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General Chat General chat - common sense in here please. Decent serious discussions to be enjoyed by everyone!

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Old 23-07-2024, 11:45   #16
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: End of the Forum?

I have tried to post topics that are broad and might appeal to as many people as possible.
The problem seems to have arisen when Hyndburn Chat took off.
They seem to have taken a lot of those people who used to post on informative stuff…like Entwisi. He was a mine of information.
There were posters who posted funny things that made you chuckle.
I miss those because I love a good chuckle. Lettie wrote a couple of blogs that had me laughing so much that tears were streaming down my face.
Isn’t that just priceless?

As for loading pictures. Well, yes at first I did struggle with that, it as always there were people on here who walked me through it…and I did the same for other members once I got the hang of it.
Accyweb has been a big part of my education in relation to technology. It would be so sad if it was no more

I really do miss my blogs too. They documented the times I had with my mum at the end of her life. I used to read them when I wanted to think of the fun we had together.
I also documented the big changes in my daughter’s life…the trials and tribulations.
So if I could read those again that would make my day,
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Old 06-08-2024, 15:05   #17
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Re: End of the Forum?

I'm not surprised really. The forum/site is outdated for the purpose and technology moves on but generally the people still here don't. I like to pop back here now and then

I thought about setting up a discord server for accy. But then I thought perhaps that's not a great idea

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Old 06-08-2024, 15:17   #18
Beacon of light

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Re: End of the Forum?

Rob, I would move on if I thought that some other format filled the bill for me, but it doesn’t.

I don’t do any of those sites that are probably considered to be more up to date…no WhatsApp, no X, no instagram.
They do not do it for me.

Accyweb had a character, a soul and none of those aforementioned do. I felt that any of the contributors I might meet in Tesco or on the market. It was a format that reflected the town. It was personal.
If it is so outmoded then why doesn’t Roy ditch it?
That question is not meant to be contentious, it is a genuine question and I would be interested in the answer.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 06-08-2024, 17:30   #19
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Re: End of the Forum?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Rob, I would move on if I thought that some other format filled the bill for me, but it doesn’t.

I don’t do any of those sites that are probably considered to be more up to date…no WhatsApp, no X, no instagram.
They do not do it for me.

Accyweb had a character, a soul and none of those aforementioned do. I felt that any of the contributors I might meet in Tesco or on the market. It was a format that reflected the town. It was personal.
If it is so outmoded then why doesn’t Roy ditch it?
That question is not meant to be contentious, it is a genuine question and I would be interested in the answer.
Perhaps outdated isn't the right term because formus for hobbies and stuff thrive.

Take "Hyndburn Chat" for example. It has 46 thousand members.

I would myself prefer the forum over that anyday. But it shows how accessible it is

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Old 06-08-2024, 18:47   #20
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Re: End of the Forum?

Because it has forty six thousand members does not make it something I want to be part of.
This site has a good number of members, they just do not participate very much.
And if this forum is failing then why doesn’t Roy dismantle it?
Again I am not asking the question to be fly, I really would like to know what the plans are.
I miss the blogs. It was said they would come back but no mention of when.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 07-08-2024, 08:36   #21
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Re: End of the Forum?

The number of people in the group isn't really the point. It's the accessibility of the site itself and reflective of the times we live in and how people interact in general digitally

As for the site "dying" and whether it's worth keeping running. They are questions only Roy can answer. Perhaps the cost is not that much to hold on to nostalgia. URLs are fairly cheap these days. I don't know how much it costs to keep a forum like this running

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Old 07-08-2024, 08:58   #22
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Re: End of the Forum?

How is this site less accessible than other sites like FB? Am I not interacting digitally.

I know that lots of people migrated to FB when Hyndburn chat was set up, the format did not appeal to me…and it was by invite too.
So how has it gained such leverage? Is it something that now you can just join.
Not that I would…join that is.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 07-08-2024, 11:16   #23
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Re: End of the Forum?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
How is this site less accessible than other sites like FB? Am I not interacting digitally.

I know that lots of people migrated to FB when Hyndburn chat was set up, the format did not appeal to me…and it was by invite too.
So how has it gained such leverage? Is it something that now you can just join.
Not that I would…join that is.
How do you access the site

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Old 07-08-2024, 12:35   #24
Beacon of light

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Re: End of the Forum?

On my iPad, or my laptop or my desktop, never on a phone
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 07-08-2024, 12:42   #25
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Re: End of the Forum?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
On my iPad, or my laptop or my desktop, never on a phone
I need to check how it looks on iPad. But without Tapatalk it's not very accessible on the mobile

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Old 07-08-2024, 12:46   #26
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Re: End of the Forum?

I sent less a message to check in and see where he is as one of the mainstay members of the site it's weird to see him here this less no pub intended

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Old 07-08-2024, 12:46   #27
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Re: End of the Forum?

Damn phone lol

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Old 21-08-2024, 20:34   #28
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Re: End of the Forum?

Boredom caused by too many unofficial moderators, controlling things by attacking those they didn't agree with.
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Old 22-08-2024, 10:41   #29
Beacon of light

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Re: End of the Forum?

Kestrel, please explain that post.

How can there be unofficial moderators?
My understanding is that Moderators have a different dashboard with which to do their moderating.

Perhaps you mean that there were people who did not agree with your opinions, but these people had no moderator powers.
The forum depends on different opinions to survive.

The real problem is that people migrated to FB…and those who were football fans, the Stanley supporters took up the space that was left.
Nature abhors a vacuum.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 26-08-2024, 11:23   #30
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Re: End of the Forum?

Awww bless you Margaret for still hanging in there with the forum … we all used to have so much fun on here didn’t we !

It’s strange, I was just looking for some information on the Come and Welcome WMC on google and it brought me here, I felt like I was visiting an old friend with the familiarity.

I’m one of them who migrated to Facebook but I have to say there are some lovely Facebook groups out there Margaret, of Accrington in the past and present. Ye Olde Accrington and Judith Murphy’s Garth Dawson archive collection are particularly interesting. They’re so entertaining to read and some of the old pictures are exquisite, I feel like you would maybe enjoy it immensely if you gave it another try and your contribution would be so valuable just as it is here.
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