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Old 31-03-2018, 16:34   #1
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Isis 'beatles'

Shafeh Elsheikh and Alexander Kotey, the two guys who were part of the four British Isis terrorists responsible for beheading western hostages, are bleating about having their British citizenship removed.
They feel that this is rather unfair as the removal of their citizenship means that they will not get a 'fair' trial.

What do you feel about these two and their whinging.

My response to these two is....did Alan Hening, the Taxi driver who had gone on a humanitarian mission to help children in a war zone did not get any kind of trial...he got beheaded.
My feelings are that these two should be interrogated until,their ears bleed and when the authorities feel they have not got a scintilla of information left in them, they should be dispatched in the same manner that they dispatched the westerners that they beheaded...compassion?
Why should they get any of that...they do not understand the concept.
Furthermore, they should understand that the removal of their citizenship is something they should have considered before they got into the barbaric practices that come with membership of Isis....they revoked their right to be British citizens when they took up arms against the west.

I am unsure if either of these were born here...But being born here does not make them British....a pig born in a stable can never claim to be a horse.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Accrington Web
Old 31-03-2018, 16:59   #2
Senior Member+

Re: Isis 'beatles'

One actually said chopping people's heads off was 'regrettable'! Neither shows regret.
Give them to the Americans. It'll save us a lot of money, the Yanks will interrogate them 'till their ears bleed then give them 1000 years each in Guantanamo.
Strangely, the Government hasn't said their citizenship has been cancelled- well, they have their Human Rights, don't they?
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Old 31-03-2018, 17:06   #3
Full Member

Re: Isis 'beatles'

They should have a long and tortured death, and as Gordon say's, hand them over to the American's
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Old 31-03-2018, 17:35   #4
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Isis 'beatles'

Yes, the Americans would deal with them in a swift and no nonsense way.
And I bet these two are pooping their pants at the thought that this could happen, after all they beheaded Americans too, so there will be no love lost there...and the yanks are not hamstrung by the EUropean human rights.
These men gave no thought of the human rights of the people they beheaded.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 31-03-2018, 17:47   #5
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Isis 'beatles'

These men were implicated in the beheadings of James Foley, Steven Sotlof...both were journalists.
They also beheaded aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning, both British subjects.
Haruna Yukawa and Kensington Goto, both Japanese were also taken as hostages...when their government refused to pay the ransom, these were beheaded too....there was an American aid worker also dispatched, but I can't bring his name to mind just now.

They claimed that(as Gordon says) these deaths were the requested ransoms were not paid.
These men were also involved in torture using water boarding, tasers, mock crucifixions and beatings.
They are oxygen thieves and deserve not one iota of compassion.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 31-03-2018, 17:52   #6
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Isis 'beatles'

The slimey gets, what human rights did they give to those they decapitated? Give em to the yanks with any luck they will get the death penalty.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 31-03-2018, 18:08   #7
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Re: Isis 'beatles'

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
These men were implicated in the beheadings of James Foley, Steven Sotlof...both were journalists.
They also beheaded aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning, both British subjects.
Haruna Yukawa and Kensington Goto, both Japanese were also taken as hostages...when their government refused to pay the ransom, these were beheaded too....there was an American aid worker also dispatched, but I can't bring his name to mind just now.

They claimed that(as Gordon says) these deaths were the requested ransoms were not paid.
These men were also involved in torture using water boarding, tasers, mock crucifixions and beatings.
They are oxygen thieves and deserve not one iota of compassion.
And so say all right minded people of whatever faith, or as in my case, no faith at all; God botherers have caused more death, suffering and misery in this world than any other cause.

Oh please, don't get me started and before anyone accuses me of not knowing anything about religion, My father was a Church of England minister, my older brother has in own church in Selby in North Yorkshire, my oldest daughter is an interfaith minister and as for (Me),the sooner all God bothering is made a criminal offence the better.

Ok, maybe a little over the top but what the (HELL).

