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Old 08-09-2012, 10:20   #16
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Back to a pewter tankard imho, nice to drink from and doesn't splinter etc like glass.

I agree that the real solution should be simply, glass someone and you are inside for a long time

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Old 08-09-2012, 10:22   #17
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by churchfcrules View Post
would the type of individual that uses "a weapon", not just replace the weapon? and where do we draw the line?
human nature to fight, alcohol fuels anger and impairs judgement, pool cues,bar stools, tables, wall fixtures among many other things have been used as weapons.
Now that is spot on.
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Old 08-09-2012, 10:23   #18
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by churchfcrules View Post
would the type of individual that uses "a weapon", not just replace the weapon? and where do we draw the line?
human nature to fight, alcohol fuels anger and impairs judgement, pool cues,bar stools, tables, wall fixtures among many other things have been used as weapons.
Of course they could, but as the thread starter is campaigning against glasses in pubs I answered discussing glasses, a beer mat or a ball point pen could also be used as weapons in the wrong hands.
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Old 08-09-2012, 10:35   #19
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by entwisi View Post
Back to a pewter tankard imho, nice to drink from and doesn't splinter etc like glass.

I agree that the real solution should be simply, glass someone and you are inside for a long time
"glassing" someone, would usually be charged as section 18, but then with "deals" this would be reduced to section 20, to save money on trials and such like

ie if you go guilty, (irrelevant if you are or not) you get a lesser sentence.

from experience, i was once in this position
was charged with "wounding with the intent to cause grevious bodily harm" section 18

it was reduced to section 20, "unlawful and malicious wounding"

at the time, i was advised to go not guilty from my brief, as it was an "over reaction in self defence"

i was told if found guilty, after going not guilty, minimum 5 years

however if i plead guilty, then the judge would accept that it was an over reaction in self defence, and give me a non custodial sentence, at the time i had 3 young children, and it was a no brainer, i took the plea deal.

i dont believe justice was served that day, justice didnt even come into it, bureaucracy, and costs did

before people "judge me" again, this was quite some time ago, and i was attacked in "my own home, and was defending my family", one of "the victims" was a convicted armed robber

i should have had the courage to go all the way and plead not guilty, however the potential "cost" was to high, and i took the cowards way out.

this wasnt a ramble, well may have been to some, but to try and give an insight into how "the justice" system works or doesnt work,
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Old 08-09-2012, 10:38   #20
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Of course they could, but as the thread starter is campaigning against glasses in pubs I answered discussing glasses, a beer mat or a ball point pen could also be used as weapons in the wrong hands.
so its not a valid point, but a thread wander
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Old 08-09-2012, 10:53   #21
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Why don't pubs & clubs simply stop selling lager? This is simply fizzy poison that does no good whatsoever - especially to one's cerebal matter. In fact, the only people who drink this stuff are those who are brain damaged or those who are about to be. Sell good real ales only and you won't attract the intellectually challenged who go round smashing glasses in other's faces. Everyone can therefore have a good pint in peace.

PS...the same goes for alcopops. The only fit purpose for this is as a toilet bowl cleaner.
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Old 08-09-2012, 12:11   #22
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by churchfcrules View Post
"glassing" someone, would usually be charged as section 18, but then with "deals" this would be reduced to section 20, to save money on trials and such like

ie if you go guilty, (irrelevant if you are or not) you get a lesser sentence.

from experience, i was once in this position
was charged with "wounding with the intent to cause grevious bodily harm" section 18

it was reduced to section 20, "unlawful and malicious wounding"

at the time, i was advised to go not guilty from my brief, as it was an "over reaction in self defence"

i was told if found guilty, after going not guilty, minimum 5 years

however if i plead guilty, then the judge would accept that it was an over reaction in self defence, and give me a non custodial sentence, at the time i had 3 young children, and it was a no brainer, i took the plea deal.

i dont believe justice was served that day, justice didn't even come into it, bureaucracy, and costs did

before people "judge me" again, this was quite some time ago, and i was attacked in "my own home, and was defending my family", one of "the victims" was a convicted armed robber

i should have had the courage to go all the way and plead not guilty, however the potential "cost" was to high, and i took the cowards way out.

this wasnt a ramble, well may have been to some, but to try and give an insight into how "the justice" system works or doesnt work,
From my way of thinking if a persons home is invaded for a purpose of either burglary or doing harm then the household should be able to use as much force as he or she wants especially if children are involved, people who enter your home unlawfully should have no rights what so ever, but we all know that isn't the cast although more people are having any charges drop after home invasion, to me its simple if your somewhere for illegal purposes then there should be no get out close, you get what you deserve
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Old 08-09-2012, 12:24   #23
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
From my way of thinking if a persons home is invaded for a purpose of either burglary or doing harm then the household should be able to use as much force as he or she wants especially if children are involved, people who enter your home unlawfully should have no rights what so ever, but we all know that isn't the cast although more people are having any charges drop after home invasion, to me its simple if your somewhere for illegal purposes then there should be no get out close, you get what you deserve
i agree with you john, however the laws, is an ass, and even offenders have rights,

but until you are in that situation, you dont know what you would do.
take the chance that 12 people feel the same way, or through use of legal argument they say "you went too far", which in my case what was said

2 of them, 1 of me, and they turned up to my doorwith the sole intention of violence.

