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21-02-2023, 00:45
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Re: Where have the blogs gone
To read that you are leaving is extremely disappointing, Less. It’s like don’t do what I do, do as I say, telling people they should contribute to keep the forum going but not intending to do so yourself..
I also think some of your comments are disrespectful to contributors to the forum when you imply that what they write is of little consequence and dull as against the stimulating company you find elsewhere, I suppose over a pint at the local. (Probably a waste of time writing this because is he has left the building then Less won’t read it). Still it’s everyone’s prerogative to stay or go, and so be it. I will point out that I personally am able to mix with stimulating people on the outside and I can still add my bit to the forum when I’m home. Doesn’t have to be one thing or the other with me. It’s not hard to do.
21-02-2023, 09:42
Beacon of light
Re: Where have the blogs gone
I am not sure that Less means he is leaving, as such, but just that the forum plays a very minor part in his life.
I also agree that you can have a life of stimulating conversation outside the forum and also participate in a good discussion here on Accyweb.
Well, that is if people continue to post…if they do not then it will become Accystanleyweb.
And that would be a bit of a shame.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
21-02-2023, 14:38
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Where have the blogs gone
Nope not leaving, just taking a rest from all the lack of AccyWeb posts being blamed on Accy Stanleys doorstep whether intentional or none intentional!
Here's something to mull over, next month (March) will be AccyWebs 20th anniversary and not long after that will be the 20th anniversary of the Stanley forum being proudly welcomed into the AccyWeb fold.
To celebrate lets have a month of no moaning about our long term internet partners?
Originally Posted by dotti34
To read that you are leaving is extremely disappointing, Less. It’s like don’t do what I do, do as I say, telling people they should contribute to keep the forum going but not intending to do so yourself..
I haven't told anyone what to do only put forward suggestions and observations just like you!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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21-02-2023, 16:44
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Re: Where have the blogs gone
Dotti don't let it bother you, "some people are (sad), Whilst others are classed as (sad people)
21-02-2023, 17:18
Beacon of light
Re: Where have the blogs gone
Less, I do not think anyone was moaning…well, not as such….and if it was moaning, well like having an opinion, it is allowed.
When a Briton stops moaning about things (in general) it means they are dead.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
21-02-2023, 18:17
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Where have the blogs gone
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Less, I do not think anyone was moaning…well, not as such….and if it was moaning, well like having an opinion, it is allowed.
When a Briton stops moaning about things (in general) it means they are dead.
The thing is, the Stanley site has almost always been part of AccyWeb, I must be about the last of the posters that joined before it was part of the site, everyone else joined knowing it was there so they should be prepared to accept it as part and parcel.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
21-02-2023, 19:02
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Re: Where have the blogs gone
That is a great achievement, Less, that the forum has been going for so long, and congratulations to Roy and all the contributors over the years who have made it happen. It’s also a good suggestion about a month of no ‘moaning’ as you put it though ‘comparing’ is a more appropriate word, but how about making it also month of aiming for a number of new threads and posts in BOTH the Stanley section and the general one, to help revitalise the site. By the way, by saying this I am not telling people what to do, but just like you I am only suggesting.
I still think it is disappointing that you are taking a break. In my opinion this is non-productive - you might not agree, but this is a forum where we can agree to disagree and where I am allowed to voice my opinion. No hard feelings.
21-02-2023, 19:05
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Re: Where have the blogs gone
Taddy don’t fret on my behalf, it’s like water off this old duck’s back, and I enjoy every bit of it. It helos to keep the old brain cells ticking.
Last edited by dotti34; 21-02-2023 at 19:10.
21-02-2023, 21:19
Beacon of light
Re: Where have the blogs gone
Less, no one is trying to denigrate the Stanley part of the forum.
As far as I can see, no one is saying that they do not accept the Stanley part of the forum.
What is being said is that for some of us(that includes me) it holds no interest.
So participation is out of the question for me.
If I had some grasp of the game then I would feel ‘included’….but I don’t…..so the feeling is one of being excluded. You will tell me that this my problem, not a problem for the forum.
I have been a poster on here for almost 19 years, I have (I think) posted sensibly on lots of topics and I have enjoyed being able to participate.
So coming to the forum and being unable to participate in the threads that are current leaves me feeling ‘homeless’…but again, not your problem is it?
We (a few of us) try to post stuff that might get some responses, but these threads and posts sink without a trace very quickly.
It isn’t that we are not trying….we are, but it makes no difference.
Anyway it is what it is.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
22-02-2023, 08:54
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Re: Where have the blogs gone
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Less, no one is trying to denigrate the Stanley part of the forum.
As far as I can see, no one is saying that they do not accept the Stanley part of the forum.
What is being said is that for some of us(that includes me) it holds no interest.
So participation is out of the question for me.
If I had some grasp of the game then I would feel ‘included’….but I don’t…..so the feeling is one of being excluded. You will tell me that this my problem, not a problem for the forum.
I have been a poster on here for almost 19 years, I have (I think) posted sensibly on lots of topics and I have enjoyed being able to participate.
So coming to the forum and being unable to participate in the threads that are current leaves me feeling ‘homeless’…but again, not your problem is it?
We (a few of us) try to post stuff that might get some responses, but these threads and posts sink without a trace very quickly.
It isn’t that we are not trying….we are, but it makes no difference.
Anyway it is what it is.
Nice post Marge, "Eloquent" as always.
22-02-2023, 14:28
Beacon of light
Re: Where have the blogs gone
Thank you Taddy. I try….I really do try.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
22-02-2023, 14:36
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Re: Where have the blogs gone
Sadly the answer to most of this chat is our dwindling circle of friends and acquaintances.
Several of our colorful crew have shucked off their mortal coil leaving us to grumble among the remaining stalwarts.
I know we lost Susie with whom I once attended school, and Jaysay with whom I did not.
I miss Eric who vanished into the unknown years ago, anyone know if he is still upright?
I am certainly no major contributor but I try to chip in once in a while with something interesting or funny. (Especially funny)
I am often surprised at getting little or no response to some posts, and since I have had a few of them relocated by others I guessed that I blew it?
Can someone please 'splain the differences amongst "General Chat" "Anything Goes" "General Community Chat" etc. and recommend where to post for the widest audience?
You would think I knew after all these years?? WRONG!
By the way "All you kids Get Off My Lawn!"
(More decrepit by the day)
22-02-2023, 14:41
Beacon of light
Re: Where have the blogs gone
I think Eric sadly passed.
I used to have good contact with him and every winter I know the critters will definitely miss Eric because he looked after the strays in his neighbourhood….and fed the raccoons when the winters were very hard.
I miss him.
Jaysay and Susie too are much missed and we must not forget Mick…what a grand chap he was….so yes we are a dwindling band, but many of the younger contributors migrated over to Hyndburn Chat on Facebook.
Membership of that was by invitation(not sure if it still is) I do not ‘do’ Facebook so I do not know.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
22-02-2023, 14:54
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Re: Where have the blogs gone
I also do not do Facebook or Snapchat or Tik Tok and any other blithering "Social Sites".
Since I am in hiding from the NVA, the KGB, Stassi (oops did I say that out loud?)
I am not trolling for new friends or followers I am trying to remember the old ones and wonder if they are still ticking?
So my browsing and blathering are becoming fewer and further between and one day there I will be.... gone!
22-02-2023, 14:59
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Re: Where have the blogs gone
As for accepting an invite to Hyndburn Chat I follow the dictum of Groucho Marx.
I would not join any club that would accept me as a member.
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