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Old 04-02-2013, 17:21   #1
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Child Benefit to foreign nationals.

Heard on the radio we are paying child benefit to foreign nationals who have left the country. Why then, are we kicking people off DLA ?
I have two severely disabled friends who have had to fight like hell to get it back. One has had a major stroke and the other has severe cerebral palsy. What's going on? Needs looking in to.
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Old 04-02-2013, 17:27   #2
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Re: Child Benefit to foreign nationals.

£1m a week in child benefit paid to children living overseas - Telegraph

is this what your on about
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Old 04-02-2013, 17:53   #3
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Re: Child Benefit to foreign nationals.

Yeah, why are we such mugs ? Must be the laughing stock of Europe. Shouldn't we be helping the people who have paid in to the system first? Especially in these cash strapped times.
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Old 04-02-2013, 18:04   #4
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Re: Child Benefit to foreign nationals.

Originally Posted by westendlass View Post
we are paying child benefit to foreign nationals who have left the country.
Read the article in post 2, it's the children who are out of the country, not the parents. And £1m/week is a drop in the ocean in the general scheme of things.

Originally Posted by westendlass View Post
Shouldn't we be helping the people who have paid in to the system first?
If the parents are paying NI they are entitled to the same benefits as anyone else.
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Old 04-02-2013, 18:13   #5
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Re: Child Benefit to foreign nationals.

its a fallacy to believe you pay NI, for the future, your NI isnt saved up for you, its for those that need it at the time, thats why pension age has been increased, not enough people paying NI to cover the bills now, let alone in the future, so by that argument if they are paying into a system, then they can reap the benefits
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Old 04-02-2013, 18:13   #6
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Re: Child Benefit to foreign nationals.

This has been going on for years, its not a new phenomena, when I was serving my time as an apprentice joiner back in the 60s, there was a German bricklayer called Kurt, who had lived here for five years, had 2 kids back in Germany, he claimed child benefit for both these kids even though, he had no contact with them what so ever and didn't pay anything to his ex-wife for their up keep, this is over 50 years ago. I said it was wrong then and I still say its wrong today, but off course its just part of what makes GB the choice, by people wanting to move away from their country of birth purely for financial reasons, we were an easy touch then and we're just the same today but even worse, its time somebody had the balls to say enough is enough, but Blair and Brown did nothing about it, and I've even less faith in Cameron tackling it at all.
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Old 04-02-2013, 18:26   #7
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Re: Child Benefit to foreign nationals.

I also mentioned people that are being kicked off DLA, these people have also paid their NI contributions, where do these people stand.? I would have thought they were a little more needy than most. Is there no compassion anymore.!
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Old 04-02-2013, 18:31   #8
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Re: Child Benefit to foreign nationals.

Originally Posted by westendlass View Post
I also mentioned people that are being kicked off DLA, these people have also paid their NI contributions, where do these people stand.?
Where do they stand? You tell us as you say you have two friends in this position. What benefit do they now get?
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Old 04-02-2013, 18:38   #9
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Re: Child Benefit to foreign nationals.

They receive DLA , income support and mobility but only because they have a good family network who fought for them when they were taken off these. What chance have others who have nobody?
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Old 04-02-2013, 19:06   #10
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Re: Child Benefit to foreign nationals.

Originally Posted by westendlass View Post
They receive DLA , income support and mobility but only because they have a good family network who fought for them when they were taken off these. What chance have others who have nobody?
surely thats unfair in itself then, someone who has good family support is surely in less need than those who haven't.

i thought dla was to help "pay" someone to perform the tasks you are incapable of, but if you have family to help you do you really need the same state help as those that don't, after all there is only so much money in the pot, and in a triple dip, cuts do need to be made, at all levels
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Old 04-02-2013, 19:06   #11
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Re: Child Benefit to foreign nationals.

Originally Posted by westendlass View Post
They receive DLA , income support and mobility but only because they have a good family network who fought for them when they were taken off these. What chance have others who have nobody?
So your saying that everybody receiving DLA is a genuine case then, what is it now, not sure, but I think its around 2.5 million people.
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Old 04-02-2013, 19:17   #12
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Re: Child Benefit to foreign nationals.

Originally Posted by westendlass View Post
I also mentioned people that are being kicked off DLA, these people have also paid their NI contributions, where do these people stand.? I would have thought they were a little more needy than most. Is there no compassion anymore.!
it seems you don't need to have paid NI to get DLA...

Disability Living Allowance - Carers Direct - NHS Choices
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Old 04-02-2013, 20:03   #13
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Re: Child Benefit to foreign nationals.

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
So your saying that everybody receiving DLA is a genuine case then, what is it now, not sure, but I think its around 2.5 million people.
I turned to the Daily Mail for their take on this story but could find nothing. However they have an article about obese DLA claimants - it took me a while to bring myself to even look at the pictures without gagging.

Taxpayers pay £29million a year in obesity benefits for those too fat to work | Mail Online
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Old 04-02-2013, 20:17   #14
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Re: Child Benefit to foreign nationals.

Originally Posted by westendlass View Post
Why then, are we kicking people off DLA ?
Needs looking in to.
I know two people that haven't worked in over 10 years. One does one thing all the time and the other drinks a lot They are more than physically capable of working(imo), but they play the "I have mental problems" card....

The one that drinks all the time missed his medical over a year and a half ago and he rang them up and told them " I had a panic attack " and they haven't contacted him since!

Makes you wonder why your friends have a problem and these two don't doesn't it? (well one of them is in middle of tribunal to try get benefits reinstated)

Even if we weren't giving money out abroad... etc, your friends will be in the exact same situation....It seems those that really need it get kicked off.
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Old 04-02-2013, 21:59   #15
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Re: Child Benefit to foreign nationals.

I also know of people who have been playing the ' bad back ' card for years. They have never had an ounce of work in them. The shirkers ruin things for the genuine people, but surely those who are so obviously physically disabled should be left alone and the real malingerers be rooted out!
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