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Old 11-04-2013, 08:54   #211
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Re: Margaret Thatcher

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Hey don't leave me out, its mine as well.
Ya but I know what to expect from you your not a band wagon jumper just for effect
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Old 11-04-2013, 08:55   #212
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Re: Margaret Thatcher

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
mind how you go
.....a threat?

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Old 11-04-2013, 08:56   #213
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Re: Margaret Thatcher

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Can I stick a quick ditto in here somewhere?
I refare to the answer I have to Cashy in my last post
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Old 11-04-2013, 08:57   #214
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Re: Margaret Thatcher

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
.....a threat?
that would be a waste of energy
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Old 11-04-2013, 10:46   #215
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Re: Margaret Thatcher

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
margaret thatcher dies ding dong the witch is dead. - YouTube yeh mean this un?
Much prefer Mr Costello's rendition Mr c
Nicely nuanced as they say.

I'm sure Billy Braggs got some stuff as well

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Old 11-04-2013, 11:02   #216
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Re: Margaret Thatcher

No. 1 on jaysay's ipod

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Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
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Old 11-04-2013, 12:46   #217
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Re: Margaret Thatcher

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
this could be a conspiracy
Nobody but MargaretR would be openly talking about it if it was a conspiracy
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Old 11-04-2013, 13:07   #218
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Re: Margaret Thatcher

Originally Posted by Restless View Post
Nobody but MargaretR would be openly talking about it if it was a conspiracy
Did Maggie die or was she killed off to prevent her reaching her peak?

Discuss, (but do it with a South Albanian accent)!
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Old 11-04-2013, 13:49   #219
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Re: Margaret Thatcher

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Did Maggie die or was she killed off to prevent her reaching her peak?

Discuss, (but do it with a South Albanian accent)!
I read an article in the newspaper where a guy stated that Nicolas Cage was a vampire that can allow himself to grow old. It showed a picture of some dude from 1870 that looks like Nicolas Cage. Turned out it started off on ebay...

"Personally, I believe it's him and that he is some sort of walking undead / vampire, et cetera, who quickens / reinvents himself once every 75 years or so," read the listing. "150 years from now, he might be a politician, the leader of a cult, or a talk show host."
I Waits for a similar Maggie story.... Perhaps she's in the same place as Elvis
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Old 11-04-2013, 14:03   #220
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Re: Margaret Thatcher

Excuse me?
Whatever you said isn't valid the accent was completly wrong.
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Last edited by Less; 11-04-2013 at 14:05.
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Old 11-04-2013, 14:04   #221
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Re: Margaret Thatcher

So after 11 years of misrule by this evil, wicked woman the British voters wised up and soon brought in a 'Government of the People'- New Labour.
They quickly set about, in the 13 short years they had, in undoing all the evil, wicked things she had done about----free school milk.

Is that it? No more?Was that all they could see of evil wickedness which had to be undone?

Doesn't that mean we had an evil wicked Labour Government which continued with all ( except free milk ) her evil wicked policies?

Or did Tony and Gordon sit in No 10 saying ' Hey, Maggie came up with some good ideas.
We wouldn't dare have done them but now she's started it let's run with it. No publicity, don't forget! Quietly.'

Perhaps voting Labour next time might be a good idea, they'll continue with all the evil, wicked things the ConDems are doing.

It's called Politics.
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Old 11-04-2013, 14:15   #222
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Re: Margaret Thatcher

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
So after 11 years of misrule by this evil, wicked woman the British voters wised up and soon brought in a 'Government of the People'- New Labour.
They quickly set about, in the 13 short years they had, in undoing all the evil, wicked things she had done about----free school milk.

Is that it? No more?Was that all they could see of evil wickedness which had to be undone?

Doesn't that mean we had an evil wicked Labour Government which continued with all ( except free milk ) her evil wicked policies?

Or did Tony and Gordon sit in No 10 saying ' Hey, Maggie came up with some good ideas.
We wouldn't dare have done them but now she's started it let's run with it. No publicity, don't forget! Quietly.'

