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Old 01-04-2017, 06:59   #16
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Re: Wrong un's (allegedly)

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Cashy, he did actually put in the title 'allegedly'.
To me this means that you make your own mind up, or it may mean that he questions the allegations.
He posted links to an articles in local media. Now if the local media had not published these articles there would have been nothing to post while you are entitled to have an opinion about who is at fault..To my mind,it is certainly the fault of local media.
Local media may say that they are performing a vital public service.
It would be far better if they confined themselves to reporting only proven cases, rather than whipping up hysteria(and possibly racial tensions).
These offences are alleged to have taken place some time during the 90's but are only being investigated now...more than two decades later.
It's pointless trying to explain to him M,he's made his mind up ....I shouldn't have to (and I won't) explain my motives for posting this thread.

While the media do tarnish innocent folks reputations by publishing their identities before they're even found guilty,for me, I see it as a problem with the person if they want to make presumptions of guilt before the justice procedure has run its course.

Publishing these folks names,however much potential it has to damage their reputation, could potentially encourage other victims (if there are any) into coming forward so I can see it from both sides.
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Old 01-04-2017, 08:10   #17
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Re: Wrong un's (allegedly)

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
It's pointless trying to explain to him M,he's made his mind up ....I shouldn't have to (and I won't) explain my motives for posting this thread.

While the media do tarnish innocent folks reputations by publishing their identities before they're even found guilty,for me, I see it as a problem with the person if they want to make presumptions of guilt before the justice procedure has run its course.

Publishing these folks names,however much potential it has to damage their reputation, could potentially encourage other victims (if there are any) into coming forward so I can see it from both sides.
Make all the bullshine excuses yeh want, its obviously not just me that can see the light.
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Old 01-04-2017, 08:25   #18
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Re: Wrong un's (allegedly)

It also makes it easier for someone to falsely accuse the alleged perpetrator...and this in turn has adverse effects on future convictions, because like all sexual offences of historic nature, the forensic proof is long gone.

I find it difficult to grasp how jurors can erase stories printed in the media(that includes social media too) from their mind. If you know nothing about the person you are trying, then you CAN rely on only the evidence in front of you.
Which is why the past offences of a person being prosecuted are not known to the jury.
In truth, the story just gives folk something to gossip about...which is exactly what we are doing here(though I make no assumptions about this man or the offences that he is alleged to have committed).
So, on that note I think it is time for me to bow out of the discussion as I think I have covered what I wanted to say.
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Old 01-05-2017, 07:44   #19
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Re: Wrong un's (allegedly)

In today's LET it's reported that all of these men have been found not guilty of the alleged offences - just hope that the original article didn't do too much harm
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Old 15-05-2017, 14:10   #20
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Re: Wrong un's (allegedly)

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
( I won't) explain my motives for posting this thread.
what a surprise

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