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11-02-2005, 13:47
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington
Quote: (Originally Posted by chav1)
it dosnt matter what happened its always the drivers fault and i agree with that in full unless of course a person deliberatly throws themselves under a car or somthing
when in control of a vehicle you are supposed to be aware of your surroundings so hitting someone is inexcusable as it means you were either not paying attention to your surroundings or driving too fast
there should be always be a jail sentece for people who kill while in control of a car unless the person who was killed deliberatly threw themselves under it
how many familys no longer have children or parents because some idiot was eather not paying attention or driving too fast
3 points and a £100 fine dont bring dead people back
i'm also in agreement 
12-02-2005, 00:14
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington
All taxi drivers should have to take some kind of PSV, like the busses have to take a PSV and wagon drivers have to take a HGV, so taxi drivers are a public vehicle on duty so they should have to take a test aswell not just a written area codeing test.
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12-02-2005, 00:59
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington
Well here is the opinion of a bus driver (ex blackburn transport, ex pilky and now Accrington Transport).I have driven through the pedestrian area in front of the town hall hundreds of times and on countless occasions people have walked in front of a 30ft long bus without even looking.Probably about 20-25 times i have been a few feet behind some dumb pedestrian walking in front of the bus totally unaware i am behind until i beep my horn.I'll tell you the next place a fatal accident will occur,it will be at the top of peel st/abbey st junction.I would say on about 100 occasions I have driven up through the bus station and the road bends to the left and stupid ignorant car drivers come flying in front of me from abbey st unaware they have crossed a junction.Today I was on No.9 Laneside/Barnfield I had to slam on,beeped my horn,all I got in return was some irrate idiot getting out of his car after a fight.it's not easy to become a bus driver and most of them are much more aware and alert than your average car driver or pedestrian.I'd say about 60-70% of car drivers are a disgrace,no forward thinking,no awareness,they're just like lemmings(need i say more),no idea that buses have right of way(highway code).At the end of the day buses will always make headlines eg.2 kids fall out of a bburn transport bus,well thats there own fault,windows are held in by rubber seals force them out you're flying.You might be a non smoker,a non drinker,non swearer etc etc but drive about 100mph down haslingden old rd what does it matter you are a an idiot(But you don't deserve what happened Robert).Now my workmate won't drive again and he is in pieces,why should bus drivers take all the blame?
12-02-2005, 00:59
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington
Originally Posted by fireman
sorry mthead i suppose i was generalising a bit yes you are right the hackneys they are the problem but i trusy you really understand my undertones
yes its alright , i understand what your getting at but got to be carefull.
12-02-2005, 01:05
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington
Originally Posted by PILKYBUSDRIVER
Well here is the opinion of a bus driver (ex blackburn transport, ex pilky and now Accrington Transport).I have driven through the pedestrian area in front of the town hall hundreds of times and on countless occasions people have walked in front of a 30ft long bus without even looking.Probably about 20-25 times i have been a few feet behind some dumb pedestrian walking in front of the bus totally unaware i am behind until i beep my horn.I'll tell you the next place a fatal accident will occur,it will be at the top of peel st/abbey st junction.I would say on about 100 occasions I have driven up through the bus station and the road bends to the left and stupid ignorant car drivers come flying in front of me from abbey st unaware they have crossed a junction.Today I was on No.9 Laneside/Barnfield I had to slam on,beeped my horn,all I got in return was some irrate idiot getting out of his car after a fight.it's not easy to become a bus driver and most of them are much more aware and alert than your average car driver or pedestrian.I'd say about 60-70% of car drivers are a disgrace,no forward thinking,no awareness,they're just like lemmings(need i say more),no idea that buses have right of way(highway code).At the end of the day buses will always make headlines eg.2 kids fall out of a bburn transport bus,well thats there own fault,windows are held in by rubber seals force them out you're flying.You might be a non smoker,a non drinker,non swearer etc etc but drive about 100mph down haslingden old rd what does it matter you are a an idiot(But you don't deserve what happened Robert).Now my workmate won't drive again and he is in pieces,why should bus drivers take all the blame?
