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Old 25-12-2011, 21:20   #16
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Re: Breast Implants

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I thought that you had to declare in order to get flight naive I really am!
Yer supposed to declare certain ailments n medications etc, but know of quite a few who forget to.
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Old 26-12-2011, 09:56   #17
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Re: Breast Implants

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Yer supposed to declare certain ailments n medications etc, but know of quite a few who forget to.
Ooooops didn't realise I was pregnant, honest
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Old 28-12-2011, 13:11   #18
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Re: Breast Implants

As other people have said it depends on the reason. I know a couple of people who have had these procedures because of reasons such as their breasts being two different sizes or low self esteem that leads to genuine mental health issues. To be honest if the procedure has been done privately then that should be covered by the private clinic anyway.

I find it hard to hear people talk about 'foreigners' receiving treatment and all the rest of it. HIV doesn't discriminate, it affects people from all walks of life. Plenty of people come to this country bringing vital skills. Plenty of people are born in this country who also waste resources.

The NHS will now send people from this country to others in certain circumstances to receive treatment that we can't offer quickly enough. Would you like to be told you can't have your life saved because another country doesn't see why they should save you? Is that what humanity is all about? I didn't realise we lived in such archaic times.
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Old 28-12-2011, 13:23   #19
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Re: Breast Implants

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
The NHS will now send people from this country to others in certain circumstances to receive treatment that we can't offer quickly enough. Would you like to be told you can't have your life saved because another country doesn't see why they should save you?
They've been doing this for a while now with other European Countries & I believe on occasion also with the States & it's a completely different set up to the situation alluded to by some posters.

"Health tourism" is a major drain on the UK's resources & the NHS have no way of recouping those costs, because those who come for treatment haven't been referred by a reciprocating Country, but have come due to the lax UK controls.
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Old 28-12-2011, 13:33   #20
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Re: Breast Implants

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
They've been doing this for a while now with other European Countries & I believe on occasion also with the States & it's a completely different set up to the situation alluded to by some posters.

"Health tourism" is a major drain on the UK's resources & the NHS have no way of recouping those costs, because those who come for treatment haven't been referred by a reciprocating Country, but have come due to the lax UK controls.
They also send people to some asian countries. I came across it when I was studying medical law. There are of course loopholes which people from other countries exploit but we live in a world in which everyone does this. Are you telling me that if you couldn't get treatment here you wouldn't see if you could get the treatment elsewhere? Because the very first thing I would do is get onto the internet and see what I could do to get whatever treatment I needed or wanted.

Most people who end up needing expensive treatment probably haven't covered it through their own individual NHS contributions anyway. Maybe we should start only offering people services up to the value of what they have contributed and make them foot the rest of the bill themselves? Would you consider that to be a better system? It'd certainly stop health tourism. Unfortunately it'd also stop most of us receiving treatment for life threatening conditions if we should need it.

My point is that you aren't going to create a perfect system. These particular procedures though aren't just handed out willy nilly, you have to undergo all sorts of assessments to get the treatment. And as I said, the women who got private treatment should have the implants replaced privately anyway at the expense of whatever clinic they used. The ones on the NHS will have had their treatment for medical reasons so why shouldn't they have them replaced at our expense? If they're being opened up to take an implant out anyway then they might as well just put in another one at the same time (though I appreciate that it may not be this simple, I'm not a doctor)
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Old 28-12-2011, 13:44   #21
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Re: Breast Implants

Originally Posted by blazey View Post

I find it hard to hear people talk about 'foreigners' receiving treatment and all the rest of it. HIV doesn't discriminate, it affects people from all walks of life. Plenty of people come to this country bringing vital skills. Plenty of people are born in this country who also waste resources.

The people i am refering to bring nothing but their illness.In a perfect world we could treat everyone for free but its not a perfect world and these people eat away at a system that is already at the point of collapse.People who live in the UK legitimatley are left to die simply because their post code dictates that their local health authority cant afford the drug that will save their life.People who actually should get treatment in this country are getting refused life saving treatments.AIDS was just an example i know it dosnt descriminate but to put it simply its not this tiny Islands job to cure the worlds problems although it does seem like it is at times
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Old 28-12-2011, 14:09   #22
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Breast Implants

I live in Germany Blazey & a fair chunk of my wages goes into the health system here, I also have to pay at the point of treatment & some medicines I must also pay towards when they're issued. For these contributions I expect a certain standard of treatment commensurate with my input & if I am referred to a third party my dues have already been paid, so no I don't think I'd look elsewhere.

