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Old 29-07-2012, 08:26   #16
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Re: Heros

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
Looks like there are 2 questions for the Councillors on this site to answer or investigate.

1. Why was Mrs Turner shown so much disrespect over the timing of the meeting?

2. Why has Walter not been included, given that he is the acknowledged expert on the PALS?
And you actually think they will gynn
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Old 29-07-2012, 08:31   #17
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Re: Heros

Just checked, at least three of our councillors have graced this site with an appearance since Walter made the first post, yet silence is still golden, mind you as usual it won't be anything to do with them, it will be other's who are dealing with it
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Old 29-07-2012, 11:42   #18
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Re: Heros

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
And you actually think they will gynn
I would like to think they will be as interested in the answer as much as anyone else. There is nothing to be gained by being rude to the widow of one of the acknowledged experts on the PALS, and failing to invite another to the meeting. So why was it done?

I can probably save the councillors the trouble, and answer for them, knowing the way such things work at HBC.

Mrs Turner won't have been told the meeting had been changed because nobody thought to tell her. As long as the councillors are informed, nobody else seems to matter to officers. A profuse apology is needed.

Walter won't have been invited because whoever was organising the meeting doesn't have the first clue about the Accrington PALS, and didn't think to do their homework.
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Old 29-07-2012, 11:53   #19
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Re: Heroes

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
I would like to think they will be as interested in the answer as much as anyone else. There is nothing to be gained by being rude to the widow of one of the acknowledged experts on the PALS, and failing to invite another to the meeting. So why was it done?

I can probably save the councillors the trouble, and answer for them, knowing the way such things work at HBC.

Mrs Turner won't have been told the meeting had been changed because nobody thought to tell her. As long as the councillors are informed, nobody else seems to matter to officers. A profuse apology is needed.

Walter won't have been invited because whoever was organising the meeting doesn't have the first clue about the Accrington PALS, and didn't think to do their homework.
Ya gynn think you've hit the nail on the head there, the council being so insular as it is, it was probably a need to know basis and as long as councillors knew, that would be all that mattered
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Old 29-07-2012, 12:56   #20
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Re: Heroes

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Ya gynn think you've hit the nail on the head there, the council being so insular as it is, it was probably a need to know basis and as long as councillors knew, that would be all that mattered
From what Ruth said there were over a dozen people there, and an earlier post said 4 councillors, the question still remains, of all those there only Ruth Turner has any personal knowledge of the Accrington Pals, (she met quite a few of the survivors while Bill was researching the Pals), she was the only one not informed of the change of time. Some one wants chastising.
As for me I couldn't give a monkeys. No way will they be allowed free access to Bill Turner's Collection & I don't need any imput from the council, Bill and I managed quite well with the 90th anniversary with out them. As I've quoted before I've already got most of my stuff ready for September 14th 2014, August 2nd 2015 & for July 1st 2016.
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Old 29-07-2012, 15:57   #21
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Re: Heros

Perhaps one of the Councillors who are sometime contributors on here will be gracious enough to answer the questions asked? If they do not have knowledge of the facts then they could always ask of their fellow Councillors?
The crass rudeness shown to Mrs Turner certainly needs an explanation and a public apology, as does the ommission of the recognised expert - retlaw, from the group.
I will not hold my breath waiting to see the apology.
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Old 29-07-2012, 16:25   #22
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Re: Heros

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
Perhaps one of the Councillors who are sometime contributors on here will be gracious enough to answer the questions asked? If they do not have knowledge of the facts then they could always ask of their fellow Councillors?
The crass rudeness shown to Mrs Turner certainly needs an explanation and a public apology, as does the ommission of the recognised expert - retlaw, from the group.
I will not hold my breath waiting to see the apology.
I'll look into Barrie. I wasn't involved with the meeting, but I'm sure there wasn't a deliberate snub to Ruth or Walter. The idea behind the meeting was to look at what we as a Borough can do to commemorate the first world war centenary in two years time.
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Old 29-07-2012, 16:49   #23
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Re: Heros

Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson View Post
I'll look into Barrie. I wasn't involved with the meeting, but I'm sure there wasn't a deliberate snub to Ruth or Walter. The idea behind the meeting was to look at what we as a Borough can do to commemorate the first world war centenary in two years time.
If that is so, then why were the British Legion & members of the Hysterical Soc invited, I would like to know what knowledge those members have regarding WW1 or the Accrington Pals, sounds like another hot air gathering.
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Old 29-07-2012, 23:03   #24
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Re: Heros

Its par for the course with our wonderful council they couldnt organise a pee up in a brewery, the state of the towns represents this. As for needing father's vast knowledge, photo's, lists, etc, why ask when they can nick it like last time! They should be offering an apology to Ruth at the very least, and maybe ask her what Bill would have wanted as a fore runner to the 'celebrations'. Maybe they didn't ask you daddy as they know the response they would get ... it ends in off!!! after all there are the other 'spurts' we know they can ask.
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Old 30-07-2012, 16:14   #25
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Re: Heros

Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson View Post
I'll look into Barrie. I wasn't involved with the meeting, but I'm sure there wasn't a deliberate snub to Ruth or Walter. The idea behind the meeting was to look at what we as a Borough can do to commemorate the first world war centenary in two years time.
Thank you Bernard for your intention to look into it.
I do think that the organiser(s) should publicly apologise whether or not the rudeness was purely an oversight or just plain downright incompetence.
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Old 30-07-2012, 17:24   #26
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Re: Heros

The thing is I actually feel sorry for Walter because I've seen that work he has put in over the last few years carrying on the work started by Bill Taylor and himself some time ago, I know he won't agree but I actually think Walter should get a big thank you for the time and effort he's put into this project, but knowing him like I do he will just say its a labour of love, but if nobody else will I'll say Thank You Walter, for all your efforts, you more than deserve it
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Old 30-07-2012, 18:56   #27
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Re: Heros

Historian names all of the heroic Accrington Pals (From Lancashire Telegraph)

I have attached an article written in the Telegraph last month which sets out the extent of work done by Walter and Bill Turner, and the article indicates that their work would be included in the forthcoming centenary celebrations.

Hopefully the Council can now put things right and ensure Walter and Mrs Turner are given the respect they deserve.
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Old 30-07-2012, 19:00   #28
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Re: Heroes

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
Historian names all of the heroic Accrington Pals (From Lancashire Telegraph)

I have attached an article written in the Telegraph last month which sets out the extent of work done by Walter and Bill Turner, and the article indicates that their work would be included in the forthcoming centenary celebrations.

Hopefully the Council can now put things right and ensure Walter and Mrs Turner are given the respect they deserve.
If this was written over a month ago gynn why was Walter ignore and Mrs Turner treated with so much disrespect
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Old 30-07-2012, 19:16   #29
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Re: Heroes

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
If this was written over a month ago gynn why was Walter ignore and Mrs Turner treated with so much disrespect
One for the Council to answer, Jaysay. Seems like a major cock up!
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Old 31-07-2012, 09:13   #30
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Re: Heroes

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
One for the Council to answer, Jaysay. Seems like a major cock up!
Think it will end up a book passing exercise
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