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Old 26-03-2005, 09:07   #31
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Re: back to the TORY accy?

As someone who has recently returned from exile to Hyndburn, l think anyone with a connection or interest in Hyndburn regardless of where they live, [some of the more active posters are overseas,] should be allowed to voice their opinion here.
l might not agree with you Charlie, but l'll gladly read what you have to say, and will translate any pseudo- intellectual or babyish gibberings that have been posted. [Some, but not all that may have been posted by me ]
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 26-03-2005, 09:34   #32
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Re: back to the TORY accy?

Originally Posted by garinda
As someone who has recently returned from exile to Hyndburn, l think anyone with a connection or interest in Hyndburn regardless of where they live, [some of the more active posters are overseas,] should be allowed to voice their opinion here.
l might not agree with you Charlie, but l'll gladly read what you have to say, and will translate any pseudo- intellectual or babyish gibberings that have been posted. [Some, but not all that may have been posted by me ]
ime not saying he shouldnt voice his opinion but he realy should talk about things he actualy has a clue about

i was mainly more offended that he basicly called us a town of bigoted tory racists

as someone who STAYED in accrington and has watched our town get dragged down the gutter by theives , gypsies, imigrants and so called asylum seekers i recomend he comes back for a day just to see how far up sh1t creek accrington is because of these people and hyndburn bourough councils incompitance
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Old 26-03-2005, 09:41   #33
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Re: back to the TORY accy?

Originally Posted by chav1
ime not saying he shouldnt voice his opinion but he realy should talk about things he actualy has a clue about

i was mainly more offended that he basicly called us a town of bigoted tory racists

as someone who STAYED in accrington and has watched our town get dragged down the gutter by theives , gypsies, imigrants and so called asylum seekers i recomend he comes back for a day just to see how far up sh1t creek accrington is because of these people and hyndburn bourough councils incompitance
l didn't see Charlie saying we were a town of bigoted racist Tories. We don't know if Charlie has family here and visits regularly, regardless he/she still has the right to voice their oppinion just as we have.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 26-03-2005, 15:53   #34
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Re: back to the TORY accy?

Originally Posted by garinda
l didn't see Charlie saying we were a town of bigoted racist Tories. We don't know if Charlie has family here and visits regularly, regardless he/she still has the right to voice their oppinion just as we have.
amongst the pages he wrote

Real life lefty?.. In my original post I was simply giving my opinion to some of the posts people who first visit this site are faced with...the site seems to be dominated by a small number of members posting views that are mostly the rantings of moaning racist bigots under the guise of caring, law abiding, tax paying members of the community, but are really just ****ed of because they can’t chase foxes or park their cars were they like and don’t like pound shops!
and for the record if been fed up of imigrants abusing the asylum rules and getting more handouts and benefits , council grants etc makes me a racist then yes i am a racist

i have no problem with the colour of a persons skin i have both black and white friends of which none of them scrounge of the government and actualy work for a living

theres only one thing worse than imigrants , gypsies and theives and thats the people who have nothing better to do with their lives than make us suffer the results of been too soft on them

the people who rant about how its ok for these people to do what they want often dont have to live with them
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Old 26-03-2005, 15:57   #35
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Re: back to the TORY accy?

Can someone tell me when the last time anyone round here went on a fox hunt? I think you've been away too long if you think that's what we're all p****d about.
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Old 26-03-2005, 16:02   #36
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Re: back to the TORY accy?

Originally Posted by PurpleLass
Can someone tell me when the last time anyone round here went on a fox hunt? I think you've been away too long if you think that's what we're all p****d about.
i tried finding my basil brush anual the other day but had no luck

does that count ....?
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Old 26-03-2005, 16:03   #37
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Re: back to the TORY accy?

Originally Posted by chav1
i tried finding my basil brush anual the other day but had no luck

does that count ....?
No, but I used to have Basil Brush wallpaper (when I was three, of course), perhaps that counts.
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Old 26-03-2005, 16:06   #38
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Re: back to the TORY accy?

Originally Posted by PurpleLass
No, but I used to have Basil Brush wallpaper (when I was three, of course), perhaps that counts.
i dunno but if you have lost it i will round up the steeds and hounds and we can go looking for it

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Old 26-03-2005, 16:08   #39
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Re: back to the TORY accy?

I'll bet there are some chaps of the town who spend tonight on a fox hunt, only to wake up tomorrow morning with the hounds.
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Old 26-03-2005, 16:18   #40
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Re: back to the TORY accy?

Originally Posted by chav1
amongst the pages he wrote

and for the record if been fed up of imigrants abusing the asylum rules and getting more handouts and benefits , council grants etc makes me a racist then yes i am a racist

i have no problem with the colour of a persons skin i have both black and white friends of which none of them scrounge of the government and actualy work for a living

theres only one thing worse than imigrants , gypsies and theives and thats the people who have nothing better to do with their lives than make us suffer the results of been too soft on them

the people who rant about how its ok for these people to do what they want often dont have to live with them

As an homosexual, with nothing better to do at the moment than claim benefits, and who is probably to soft on my Asian neighbours by saying hello to them, l'd better steer clear of you then!

This will of course be the answer to all our Borough's needs. Here have a chip, it'll balance your shoulders
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 26-03-2005, 17:36   #41
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Re: back to the TORY accy?

Originally Posted by Charlie
Just a quick outline.. I.. and others that left Accrington in the mid 80's to "get on my bike" as the then tory goverment told me to do, after they had totaly destroyed the towns industry and public services.. having found this excellent ACCY WEB site .. I have to say I have not read so much right wing stuff since the old days of Micheal Howard and his Thatcherite croonies... we don't want gypsies we don't want asylum seekers, (do the tories ever pick on people that have a vote?) I would urge people that visit this site not to be bullied by the people who seem to make the most noise about thier views as to what Accrington should be.
don't let accrington get slumped into the days of untold unemployed teenagers sitting on the DECK agian.
I'm not racist. I don't judge or dislike anyone because of their racial origin.

