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20-04-2023, 13:23
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Personal Data.
I have not been on Accy Webb for a couple of weeks because of the obligation to have to accept the new Personal Data Thingy magig that keeps popping up before I can enter the site; What the ???? is that all about ? I have never needed too have to accept that in the years that I have been posting on here before. 
20-04-2023, 16:02
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Personal Data.
I could explain but, you don't do tech'.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
21-04-2023, 10:01
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Re: Personal Data.
Originally Posted by Less
I could explain but, you don't do tech'.

Correct Less, the only tech that I can bring to mind is the old Tech-ne-Colour films of Yesteryear, 
22-04-2023, 09:27
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Re: Personal Data.
Taddy I’m not sure what the problem is that you are experiencing. I gave personal data when I joined Accyweb but haven’t had to give it since.
By the way, Less, Taddy was concerned enough to ask a question that deserved an answer and although you might have thought your reply was witty it did come across as slightly condescending and was of no help whatsoever. Did not answer his question. Disappointing. Taddy is too nice a person to tell you that but I’m not.
Last edited by dotti34; 22-04-2023 at 09:30.
22-04-2023, 09:31
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Re: Personal Data.
Having said the above, I'm sure Taddy would appreciate an answer to his question, as would anyone else who is experiencing the same difficulty.
22-04-2023, 21:14
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Personal Data.
Originally Posted by dotti34
Taddy I’m not sure what the problem is that you are experiencing. I gave personal data when I joined Accyweb but haven’t had to give it since.
By the way, Less, Taddy was concerned enough to ask a question that deserved an answer and although you might have thought your reply was witty it did come across as slightly condescending and was of no help whatsoever. Did not answer his question. Disappointing. Taddy is too nice a person to tell you that but I’m not.
Taddy let me know in uncertain terms what he thinks of tech and smeared his thoughts all over a thread I started a few months ago. so I don't really consider him nice, more self demanding. (Only my opinion but I am allowed it so don't bother twisting your knickers in his defence it would mean nothing to me).
Originally Posted by dotti34
Having said the above, I'm sure Taddy would appreciate an answer to his question, as would anyone else who is experiencing the same difficulty.
Taddy showed a lack of appreciation when people willingly and freely tried helping him with his 'quoting' problem, (still ongoing) so once bitten, don't expect me to put my hand forward again let him google for answers.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
23-04-2023, 03:53
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Re: Personal Data.
Less, let me assure you that I do not get my knickers in a twist for anyone, and I am pleased to know that it wouldn’t mean anything to you even if I did. I will say though that Taddy has certainly rocked your boat. Oh, boy!
Without searching back through the threads I cannot comment about Taddy’s posts regarding the computing problems he had at the time, the posts that caused you to now write such scathing comments. I would respectfully suggest though that the way you interpreted his posts might have been different to how he had meant them to be read. It can happen, but not having read them I really don’t know.
Anyway I am not here to champion anyone’s cause, I just thought that the attitude shown to the question Taddy asked on this current thread was dismissive and unhelpful, and that others might have had the same query. That is my opinion, and (like you with yours) I think I am allowed it. Whether you answer the question is your prerogative, and yes there is always Mr Google.
23-04-2023, 06:04
Beacon of light
Re: Personal Data.
Not everyone understands tech.
This is especially true of the older generations…of which I am one.
I would always try to enlighten someone if I know the answer to something…even if the person I am helping had been,what I considered to be unappreciative of my efforts.
Why might that be then?
Because for everyone who asks the question there are two or three people sat at home pondering whether to ask the same question, but perhaps not wanting to look silly.
And yes, there is always Google, but you still need some skill in finding out the right terminology to ask the question.
If you can’t be kind, then be quiet.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 23-04-2023 at 06:06.
23-04-2023, 15:49
Beacon of light
Re: Personal Data.
Taddy this message has only bern coming up since Roy changed servers so it is to do with ‘cookies’.
Now these cookies are not those lovely chocolate chip things you can dunk in your tea.
