of discrimination lol..we all know its because they are lending £800,000,000 for the Manchester project and they want their own tradesmen in on the cheap to make a quick buck..
And wait until it is announced that the Chinese(and perhaps the French) are to build nuclear power station here to help us out of our current(no pun intended) energy crisis...that is on the cards very soon.
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Old 15-10-2013, 10:50   #3417
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Don't lie, you deliberately worded your opening sentence as if it was your work, also you have put so many links on site you would know if you had put the link in or as is obvious deliberately omitted it.

don't judge me with your own values I did mean to leave it on but must have took it off when I took the rest of the bumff off

Still, thank's to gpick we now have a link so it saves you copying and pasting the second part of it as if that was also your work.

I hope the owner of the copyright sues your ass, but takes into consideration that it isn't the sites fault that you are a thief!
you cant sue for whats in the public domain and the truth plus the writer has given everybody permission to repeat and share..

Last edited by cmonstanley; 15-10-2013 at 10:53.
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Old 15-10-2013, 11:11   #3418
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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
you cant sue for whats in the public domain and the truth plus the writer has given everybody permission to repeat and share..
They may well have given permission to share it, if so it should surely be shared in it's original form with some aknowledgements and not in the manner that you used part of it as if you had sweated the stuff out of your own little mind.
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Old 15-10-2013, 14:56   #3419

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Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
people keep mentioning labour on this thread ill put my mention in
What LABOUR Achieved whilst in Government:
How many of those were EU changes and not UK ones by Labour - I think the animal cosmetic testing one was for a start
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Old 15-10-2013, 18:29   #3420
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Re: The Tories

labour lobbied for this
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