I don't complain about gypsies because they choose to live a travelling life or because they claim to be an ethnic minority. (However the "gypsies" we have referred to on here are not true Romanies but of the same basic racial origin as many other non-travelling people)

I don't bully anyone. I have an opinion and I have as much right as you to voice that opinion.

And here are a few of my opinions:

I do NOT like people who temporarily park their caravans in areas not designated for that purpose (ie on the Aldi supermarket car park) and proceed to dump piles of filthy rotting smelly rubbish around the area before moving off and leaving somebody else to clean up the mess. Are you saying we should welcome such abuse of our beloved town? These people don't care about the town or the mess they leave behind but we do.

I do NOT like people receiving beneficial treatment because of their racial or ethnic origin. This is in itself racism and I find racism apalling. I want to be treated equally. I'm not claiming superiority, just asking for equality. Unfortunately we don't get equality and equally unfortunately this backfires on the ethnic minority it is meant to be protecting because it ends up with others resenting the preferential treatment they receive.

"don't let Accrington get slumped into the days of untold unemployed teenagers sitting on the DECK again" ???? First of all have you seen Accrington recently? It is full of unemployed teenagers and this is one of the things we complain about and yet you criticise us for complaining. And secondly, do you actually know what "the Deck" is/was? No-one sat there. It was a place to stand and watch the world go by.

Thing is Charlie, we live in Accrington and we happen to be very fond of the old place. We love our Coppice and we really don't want to see it defaced by a meaningless "Panopticon" We love it just the way it is. We have nothing against a work of art being situated elsewhere and would probably welcome a genuine work of art. Personally I like the beehive that Blackburn has although it's in such an out of the way location I bet many people haven't a clue what I'm talking about. We express concern about some of the ideas that have been put forward because we experience the current neglect and vandalism and can see how these things are going to end up the same way. Blindly assuming "something will turn up" to cover the cost of maintenance when HBC cannot afford to maintain the once beautiful parks in the borough is naive to say the least.

If the area where you live is free from vandalism and graffiti, free from rubbish dumped by travellers, free from crime perpetrated by "untouchables" for fear of being branded racist, free from pointless works of art which never worked and cost more money to be "mended", "amended" and finally totally abandoned, free of empty boarded up property, free of empty abandoned shops, full of beauty, full of shops worth shopping in and where you feel safe walking the streets in the daylight let alone in the evenings then I envy you but please don't criticise us for wanting our beloved town to be the same. Take a look at some of the old photos of Accy and then at some of the new - especially the neglect and the rubbish everywhere and then perhaps you will understand why some of us weep in despair.

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Old 26-03-2005, 18:42   #42
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Re: back to the TORY accy?

Hear, hear! Well said Willow!
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 26-03-2005, 19:23   #43
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Re: back to the TORY accy?

Originally Posted by garinda
As an homosexual, with nothing better to do at the moment than claim benefits, and who is probably to soft on my Asian neighbours by saying hello to them, l'd better steer clear of you then!

This will of course be the answer to all our Borough's needs. Here have a chip, it'll balance your shoulders
as far as i am aware you are genuinly ill and not a benefit scrounger like those who stay of years with stress and work on the side and those scummy teenagers you see down town during the week days etc

as for asians i have asian origin friends and when i say imigrants i mean every single one of them that is here through false means or feeble excuses wether they be asian , croation or africans

as for gypsies i mean the scum like what decided to park on aldi the other week

as for you been a puff well no bodys perfect

Last edited by chav1; 26-03-2005 at 19:24.
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Old 26-03-2005, 19:25   #44
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Re: back to the TORY accy?

Over to you Charlie please continue this debate we await your response.

For the record I am not a tory I vote for who I think would represent my family and the area I live in the best, at the moment that would be Graham Jones (Labour) who just happened to be who I voted for the last time.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 26-03-2005, 22:50   #45
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Re: back to the TORY accy?

Originally Posted by chav1
as someone who STAYED in accrington and has watched our town get dragged down the gutter by theives , gypsies, imigrants and so called asylum seekers i recomend he comes back for a day just to see how far up sh1t creek accrington is because of these people and hyndburn bourough councils incompitance
Has thieving gone up??? We have as many gypsies as 30 years ago and they more often than not use one of the 7 sites in Hyndburn. Those that blight bradshaw street/foxhill bank etc.. are not gypsies but new age travellers mostly and they have always blighted Hyndburn when they land.

There are I think 2 asylum seekers in Hyndburn. Do you mean immigrants and do you really mean to many asians/pakistanis but daren't say it?

Going over to another country, telling them their laws are wrong [land laws, building laws in Spain/everywhere else] opening their food shops [chip shops and johns smiths pubs serving cheap sh1t], refusing to accept the countries customs who have allowed you to come there [Costa del fish n chips 'n' John Bull]. Living seperate lives and not intergrating [New South Wales to La to Spain, there's a corner of England/Britain everywhere???!!]. Having their own language and TV Channels like Sky in Europe ... expecting foreigners in their country to speak english [DO Y-O-U SPEAK ENGLISH?].... trashing everywhere we visit in europe ... er...having the cheek to fly our flags in everyone else's country... oh yes union jacks and st georges across 5 continents... pricing the locals out of their homes and towns without a thought... sneering at people in their own country like their thick and with superiorority complex....
your right Chav1... bloody immigrants .... send the buggers back....
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