Oh No….they are a different kettle of fish altogether. This what they are.
I get rid of them…I never click on the ‘Accept all’ button…I go in and manage them myself.
And I do not forget the vendors either…legitimate interest or not, they are ditched.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
24-04-2023, 11:36
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Re: Personal Data.
[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1272194]Taddy this message has only bern coming up since Roy changed servers so it is to do with ‘cookies’.
Now these cookies are not those lovely chocolate chip things you can dunk in your tea.
Oh No….they are a different kettle of fish altogether. This what they are.
Thank you for the above information Marge, I have printed it out for future use, it seems that I may have caused a slight storm in a teacup with my Luddite ways but never mind eh,  
24-04-2023, 11:39
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Re: Personal Data.
Originally Posted by dotti34
Less, let me assure you that I do not get my knickers in a twist for anyone, and I am pleased to know that it wouldn’t mean anything to you even if I did. I will say though that Taddy has certainly rocked your boat. Oh, boy!
Anyway I am not here to champion anyone’s cause, I just thought that the attitude shown to the question Taddy asked on this current thread was dismissive and unhelpful, and that others might have had the same query. That is my opinion, and (like you with yours) I think I am allowed it. Whether you answer the question is your prerogative, and yes there is always Mr Google.
Thank you Dotti
24-04-2023, 11:49
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Re: Personal Data.
Originally Posted by Less
Taddy let me know in uncertain terms what he thinks of tech and smeared his thoughts all over a thread I started a few months ago. so I don't really consider him nice, more self demanding. (Only my opinion but I am allowed it so don't bother twisting your knickers in his defence it would mean nothing to me).
Taddy showed a lack of appreciation when people willingly and freely tried helping him with his 'quoting' problem, (still ongoing) so once bitten, don't expect me to put my hand forward again let him google for answers.

Oh Deary, Deary me, It seems that I have upset someone, possibly (the same someone) that I "supposedly" upset in earlier posts, if this is the case then I can only "sincerely" apologize, my post may have seemed flippant but that was not intentional.
24-04-2023, 13:10
Beacon of light
Re: Personal Data.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Taddy this message has only bern coming up since Roy changed servers so it is to do with ‘cookies’.
Now these cookies are not those lovely chocolate chip things you can dunk in your tea.
Oh No….they are a different kettle of fish altogether. This what they are.
Thank you for the above information Marge, I have printed it out for future use, it seems that I may have caused a slight storm in a teacup with my Luddite ways but never mind eh,  
Taddy, if the question occurred to you, then there are others out there who could be in the same boat.
I am happy that I could help out.
There is no sin in not knowing, but it is crazy to find out you have a gap in your knowledge without trying to plug it.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
24-04-2023, 17:35
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: huncoat
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Re: Personal Data.
[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1272208][QUOTE=taddy;1272203]
Taddy, if the question occurred to you, then there are others out there who could be in the same boat.
I am happy that I could help out.
There is no sin in not knowing, but it is crazy to find out you have a gap in your knowledge without trying to plug it.
Marge, Although my two ounces of grey matter is 76 year's old, there are not enough plugs being made that can fulfill the gaps in my knowledge of all and sundry, my parents, Huncoat Junior School and Woodnook Secondary School did their best to put me on the right road but it is only life itself that can define how your life will work out.
Thank you to whoever (our) English teacher was at Woodnook, otherwise I would not have been able to compose this post, I cannot remember the name but I think it was Miss ?, I have know doubt that you will be able to remember Her/him.
Last edited by taddy; 24-04-2023 at 17:37.
24-04-2023, 18:29
Beacon of light
Re: Personal Data.
Miss Croston…our form teacher was one of our English teachers.
I have had the same basic education, but I have never stopped learning.
There has never been a better time to learn, nor has there ever been easier access to knowledge.
Who knows what we would have made of ourselves if we had had these options when we were growing up.
I try to learn something new every year…this year it is brain surgery but I am having trouble getting participants to allow me to practice my new found skills 
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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