sorry no bus has right of ay over a HGV vehicle if you read your high way code+by the minister of transport.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
12-02-2005, 01:11
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington
never mind mind your mate won't drive again neither will the robert who got killed least the BUS DRIVER HAS GOT HIS LIFE and can go and get a new job.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
12-02-2005, 01:53
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington
the problem with out side the town hall is that the road looks exactly like the pavement
children especialy would have didficulty telling them apart as to where the pavement stops and the road ends they even put benches right on the edge of the road across from blockbuster
regardless of who is right or who is wrong it is a 5mph zone and i have yet to see a bus not traveling above 5mph
we have cameras in the town centre and any vehicle that is in that area that shouldnt be should be reported and the driver fined and 3 points and it shouldnt be too hard to do because they have the evidence on video
as for the top of peel street ther is a zebra crossing there so anyone driving in that area should be approaching the top of peel street with caution if not extra caution
lets face it all drivers speed
in a 30 zone most do 40
in a 50 zone most do 60
granted not all drivers speed but the norm seems to be to add 10mph to a speed limit unless of course drivers know theres a speed camera in the area
i think peopel who kill through speeding should have to face the familys of those they kill as part of their punishment as it may put them off speeding again when they get their licences back
personaly i think if you kill through bad driving you should never be allowed to drive again ever just like if you were to shoot someone you would never be allowed to own a gun ever again ( not sure if anyone is allowed guns anymore ime not up to date with new laws it may just be faremers allowed to own guns now )
Last edited by chav1; 12-02-2005 at 02:38.
12-02-2005, 14:23
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington
Originally Posted by slinky
sorry no bus has right of ay over a HGV vehicle if you read your high way code+by the minister of transport.
If you read Pilkybusdriver's post right I think you'll see he was refering to cars and that buses are supposed to take precedence over cars. Many car drivers don't seem to know this.
Not long ago I witnessed a car coming along Abbey Street towards Clayton. A bus was coming up Peel Street, and at the bend he was slow because he'd just stopped at the crossing for pedestrians but as he came round the bend (having right of way) the car driver did not slow down and had to swerve to avoid hitting the bus. He then stopped, jumped out of his car and proceeded to hurl abuse at the bus driver! I think that car driver needs to look at the road markings there and learn what they mean.
12-02-2005, 14:52
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington
i dont think theres anyone who holds a current driving licence who would pass a driving test as once you get your licence you can drive how you like
i agree whith the current policy of re taking a test when banned for drink driving but it should also apply to people who cause accidents by driving wrecklessly
12-02-2005, 16:34
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington
Yes, that wouldn't be a bad idea at all.
14-02-2005, 13:28
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington
Sorry, I don't agree on this one. I wouldn't say that I am the perfect driver, but I managed to pass my Advanced test, so I can't have become that bad. Each time I get behind the wheel, I remind myself that I am in control of a potentially lethal weapon. In traffic, I always drive five cars ahead - if the guy five in front needs to brake, chances are I will. When in doubt, come off the gas - it gives you a few more seconds thinking time.
HOWEVER, if I had a pound for the number of times people have stepped out without looking, or stepped onto a pedestrian crossing 3 feet in front of me, I would be driving a Porsche. Mobile phone users are the worst - they seem to think it's a magic charm against being run over. No, I never have hit anyone, but I have had to swerve to avoid doing so.
SO - please do remember that although I am the one in control of the lethal weapon, you have to do your part - don't walk out into traffic without looking, cross the road at sensible places (not on a blind bend) and be aware of what can happen. However little at fault the driver may be, it isn't very pleasant to live with the thought that you have caused somebody else injury or worse. A car cannot stop, even at 20 mph, within a couple of feet. And that's all it takes.
14-02-2005, 14:07
Filthy / Gorgeous
Re: Bus accident in Accrington
I have to disagree with the generalisation about speeding. I do not speed. Ever..... Until recently my livelihood depended on driving as I worked on the community. I have to say that I've seen my fair share of bad drivers, people who are totally oblivious on the motorway, people who obviously don't understand road signs and don't know their left from their right and insist on using the left hand lane of a roundabout when turning right ( an example being the bottom of Eastgate turning onto Hyndburn Rd, the council have signed it at straight on, but you are turning right!!) I have had several near misses in the past when small children run into the road from behind parked vehicles, but have always managed to avoid hitting one of them, the streets running off Ormerod St are bad for this, as was Within Grove estate. I consider myself to be a decent driver and I am aware that buses have right of way....... However, I will not give way to a bus pulling out if he isn't indicating and I have complained about this to my dad (a bus driver for Hyndburn). Had a spate of buses not indicating when pulling away from a bus stop a couple of years back. I won't mention the company, but needless to say it is no longer operating. 
 Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
Last edited by lettie; 14-02-2005 at 14:09.
16-02-2005, 13:51
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington
i totally agree with you and others cars go threough there an all and yell at you for gettin in there way when there not suppose to go through there
16-02-2005, 14:13
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington
I was there, tho i missed the incident a mate of mine whom witnessed it fully said the man collasped n the bus did an emergency stop n didnt hit the man, just looked worse than it was. Altho i do agree that the bus situ in town is rather horrendous at times, tho the worse culprits are ignorant car drivers....bloody ambulance had to mount the pavement to get to the said man cos stupid idiots wouldnt let the ambulance pass cos they was too impatient!
16-02-2005, 16:31
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington
hope the man is ok its not the 1st time its happend is it
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