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22-05-2011, 13:10
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Re: Taywil's, Clayton
Such a superb example of a locally-made product ought to be on display in the town - Clayton or Accrington.If anyone has any ideas as to how this might be achieved - where it could be displayed then speak up . I will work to achieve the objective. The Art Gallery management is about to change. We are probably going to need some council involvement.
22-05-2011, 22:01
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Re: Taywil's, Clayton
^The Art gallery would seem the logical place, but I've no idea how you'd go about making it happen.
Thinking out loud here:
• is the Globe Centre part council owned? If so they could make something happen there.
• a small exhibition space at Ossy Mills wouldn't look out of place and I'm sure they'd welcome any extra footfall.
25-05-2011, 00:45
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Re: Taywil's, Clayton
Can you post a photo frank. Love to see that.
25-05-2011, 14:48
Beacon of light
Re: Taywil's, Clayton
I went out to Oz, was invited to a barbeque in Corowa NSW and there in the garden was a Taywil Mangle. I never expected that!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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25-05-2011, 15:05
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Re: Taywil's, Clayton
What did you expect M - a Ewbank? Did you get a squueze?
25-05-2011, 15:35
Beacon of light
Re: Taywil's, Clayton
Well, it is funny you should mention the Ewbank......my sister in law took one out with her to Melbourne in 1950(one of those that looked like they were made of wood with a union flag on the front).......and she was still using it up until the time she died(a couple of years ago).
As for the mangle......it was a bit rusty, but we used the enamel table top to put the barbie tools on.
I just didn't expect to see something like that in a back garden in Corowa.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
25-05-2011, 23:24
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Re: Taywil's, Clayton
Was the Taywil mangle taken over to Australia too? I'd always assumed Taywil weren't really well known in other countries - I know Ewbank products were available to buy in Australia through representatives.

26-05-2011, 03:10
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Re: Taywil's, Clayton
Originally Posted by Pudwoppa
^The Art gallery would seem the logical place, but I've no idea how you'd go about making it happen.
Thinking out loud here:
• is the Globe Centre part council owned? If so they could make something happen there.
• a small exhibition space at Ossy Mills wouldn't look out of place and I'm sure they'd welcome any extra footfall.
From past posts to Accy web it seems there is space available in the 'partially' used Market Hall.
a Mangle, Dolly tub. Posser , Gas boiler , a Black iron range with a peg rug in front of it .... maybe it could be developed into a work experiance project for the local Chavette's, maybe include Donkey stoning a few of the opened up flag floors 
26-05-2011, 06:15
Beacon of light
Re: Taywil's, Clayton
No, Pudwoppa. She lived in Melbourne until the 1990's and then she and her husband moved up to Corowa(taking the trusty Ewbank with her)........she was surprised to find that the bungalow they bought had this lump of scrap iron in the backyard.....they called it a backyard........I would have called it a field(it had peach, nectarine and lemon trees in it and was an acre and a half - not exactly typical of a back yard).
Her Aussie husband would have got rid of it, but she kept it because it had ties to where she came from.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
12-03-2017, 19:28
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Re: Taywil's, Clayton
Hi all, can anyone help please? I recently was given an Taywil mangle called: The Special Machine and cannot find any information on the internet about it. I have seen others i.e Hero Machine, Sunbeam etc but cannot find anything on: The Special Machine Taywil Mangle, any and all information gratefully appreciated. I'm planning to upcycle it and use it as a garden ornament, it will look great.
12-03-2017, 20:22
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Re: Taywil's, Clayton
It is possible that Accrington Library have a file containing advertising material - [email protected]
Join a Facebook page called Hyndburn Chat. POssible that a member on there has knowledge
Search for a museum specialising in laundry if there is one. The admin for the page has a lot of old adverts.
I am not aware of any theses that there have been on the laundry manufacturing industry in Accrington area.
13-03-2017, 10:37
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Taywil's, Clayton
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
13-03-2017, 22:00
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Re: Taywil's, Clayton
thanks Bob, I'll email the library to see if they've got any info. I've done a thorough search on the great world wide web but cannot find anything on: The Special Machine. I can send pictures if you like.
13-03-2017, 22:02
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Re: Taywil's, Clayton
Thanks cashman, I found the Graces guide but can't find anything for the name of the mangle that I have!
14-03-2017, 08:21
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Taywil's, Clayton
Originally Posted by ronzalot
Thanks cashman, I found the Graces guide but can't find anything for the name of the mangle that I have!
What info on name are after? taylor wilson = taywil obviously but what else?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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