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25-01-2014, 11:27
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Re: The Tories
he is not exactly economical with the truth at the best of times  
25-01-2014, 11:41
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
he is not exactly economical with the truth at the best of times  
So in your view he's being open (I did consider the word honest ...... but in association with politicoes....) then????? My, that's a turn around for you C'mön, you actually lauding a Tory!!!!! The mind boggles!!! 
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
25-01-2014, 13:53
Beacon of light
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Guinness
Hey C'mon..explain this cut and paste...
BBC News - EU Referendum Bill: Peers delay legislation
Your guys have delayed this bill just enough that it probably won't become law, so that they can ignore it on a technicality if they get in power. Really hope that you and your party are proud of stopping the will of the people.
Vote Labour..Vote Europe!
To paraphrase the great labour politician Kenneth Moss of Rishton Towers..us nuggets really shouldn't 'purport to know far more about things than your average man on the street, because we don't know what is really going on, because we just read stuff'
I despise conservative values..but current labour values typified by the Mossian edict above, remind me of Animal Farm.. 'all animals are equal except the pigs who are wiser'
Strange how Orwell depicted his version of politicians pretending to work for the people as trough eating pigs.
Surely none of you really believed that the electorate would get a say in the thorny problem that is the EU?
Now Ed Balls is trying to say that he will turn the economy around if Labour get into power at the next election......and just how is he planning on doing this......?
They couldn't manage it when they were in power the last time.
When in opposition a politician can say anything he wants about what they plan to do in the future......it can't be tested until they are in power...and then it is too late.
His speech gives me no confidence at all. After all look at what Ed milliband did to banking/power shares and he isn't even in government.
Shower of fisons, the lot of them!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
25-01-2014, 14:57
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Re: The Tories
I'm just glad c'mon is okay, havn't seen him on here since the figures were published that Britain as the fastest growing economy in Europe, I had a vision of a rampant Jock wearing a see you jimmy cap with a red wig, dancing up and down and stamping on a picture of George Osborn screaming you Tory Barsteward 
25-01-2014, 15:32
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Surely none of you really believed that the electorate would get a say in the thorny problem that is the EU?
Do you believe that UKIP will take us out of Europe if they were to get in?
I think the local elections will be very interesting this year.
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25-01-2014, 16:13
Beacon of light
Re: The Tories
Neil, there will not be enough of them in the POW to influence anything very much.
Yes...you are right the local elections are going to be very interesting
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
25-01-2014, 20:08
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Re: The Tories
there are a few things stopping me voting Conservative, and a few things stopping me voting Labour.
Again, a few things that encourage me to vote Conservative, and a few encourage me to vote Labour.
My biggest problem with the Conservative party is its failure to offer aspiration, this is what I thought they stood for?
My biggest problem with Labour is Ed Balls and the other hangers on from the wreckage of the last government, I dont want to see any of them return to a position of power.
I cant help summarise after speaking to others, that if Labour would have had a clean sweep at the top of the party of the rubbish ministers from the last government, they would be in a far stronger position.
I simply dont trust this current Labour leadership nor the direction of the party.
Its fake, its stinks of desperation to get elected, and they are willing and are saying anything to get elected.
And while I may not like some of Cameron/Osborne policies and decisions, at least you know what you get with them.
And on the economy, deficit and welfare spending they have generally got it right with some exceptions.
As for the Lib Dem's, I will never vote for them.
I dont know who I will vote for 2015.
26-01-2014, 00:20
Senior Member
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Neil
Do you believe that UKIP will take us out of Europe if they were to get in?
Yes, but it's a moot point, they won't get in because as a party they have grown faster than they can police themselves (SDP anyone?). The media love front paging the oddballs that claim homosexuals are to blame for floods, yet play down the oddballs in jail for ripping us off on expenses, that create illegal wars, that claim they have mental problems to avoid prison, that sell off the wealth of the nation to foreign investors, that give away our childrens heritage to Brussels, that destroy our industry, that reduce our ability to defend ourselves, that pick on the weak and needy, that use the health of each and every one of us as a political football, that pretend to be tigers or eat insects on reality tv shows etc..etc...
