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View Poll Results: Is this another Rip Off
Yes the greedy gits.
19 |
86.36% |
No they need the money.
3 |
13.64% |
17-02-2012, 00:11
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Re: Another Rip Off?
Originally Posted by cashman
Why am i bitter? aint never cost me, Its about fair play, A thing yer too dense to grasp i know. 
Oh i grasp it when i look at the tax i pay on my wage everyweek but thats the world / country we live in i could take my job and move abroad but the grass aint always greener on the other side.
If they are good quality items that are upto date and not got wobbley wheels and manky handles i wouldnt complain
Proud to be ASFC
17-02-2012, 00:16
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Another Rip Off?
Originally Posted by tommiasfc
Oh i grasp it when i look at the tax i pay on my wage everyweek but thats the world / country we live in i could take my job and move abroad but the grass aint always greener on the other side.
If they are good quality items that are upto date and not got wobbley wheels and manky handles i wouldnt complain
Oh yeh will grasp when yeh look at yer wage, Thats it in a nutshell, "Me,Me,Me" sod other folk. yeh couldn't have explained it better. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
17-02-2012, 00:19
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Re: Another Rip Off?
Originally Posted by cashman
Oh yeh will grasp when yeh look at yer wage, Thats it in a nutshell, "Me,Me,Me" sod other folk. yeh couldn't have explained it better. 
What that I grasp how much people have to pay in this system we live in??? Im not happy about it but i just get on with it.
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17-02-2012, 01:05
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Re: Another Rip Off?
It's only a quid here and a quid there..but it all adds up to costing the consumer.
17-02-2012, 07:21
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Re: Another Rip Off?
I dont know if its just general banter with some of you guys or is it that some of you do not see eye to eye. But whatever you do or have to do in your life is your choice. If you dont like the idea of paying a pound for a poxy trolly. Dont. If you feel that its not right and you dont want to pay. Dont. If you know that you require a trolly but dont want to pay. Dont. If you want a trolly and dont mind paying. Do. That is what makes this country of mine great. You have a choice. I dont know if the owners of the airport have a duty of care to provide you with a trolly or not. If they have a duty of care then it should be free. If there is no requierment for them to provide one. then the choice is up to them as if they charge you for it or not. Just like it is the choice of you as to use one or not.
17-02-2012, 09:03
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Re: Another Rip Off?
Originally Posted by ToffeeGuy
Get your facts right, Manchester Airport is owned by Manchester City Council and the 9 other Greater Manchester local authorities.
Capitalist? If I lived in one of those authorities I'd be glad that the money from car parks etc was going to fund my local services and reduce my council tax burden.
It was a tongue-in-cheek comment, but of course, you're far too humourless, self-righteous and generally holier-than-thou to see that. 
17-02-2012, 09:40
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Re: Another Rip Off?
Originally Posted by cashman
Why am i bitter? aint never cost me, Its about fair play, A thing yer too dense to grasp i know. 
I think some people just can see their hand if its in front off their face cashy, a rip off is a rip off, whether its for a £1 or £1000
17-02-2012, 12:13
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Re: Another Rip Off?
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
It was a tongue-in-cheek comment, but of course, you're far too humourless, self-righteous and generally holier-than-thou to see that. 
That's probably because I haven't had a holiday in a while, not being able to afford one. As I now can't even afford a trolley it makes the prospect even more remote.
Anyhow, I never really fancied sitting in a tin can for hours breathing in other peoples' pumps just to get to some place full of other English people complaining about how 'blighty' is being taken over by foreigners who don't bother to learn the language, whilst drinking a pint of warm beer in the Jolly Roger pub on the Costa del whatnot.
17-02-2012, 12:23
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Re: Another Rip Off?
Originally Posted by ToffeeGuy
Anyhow, I never really fancied sitting in a tin can for hours breathing in other peoples' pumps just to get to some place full of other English people complaining about how 'blighty' is being taken over by foreigners who don't bother to learn the language, whilst drinking a pint of warm beer in the Jolly Roger pub on the Costa del whatnot.
...and the motivation behind this little rant is what? 
17-02-2012, 12:24
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Originally Posted by ToffeeGuy
That's probably because I haven't had a holiday in a while, not being able to afford one. As I now can't even afford a trolley it makes the prospect even more remote.
You aren't on your own plenty of us haven't had a holiday for years.
But we don't behave like spoilt, selfish, jealous, little brats, spitting our dummies out because someone can go on holiday.
Maybe their priorities are different to yours, they scrimp and save all year round for a break rather than perhaps peeing it all against the wall?
Grow up or shut up, your contributions to the site are of no value at all.
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Winnie the Pooh
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17-02-2012, 13:39
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Re: Another Rip Off?
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
...and the motivation behind this little rant is what? 
Bitterness. The last time I had a foreign break was Suez during national service.
The wife recently asked me to take her on an 'expensive journey'. So I took her to Manchester Airport for a ride on a trolley.
17-02-2012, 14:05
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Re: Another Rip Off?
Originally Posted by ToffeeGuy
Bitterness. The last time I had a foreign break was Suez during national service.
The wife recently asked me to take her on an 'expensive journey'. So I took her to Manchester Airport for a ride on a trolley.
Hmmm...don't give up your day job. 
17-02-2012, 15:09
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Re: Another Rip Off?
Just had a thought, Trollies were only originally charged for because they were not being returned.
Makes you think.
Just for today don't get angry!!!!!!!!!!
17-02-2012, 18:41
Resting in Peace
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Re: Another Rip Off?
Originally Posted by lazeeboy
Just had a thought, Trollies were only originally charged for because they were not being returned.
Makes you think.
Ya but where are they going to take them at an airport especially Manchester, supermarkets yes but airports 
17-02-2012, 19:00
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Another Rip Off?
Originally Posted by ToffeeGuy
Bitterness. The last time I had a foreign break was Suez during national service.
The wife recently asked me to take her on an 'expensive journey'. So I took her to Manchester Airport for a ride on a trolley.
Hope i aint as bitter when i get to your age. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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