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Old 17-02-2023, 19:03   #31
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Where have the blogs gone

Yes, I know you are the Lancashire Luddite, but I thought you were up for being educated.
And I really do miss writing my blog….and there have bern a number of very interesting events in my life recently.
I wanted to document them for posterity, but can’t do it….so Pretty Please Roy….Can I have my blog back. I promise I won’t kick it over your garden wall again.
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Old 17-02-2023, 22:24   #32
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Re: Where have the blogs gone

This is also something I've noticed on Accrington (Stanley) Web, which is what it may as well be called. I'm male (60) and have zero interest in football, either now, the past or the future and when I open the forum and all I see is 4-8 Stanley Posts everyday I just click away.

I'm not sure what the solution is as both Dotti and Margaret have said that none football topics get little interest and are soon buried among football threads.

And still no resolution the blog problem or the personal avatar image.....
An Oxymoron is but an Onomatopoeia isn’t. I shall leave you to ponder that one.

Last edited by Ryewolf90; 17-02-2023 at 22:27.
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Old 18-02-2023, 09:47   #33
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Re: Where have the blogs gone

Yes Ryewolf, you are spot on. It seems like the site is being kept open just for those who follow Stanley.
I feel sure some of those who post to these threads must have other interests in their lives, but post to not much else other than Stanley….yes there are exceptions…Cashy and Exile being posters to other threads.

But Accyweb is not the place it used to be and has little that interests me.
Especially now the blogs have disappeared.
My blogs were for me as much as for anyone else to read….they were my online diary.
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Old 18-02-2023, 12:03   #34
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Re: Where have the blogs gone

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Yes Ryewolf, you are spot on. It seems like the site is being kept open just for those who follow Stanley.
I feel sure some of those who post to these threads must have other interests in their lives, but post to not much else other than Stanley….yes there are exceptions…Cashy and Exile being posters to other threads.

But Accyweb is not the place it used to be and has little that interests me.
Especially now the blogs have disappeared.
My blogs were for me as much as for anyone else to read….they were my online diary.
The loss of your blog posts is obviously a great loss to you Marge, I do (genuinely) hope that the matter can soon be resolved.
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Old 18-02-2023, 14:30   #35
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Re: Where have the blogs gone

I documented all of my trips with Ma….and so they were important….also I liked to document my trials and tribulations so that I could look back if only to see how far I have come.

The recent stuff with my old feller was only half documented so I wanted to bring that up to date…and I know that Roy will be busy, but if he can put them back for us, then I would be very happy and it would give me some reason for coming on the forum.
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Old 18-02-2023, 21:55   #36
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Re: Where have the blogs gone

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Yes Ryewolf, you are spot on. It seems like the site is being kept open just for those who follow Stanley.

The problem is anyone new looking at the forum would probably assume that it's a Stanley football forum and if you don't like football you're not going to join. If all you see in Today's Posts, week in week out, is football related it hardly encourages you to post about anything else.
An Oxymoron is but an Onomatopoeia isn’t. I shall leave you to ponder that one.
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Old 19-02-2023, 08:21   #37
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Re: Where have the blogs gone

Ryewolf, I think you have hit the nail on the head. People are probably looking in but not bothering to stay because there isn’t anything there of interest to them. May I respectfully make a suggestion though that instead of giving up on it we all try to think of interesting topics, subjects that can be debated. Threads that will invoke some heated discussion, the more heated the better. The way it used to be.

There must be lots of interesting subjects out there that could be introduced to make people sit up and take notice, joining in with the discussion, adding their comments, thus keeping things going a bit longer that they do at present. Unfortunately if new topics are not introduced then the situation is going to stay as is. More’s the pity.
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Old 19-02-2023, 09:16   #38
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Re: Where have the blogs gone

In another month or so I will be digging, sowing and planting, must keep the (now seventy six year old) body moving a bit otherwise I may not see seventy seven then, instead of being bored with football you can be bored with Taddies Allotment Tales.
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Old 19-02-2023, 09:30   #39
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Re: Where have the blogs gone

Bring it on Taddy.
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Old 19-02-2023, 10:19   #40
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Re: Where have the blogs gone

Taddy, I think I asked you this once before if I remember rightly – if anyone has any gardening queries maybe they could ask you for advice once you start your thread. It wouldn’t be me though, I leave gardening to others. I swear that plants hide when they see me coming. My botanist grandson collected some succulents for me and said ‘you won’t be able to kill these, grandma’. My gardening prowess is well known. I envy you yours.

Last edited by dotti34; 19-02-2023 at 10:25.
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Old 19-02-2023, 12:48   #41
Beacon of light

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Re: Where have the blogs gone

Like you Dorothy, I have no green thumb.
It was once said of me that I could kill silk plants with neglect…but I can grow weeds!
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Old 19-02-2023, 13:57   #42
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Where have the blogs gone

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
…and I know that Roy will be busy, but if he can put them back for us, then I would be very happy and it would give me some reason for coming on the forum.
Yes Roy is busy (making a living) he's working down under at the moment (no he won't have time to visit Dottie) I'm sure when he gets back he'll look into the blogs meanwhile, if instead of complaining about the football site, people were to do as you suggest, i.e. put some interesting threads on, maybe, just maybe others will join in.

I know I would.
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Old 19-02-2023, 14:23   #43
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Re: Where have the blogs gone

Less thank you for that information.
I felt sure that Roy would be taken up doing stuff to keep the bills paid.
I have to say that there are some of us who DO try to post threads that should have some interest, but alas they disappear very quickly, so it must be that what we are posting is perhaps not as interesting as we thought.
It does not stop us from trying.
Anyway I am off now to post a thread that might interest others and I feel pretty sure that it will be helpful to some of the forum…mainly us coffin dodgers.
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Old 19-02-2023, 14:48   #44
Beacon of light

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Re: Where have the blogs gone

Oh yes, and I hope you DO join in.
It would be very good to read what you think and it would (no doubt) stimulate interest.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 19-02-2023, 15:11   #45
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Re: Where have the blogs gone

Originally Posted by dotti34 View Post
Taddy, I think I asked you this once before if I remember rightly – if anyone has any gardening queries maybe they could ask you for advice once you start your thread. It wouldn’t be me though, I leave gardening to others. I swear that plants hide when they see me coming. My botanist grandson collected some succulents for me and said ‘you won’t be able to kill these, grandma’. My gardening prowess is well known. I envy you yours.
Oh Dotti, I am not much good where flowers are concerned although I do manage to take cuttings and grow a few varieties of Fuchsia, in the main I only grow Fruit and Veg but if I can give advice to anyone I am more than happy to pass on what little horticultural knowledge I do have.
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