Originally Posted by DAV007
I dont know who I will vote for 2015.
That's easy..Vote Labour...they are klever, they kno stuff that us unwasht unedukated simpleton sheeple don't.
Vote Labour...Published stuff always wrong, Labour diatribe always true...or...to continue the Orwellian allegory... four legs good, two legs better
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
26-01-2014, 10:49
Beacon of light
Re: The Tories
The question is...Where do you place your trust when those you have trusted in the past have proved to be unworthy of that trust?
When those you have trusted have not lived up to their promises, either at local or national level?
Come the election, I will trundle down to the polling station and will either tick all of the boxes or write on my ballot paper 'none of the above'.
I will go to the polling station so that I am not considered one of those too apathetic to stir my stumps to go and vote......one of those 'lazy people'.
I cannot align myself to any of the current political parties. I trust none of them because my trust has been squandered so many times. I feel I have been duped by false promises.
Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me!
There is no such thing as democratic process - change through the ballot box is just an illusion. A sop to common people to let them think they have a say in how the country is governed.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
26-01-2014, 11:40
Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
The question is...Where do you place your trust when those you have trusted in the past have proved to be unworthy of that trust?
When those you have trusted have not lived up to their promises, either at local or national level?
You could always make a protest vote for someone you haven't tried before and show those you believe have betrayed your trust they need to buck up their ideas and listen to us
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26-01-2014, 11:54
Beacon of light
Re: The Tories
Neil I have done that too in the past......It makes absolutely no difference to the three main parties..those that have a chance to get elected.
Look at our own illustrious MP. He thinks that 95% of us care little about whether we are in the EU or not.
But although he thinks that, he voted against us having the option to declare our feelings on the issue.
The three main parties treat the electorate with complete and total contempt. That is why I feel that democracy no longer works.
When there are protests the like of which are occurring in the Ukraine right now, there may be a chance that the politicians might get the message, though I doubt it. They would probably just bring in the army with water cannons and rubber bullets.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
26-01-2014, 12:55
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by jaysay
I'm just glad c'mon is okay, havn't seen him on here since the figures were published that Britain as the fastest growing economy in Europe, I had a vision of a rampant Jock wearing a see you jimmy cap with a red wig, dancing up and down and stamping on a picture of George Osborn screaming you Tory Barsteward 
  his figures are dubious but only time will tell .. 280,000 new jobs in 3 months thats the clue. lets do his figures for him . you do know he is counting people on the work program as people employed so thats £1billion payed out to private contractors for at least 90,000 people on the work program , the 45,000 people the government figures rate as self employed , about 60,000 jobs with 20 hours or less as the government class 20 hours a week full time employment. yes that is some recovery 
26-01-2014, 13:21
Beacon of light
Re: The Tories
figures put forward by any party are dubious, because they all have something to prove.
Much has been made of the flawed statistics in the crime figures and those in the NHS too.
When will people realise that politicians(all of them of every party) tell us what they want us to know. They treat us like primary school children...they fear that we are not able to process the real information......and I have said it time and again, statistics mean nothing.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
31-01-2014, 03:00
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Re: The Tories
I've been viewing this thread for a while,I've always resisted the temptation to comment (till now)  .
'Figures' show unemployment down to 7%,what a load of BS (give yourselves a pat on the back tho Tories).
I don't know what country their living in but it can't be Britain.
There's never been some many folk in PT work, in jobs that don't pay anything,working for these 'Agencies'.
You might have a full week one week and the next 1 maybe 2 days (hardly full-time employment)  .
In 2013 the Tories said something along the lines of anyone working for a Agency now will be on the same rate of pay as the normal worker working for that company,all the same benefits,holidays.What a load of tosh that was  .
These Agencies make you self employed,So you go through a umbrella company,they pay your tax,insurance so you don't have to have the same rate of pay as the normal worker working for that company.You don't get the benefits, you certainly don't get the holidays (that's how they got around that).
If you hadn't guessed yet,I think Tories are full of it (Just like the Rest).
Which way to the heritage-history section 
31-01-2014, 03:32
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Re: The Tories
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
statistics mean nothing.
.... and anything. 
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