Stay happy, (if you can), your's as ever Taddy.
hilleluk and monkey hanger like this.
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Old 31-03-2018, 19:17   #8
Beacon of light

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Re: Isis 'beatles'

Oh Come on Taddy, this is the religion of peace we are talking about here.
The religion that believes whoever slaughters one man kills the whole world...except, these are not religious people....the ones who commit atrocities are NOT religious..they just hide their acts of violence behind the shield of faith.

I have no problem with religion at long as their religion does not impact on my life adversely, they can worship who they want...believe what they want.
taddy likes this.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 31-03-2018, 22:35   #9
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Re: Isis 'beatles'

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
The slimey gets, what human rights did they give to those they decapitated? Give em to the yanks with any luck they will get the death penalty.
The Yanks will treat them better (or perhaps worse!) than we would..... death penalty too good for them, sentence them to 999 years, & leave them to rot!
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Old 01-04-2018, 01:27   #10
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Isis 'beatles'

During their incarceration, there should be uncertainty at all times.
they should be awakened, or taken from their cells,,,taken to a place where they can see implements of torture, they should be able to hear the sounds of someone being tortured..someone whose language they identify as their own....then after a period of time, they should be taken back to their cells. it should all be subtly scary, so that they wish their own death would come.

they should be served food that they cannot eat...pork brains, black puddings, food that is mouldy, salty...adulterated in some way.
they should never know a minutes calm or peace, for the whole of the rest of their existence.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 01-04-2018, 09:48   #11
Senior Member

Re: Isis 'beatles'

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Oh Come on Taddy, this is the religion of peace we are talking about here.
The religion that believes whoever slaughters one man kills the whole world...except, these are not religious people....the ones who commit atrocities are NOT religious..they just hide their acts of violence behind the shield of faith.

I have no problem with religion at long as their religion does not impact on my life adversely, they can worship who they want...believe what they want.
Margaret, I totally agree with you; espescially your last paragaph.
Your's Taddy
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Old 01-04-2018, 09:52   #12
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Re: Isis 'beatles'

The trouble is, it is not only Isis, as they call themselves, all religions over the years have committed atrocities in their so called Gods name.
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Old 01-04-2018, 10:29   #13
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Isis 'beatles'

Teddy, looking back, we can do nothing about what was done then...and anyway that is not the direction we are going.
Those who fail to learn from their mistakes are fated to repeat them.
Religion is not the issue, it is mans interpretation of religion that is the problem.
Men always want to increase their power over others, and citing a religious belief seems to some, to be a valid justification for this.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 01-04-2018, 13:00   #14
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Isis 'beatles'

They should hang & the sooner trhe better, end of. As to citizenship, that they willingly gave up of their own free will when they joined Daesh & aligned themselves with its barbaric attitudes.

Furhermore, any & all their relations should be sent to join them & if need be share their fate.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 01-04-2018, 13:17   #15
I am Banned

Re: Isis 'beatles'

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
During their incarceration, there should be uncertainty at all times.
they should be awakened, or taken from their cells,,,taken to a place where they can see implements of torture, they should be able to hear the sounds of someone being tortured..someone whose language they identify as their own....then after a period of time, they should be taken back to their cells. it should all be subtly scary, so that they wish their own death would come.

they should be served food that they cannot eat...pork brains, black puddings, food that is mouldy, salty...adulterated in some way.
they should never know a minutes calm or peace, for the whole of the rest of their existence.
No Margaret I have something better, put them on crucifixes, and if I coud have old my .44 Renington charcoal burner (I could clover leaf six shots with that .44 Remi at 20 yards) then get to shoot bits off one, as the other watched, first shot 1/2 inch of his dangler, nect two shots shave a bit off his testicles, no 70 virgins for him, then I take aim at his mate, he wil already be screamin his head of as I take aim, and click, oops sorry misfire, then next shot his ear lobes are gone, reload, and take aim again, by this time they will both be really regreting their past as justice is delivered, bang, no virgins for him either, I could make it last all day, rehoning my old shooting skils. Might sound daft to some, but to me it would be a far better punishment than life in prison, they would be suffering far worse and far onger than their victims, and they could still do prison when they were cut down, if the medics could patched them up,
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