Perhaps voting Labour next time might be a good idea, they'll continue with all the evil, wicked things the ConDems are doing.

It's called Politics.
They can't do any worse for me, the con/spineless libs are turning everything Thatcherism, find someone to blame and stick with it, no matter how much harm it creates.

Yep, we're all in it together, but far better now we have some innocent soles to lead to the sacrifice of blame.
Hey look there's someone on benefits, let's enjoy not just kicking them while their down but turn the screw and make them suffer rather than share the hardship.

Maggie was evil this lot are praying at her alter.
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Old 11-04-2013, 14:38   #223
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Re: Margaret Thatcher

glenda jackson MP spoke in the house of commons and gave a brutal but honest speech about thatcher and thatcherism

Labours leader however has saluted her showing that he has less balls than glenda jackson


she cant be with elvis because shes dead and elvis is a taxi driver in las vegas

nah only kidding he died taking a poop
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 11-04-2013, 14:45   #224
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Re: Margaret Thatcher

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
So after 11 years of misrule by this evil, wicked woman the British voters wised up and soon brought in a 'Government of the People'- New Labour.
They quickly set about, in the 13 short years they had, in undoing all the evil, wicked things she had done about----free school milk.

Is that it? No more?Was that all they could see of evil wickedness which had to be undone?

Doesn't that mean we had an evil wicked Labour Government which continued with all ( except free milk ) her evil wicked policies?

Or did Tony and Gordon sit in No 10 saying ' Hey, Maggie came up with some good ideas.
We wouldn't dare have done them but now she's started it let's run with it. No publicity, don't forget! Quietly.'

Perhaps voting Labour next time might be a good idea, they'll continue with all the evil, wicked things the ConDems are doing.

It's called Politics.
A great deal has been said about her closing the pits and running down British industry - quite a well informed in the Telegraph (Daily not Blackburn), a couple of days ago. It is somewhat long winded but one particular section seemed particularly pertinent.

"The real decline happened under Labour: in the second quarter of 2010, when Gordon Brown left office, the output of UK factories was fractionally lower than it was when Thatcher took her last, tearful ride in that ministerial Jaguar. It was significantly lower than when John Major left. Total industrial production including coal rose even more substantially under Thatcher than just manufacturing, thanks to North Sea oil. Far more miners lost their jobs, and far more mines were shut, in the 1960s and 1970s than during Thatcher’s time in office. Britain is suffering from a bout of collective amnesia".

I didn't agree with all she did - the major thing being not to allow Councils to build more houses with the money from Council House sales and allowing tenants who had purchased their houses to be able to sell them in too short a period.
As for the sale of nationalised industry - I bought all the shares I could afford and held on to them as long as possible - they made a profit for me.
During the winter of '71/'72 we had been allocated a fairly large RAF house which needed a lot of heating - where did I get my coal - in the pub car park from miners who were on strike but still getting their coal allowance. Nobody forced anyone, other than the Bevan Boys, to go down the pits, so they were in a far safer occupation than fighting on the front line or being in a Japanese prison camp.
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Old 11-04-2013, 16:33   #225
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Re: Margaret Thatcher

As pits (that's "pits" as in coal mines, not "pits" as in Thatcherism was the pits) and coal mining seem to be cropping up a lot in this thread, I don't think it's too much of a wander to question why Britain now imports coal Can some informed right-wing economist explain this? "Carrying coals to Newcastle" comes to mind. Seems like 40% of Uk's energy came from coal last winter. (I could post a link; but if anyone is interested, there's an article in the "Guardian"; I'm sure you are all capable of finding it.) Now, let me think about this I don't read of Saudi Arabia importing oil ... or Saskatchewan, wheat ... or Canada, uranium. So, why are you guys importing coal? Did you run out or something? Don't you have the expertise to mine the stuff? Is there nobody over there who wants to work in the mines?
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