I once required treatment for a suspected broken wrist while on Holiday in the UK (Scotland) and was prepared to pay & give my medical details to the Hospital concerned so they could recoup their outlay for the services I'd used only to be waved away without having to pay.

I have no problems with people being treated so long as something is in place to ensure the NHS aren't left to carry the costs. Sadly the "Health tourists" do not put anything into the system & have no intention of doing so, this then leaves genuine cases going empty handed because of insufficient funding to treat their ills.

The implant issue on purely selfish grounds should come from the pocket of those that desire such an operation, whereas the treatment when clinically relevant should be within the NHS remit.
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Old 28-12-2011, 17:06   #23
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Re: Breast Implants

You can't have breast enlargement on the NHS for purely selfish reasons, only medical grounds and they're medically assessed, usually including psychiatric assessment as well as physical considerations. Therefore this whole debate seems silly to me. I already said that if it is the case that someone has had private treatment to have their breast enlargement then the private clinic should rectify the problem anyway, not the NHS. Though to be honest just because someone does something out of vanity doesn't necessarily mean they shouldn't have their health problems seen to. Some people suffer severe allergic reactions from hair dye, should we not bother ringing for the ambulance if we see them suffocating just because it happened to be caused by someone seeking to change the way they look? I'm not convinced.

I personally wouldn't have a breast enlargement because I'm happy with them but I can understand why women and men choose to use plastic surgery to enhance the way they feel about themselves. Things go wrong and normally if they've paid a private clinic for that treatment then it is the private clinic who fixes it. But who is at fault if the UK has allowed these implants into the country in the first place? If you are blaming the government for lax regulations in terms of immigration then why are you blaming ordinary people for the government's inability to keep faulty illegal produce out of the country and out of use? I don't really understand the logic. I'd rather that money I contribute to be paid to fix the problems these women might face than pay for the PM's holidays, put it that way!
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Old 28-12-2011, 18:36   #24
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Re: Breast Implants

Every operation is a risk, no matter what the reason, I can't understand why people go under the knife purely for cosmetic purposes, much in the same way people use illegal substances to get a high
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Old 31-12-2011, 12:52   #25
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Re: Breast Implants

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Every operation is a risk, no matter what the reason, I can't understand why people go under the knife purely for cosmetic purposes, much in the same way people use illegal substances to get a high
Not everyone who wants to get 'high' uses illegal drugs, many use prescriptive drugs and millions and millions of people drink alcohol for the same reasons. Everything has a risk.
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Old 31-12-2011, 14:42   #26
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Could I just say, that if surgery of any kind has left a person at risk of their life, then surely no matter who's fault it is, we as a society must make sure that everything is done to rectify the problem.
The expense surely is secondary to a life, perhaps once that is sorted we can look at getting the money back from whoever is to blame?
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Old 31-12-2011, 17:22   #27
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Re: Breast Implants

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Not everyone who wants to get 'high' uses illegal drugs, many use prescriptive drugs and millions and millions of people drink alcohol for the same reasons. Everything has a risk.
Why take unnecessary risks
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Old 31-12-2011, 19:58   #28
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Re: Breast Implants

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Could I just say, that if surgery of any kind has left a person at risk of their life, then surely no matter who's fault it is, we as a society must make sure that everything is done to rectify the problem.
The expense surely is secondary to a life, perhaps once that is sorted we can look at getting the money back from whoever is to blame?

I think that I read something in the newspaper last week, about France having some kind of fund to pay compensation to those who have been affected by these implants.
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Old 07-01-2012, 22:33   #29
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Re: Breast Implants

Some things you do go tits-up. If you went private in the first place pay private to get it fixed.
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Old 07-01-2012, 22:58   #30
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Re: Breast Implants

when you buy goods and services you are entitled to expect that the goods and services are of servicable quality, and designed for purpose.

I know the company that started all this went bust (so to speak) but shouldnt goverments that had a responsibility to ensure manufacturing safety, now step up and put peoples mind at rest by taking the descision to help all cases, and recover costs from the people involved.
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