but had the cheek, on their statements to say, direct quote "he was like a man possessed, i was in fear of my life"

i did what any other normal person would do, but was punished for it

apparantley, i was only charged because " i didnt report it, and they did"
the custody sergeant told me that

but that is a complete thread wander and going way of subject, if we ever get you down to the railway, maybe i will share the full story over a pint (out of a plastic glass lol)

on another serious point, i notice in the other thread you said you struggle getting down to the railway for a drink with yer pals on a saturday

i have a picasso, and could fit a wheelchair, and oxygen in, if you ever require a trip down for an hour, more than willing to assist

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Old 08-09-2012, 12:34   #24
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by churchfcrules View Post
i agree with you john, however the laws, is an ass, and even offenders have rights,

but until you are in that situation, you dont know what you would do.
take the chance that 12 people feel the same way, or through use of legal argument they say "you went too far", which in my case what was said

2 of them, 1 of me, and they turned up to my doorwith the sole intention of violence.

but had the cheek, on their statements to say, direct quote "he was like a man possessed, i was in fear of my life"

i did what any other normal person would do, but was punished for it

apparantley, i was only charged because " i didnt report it, and they did"
the custody sergeant told me that

but that is a complete thread wander and going way of subject, if we ever get you down to the railway, maybe i will share the full story over a pint (out of a plastic glass roll)

on another serious point, i notice in the other thread you said you struggle getting down to the railway for a drink with yer pals on a saturday

i have a picasso, and could fit a wheelchair, and oxygen in, if you ever require a trip down for an hour, more than willing to assist

Your right the law is a complete ass, but shows up just what cowards these scumbags really are when they get their just deserts instead of the other way round and then go running to the law to complain about you. Many thanks for the offer of a lift but I was actually talking in past tense, but as you'll find I often fall over my own tongue (keyboard) I'm not really fit enough to make the trip these days, but many thanks for the offer
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Old 08-09-2012, 12:39   #25
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Your right the law is a complete ass, but shows up just what cowards these scumbags really are when they get their just deserts instead of the other way round and then go running to the law to complain about you. Many thanks for the offer of a lift but I was actually talking in past tense, but as you'll find I often fall over my own tongue (keyboard) I'm not really fit enough to make the trip these days, but many thanks for the offer
the offer is there and genuine fella, if you ever feel up to it

last bit on the subject, as part of the "deal", i said i would agree, but on the condition that no compensation to "the victims" be made, the judge actually said in court, it would be like "rubbing salt in the wound" if they were awarded any, the primary motive for their reporting it i believe.
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Old 08-09-2012, 13:24   #26
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by churchfcrules View Post
the offer is there and genuine fella, if you ever feel up to it

last bit on the subject, as part of the "deal", i said i would agree, but on the condition that no compensation to "the victims" be made, the judge actually said in court, it would be like "rubbing salt in the wound" if they were awarded any, the primary motive for their reporting it i believe.
One thing in life I hate is people like that run away crying when they get more than they bargained far and have the brassed neck cheek crying the poor wounded soldier.
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Old 08-09-2012, 13:26   #27
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
One thing in life I hate is people like that run away crying when they get more than they bargained far and have the brassed neck cheek crying the poor wounded soldier.
in this, we are of the same opinion sir!
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Old 08-09-2012, 13:30   #28
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by churchfcrules View Post
in this, we are of the same opinion sir!
In my book right is right and wrong is wrong and it can't be dressed up any other way
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Old 08-09-2012, 14:14   #29
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by churchfcrules View Post
so its not a valid point, but a thread wander
How? Is my answering what the thread starter said, a thread wander?

How? Is you're abysmal attempt to make it seem as if what I said is not on thread supposed to make me feel as if I have done something wrong? I think you should end your fascination with myself, stop trying to score points You aren't very good and actually concentrate on how your life could be so much better if you didn't need to take your bitterness out on someone...

anyone, in this case it just happens to be me, well bless, I forgive you, so long as you really, really try to fit in with society, any society, whether it's AccyWeb or the actual World at large, (shame you got such a sentence for being just an ordinary citizen, but is mentioning it on the WWW the best way to get over it?).
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 08-09-2012, 14:27   #30
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by Less View Post
How? Is my answering what the thread starter said, a thread wander?

How? Is you're abysmal attempt to make it seem as if what I said is not on thread supposed to make me feel as if I have done something wrong? I think you should end your fascination with myself, stop trying to score points You aren't very good and actually concentrate on how your life could be so much better if you didn't need to take your bitterness out on someone...

anyone, in this case it just happens to be me, well bless, I forgive you, so long as you really, really try to fit in with society, any society, whether it's AccyWeb or the actual World at large, (shame you got such a sentence for being just an ordinary citizen, but is mentioning it on the WWW the best way to get over it?).
it was in response to your post that was in some way trying to rebut my own, or why quote and comment

and the thread wander i implied, was that of my own because i had steered away from glasses and introduced other weapons, or was that not your point?

as for the fascination, you quoted me, you addressed me!

as for getting over it, it was over 15 years ago, got over it long ago!

something i am neither proud of or ashamed, i was merely introducing a view to the justice system from first hand knowledge, i wasnt venting my spleen in the hope of relieving myself of the burden

chin up old chap, one day you may read one of my posts subjectively, or better still, ignore me completely

good day sir
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