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11-03-2005, 16:28
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Re: TRUE CONFESSIONS ,,(and nothing but the truth).......
He asked me not to tell his wife as she would be furious. I still feel bad about my part in the scheem but even worse at the laughter my friend and I have shared since then.[/QUOTE]
lmao!!! when will men learn not to lie to us eh??!!!!
don't hate me because im perfect...i was born this way!!
11-03-2005, 17:11
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Re: TRUE CONFESSIONS ,,(and nothing but the truth).......
Would we ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11-03-2005, 17:15
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Re: TRUE CONFESSIONS ,,(and nothing but the truth).......
One more thing I should confess, perhaps not as bad as when I got the lay preacher legless but, well, a bit mean.
My late husband snored and I'm a light sleeper. My trick was to gently push him over on to his side to stop the snoring. One night I was wakened by the usual rumbling so I duly gave him a light shove on to his right side. What I didn't realise was that he was so close to the edge of the bed. He disappeared, completely horizontal, on to the floor with a loud crash. He didn't move or make a sound and I thought, "Oh God, I've killed him." Then, after about 30 seconds, he slowly sat up and said, "What the hell happened?" I'm ashamed to say I pretended to be fast asleep and when he told me, next morning, he had fallen out of bed I said, with all the pretend innocence I could manage, "Did you?"
I never did tell him the truth. 
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
11-03-2005, 17:28
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Re: TRUE CONFESSIONS ,,(and nothing but the truth).......
Whoever said their were no secrets in a marriage?
11-03-2005, 17:52
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Re: TRUE CONFESSIONS ,,(and nothing but the truth).......
Ionce saw a car advertised in the local paper that I fancied.I went to see it and negotiated on the price on the grounds that I only needed it for a few weeks whilst my car was repaired following an accident. I screwed the price well down and the seller was a trelly nice man. I paid him a deposite and agreed to pay the balance in full the day after when I collected the car. When I got home I realized I had made a bad mistake, I could not really afford the car, it was totally unsuitable for my needs and I wanted my "non returnable" deposit back. I thought for a few hours and then asked a freiend and neighbour if he would go and see the man and explain that on my way home from buying the car I was run down by a car and it would appear that I had a broken leg. I asked him to give my most sncere apologis But by the time the pot was off my leg my own car would be ready, and therefore can I have my deposit back. The man was really nice and agreed right away that I could have my money back even better he would leave it a while and bring it to my home personally to see how I was. This was a problem as my friend agreed and arranged that the man give me a couple of hours. I was frantic. At the time we were decorating at home and I was putting polystyrene coving up. I decided to put 2 lengths of coving up my trousers and a sock over my foot and appear to be in pain with my foot up on a stool when he came. Right on time he arrived my wife let him in and then ran upstairs, "I swear I could hear her crying wth laughter in the bedroom" I got my money back and due to me being in so much pain the man did not stay long. However on leaving he said, "I'LL CALL AGAIN IN A WEEK OR TWO TO SEE HOW YOUR GETTING ON" Thankfully he never did. Every time I moved I could hear the polystyrene rustling and my wife howling in the bedroom . I am sorry.
11-03-2005, 18:09
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Re: TRUE CONFESSIONS ,,(and nothing but the truth).......
Originally Posted by shiny gem
lol...its ok i too am pure as snow!!!! although there may be a couple of footprints on me now!!!lol
Remember Mae West's line? -
I used to be Snow White, but I drifted .......
Am still trying to decide which bones or beans to spill!
11-03-2005, 18:21
Beacon of light
Re: TRUE CONFESSIONS ,,(and nothing but the truth).......
Another time when I was very, very mad at hubby I made him a pie with PAL meaty chunks. I was on a late duty, so didn't have to eat it.......and when I got home it was all gone so it couldn't have tasted that bad. Now I just have to watch that he doesn't pee up against lamp posts! 
11-03-2005, 18:23
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Re: TRUE CONFESSIONS ,,(and nothing but the truth).......
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Another time when I was very, very mad at hubby I made him a pie with PAL meaty chunks. I was on a late duty, so didn't have to eat it.......and when I got home it was all gone so it couldn't have tasted that bad. Now I just have to watch that he doesn't pee up against lamp posts! 
Ohh remind me never to cross Margaret 
Oh, look at my face, my name is might have been, my name is never was, my name's forgotten.
11-03-2005, 18:35
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Re: TRUE CONFESSIONS ,,(and nothing but the truth).......
Margaret can you put the recipe on the recipe thread for your pal pie (sounds good).
11-03-2005, 18:42
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Re: TRUE CONFESSIONS ,,(and nothing but the truth).......
OK, another one .... but I don't altogether regret it. This was years ago, when we all used to congregate in the K-J coffee bar on the Boulevard in Blackburn. One of the guys always used to nick other people's coffee - just pick it up off the table and drink it. So .... I acquired some Senokot granules (a very effective laxative) and some Petrolagar (also v. effective laxative). Senokot is brown, petrolagar is white. Add a cupful of hot water, stir - and you have a very very very effective laxative - particularly in the dosage I used! In comes N, grabs enticing cup of coffee, swigs - no-one saw him for 3 days, and there was a rumour that his father was taking tenders to get a bog fitted to a Volvo! He never nicked a coffee again.
If you're out there, Nigel, sorry - but not too sorry!
11-03-2005, 18:44
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Re: TRUE CONFESSIONS ,,(and nothing but the truth).......
Pendy you have been around a bit ain't that so?
11-03-2005, 18:50
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Re: TRUE CONFESSIONS ,,(and nothing but the truth).......
They say confession is good for the soul -
When I was a student nurse, I was invited out to dinner by one of the consultants, aged 42, gorgeous, and very glamorous (sports car and flat in Manchester). I wanted to look my absolute best, so bought my first ever pair of false eyelashes. As I sat at the table, looking dewy-eyed and batting said eyelashes, one of the buggers fell off into my soup. I didn't think he'd noticed - so I ate it! - and later whipped to the loo to peel off the other one.
These days I have more aplomb - I would simply pick it out, say "Oh Dear Me" (or words to that effect) and dry it on my napkin.
11-03-2005, 18:53
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Re: TRUE CONFESSIONS ,,(and nothing but the truth).......
Don't want anything like that in my soup when dereck and I come down to London to do your garden. X
11-03-2005, 19:06
Beacon of light
Re: TRUE CONFESSIONS ,,(and nothing but the truth).......
Fireman the recipe for pal pie is just a tin of pal meaty chunks.......a small onion diced a squirt of garlic paste and heap the lot into an oven proof dish and put a puff pastry top on it. I hope you aren't going to try this out on your lovely wife!
11-03-2005, 19:15
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Re: TRUE CONFESSIONS ,,(and nothing but the truth).......
I dare not I would probably nget a bo--ocking for not washing the oven proof dish. besides pal chunks are quite expensive now are they not x
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