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05-12-2008, 22:08
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Re: Mouth Ulcers
Get well soon benipete .......
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
08-12-2008, 13:51
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Re: Mouth Ulcers
salt and water .... works everytime
08-12-2008, 13:53
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Re: Mouth Ulcers
Originally Posted by magpie
salt and water .... works everytime
Magpie - you really should read all posts - he needed surgery
08-12-2008, 14:15
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Re: Mouth Ulcers
ah so sorry ..... hope your better soon: less speed and all that again very sorry:
08-12-2008, 23:26
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Re: Mouth Ulcers
Originally Posted by magpie
ah so sorry ..... hope your better soon: less speed and all that again very sorry:
No problem got to go back for more tests 31/12 08.Finger's crossed It's my birthday.  

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
09-12-2008, 09:37
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Re: Mouth Ulcers
so are you taking it up with the doctors practice? If they are missing things like this with you what else are they missing.
Having said that I went about a year ago witha bad cough mainly at night that I'd had for a couple of months that I couldn't get rid of, was given anti biotics, cough stopped whilst taking them and returned immediately I finished. went back a month later, have some more antiB's same again, went back. Oh you have to give them time to work.... wait another 6 weeks no difference went with Siobhan one day as she wasn't well, saw a new doc
whilst there I started coughing...
Thats a bad cough he says
yep, had it for over a year now, 2 sets of antiBs aint shifted it.
Blow in this...
You've got mild asthma, use this inhaler at night and take one of tehse meters and keep a record of teh results.
end result, peak flow of 420 to start with is now 560 although at my age and height etc I should be > 600.
Still at least its sorted 
09-12-2008, 10:13
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Re: Mouth Ulcers
so are you taking it up with the doctors practice? If they are missing things like this with you what else are they missing.
Doubt he would get much joy with a complaint against the practice but agree one should be made. If the first signs of cancer were picked up on straight away by the GP's there were be more people cured. Sadly in both Ian and his Mums cases early signs were not picked up on.
Last edited by Mick; 09-12-2008 at 10:19.
09-12-2008, 10:34
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Re: Mouth Ulcers
Originally Posted by entwisi
so are you taking it up with the doctors practice? If they are missing things like this with you what else are they missing.
Having said that I went about a year ago witha bad cough mainly at night that I'd had for a couple of months that I couldn't get rid of, was given anti biotics, cough stopped whilst taking them and returned immediately I finished. went back a month later, have some more antiB's same again, went back. Oh you have to give them time to work.... wait another 6 weeks no difference went with Siobhan one day as she wasn't well, saw a new doc
whilst there I started coughing...
Thats a bad cough he says
yep, had it for over a year now, 2 sets of antiBs aint shifted it.
Blow in this...
You've got mild asthma, use this inhaler at night and take one of these meters and keep a record of teh results.
end result, peak flow of 420 to start with is now 560 although at my age and height etc I should be > 600.
Still at least its sorted 
Bet the last doctor you saw was younger that the one you'd been seeing previously Ian. People keep saying that asthma is on the increase, but the fact is that doctors are now diagnosing it, were as in the past they weren't. Your peak flow seem okay, mine, when I'm having a good day is only 370 should be 550, but there again my lungs only work at a quarter of of what they should do, in other words they're knackered 
09-12-2008, 11:05
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Re: Mouth Ulcers
Originally Posted by Mancie
best way is to gargle with Jack Daniels .. a full 70cl bottle every 6 hours..then get on the stronbow super ..4 cans every 3 hours.. sorted!
That looks like slow suicide 
09-12-2008, 11:19
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Re: Mouth Ulcers
but what a way to go!!!
Yes jaysay, it was a young upstart
TBH I'm quite glad because I was getting worried about it. I'm not a sickly person so something that was lasting so long was preying on my mind( as well as keeping Julie awake at night when I had a coughing fit, not good for your health at all let me tell you!!!!  )
Anyway, I don't use the inhaler every night, I can usually tell when I need it so I'm using it only when needed
09-12-2008, 11:41
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Re: Mouth Ulcers
I was continously gasping for breath 5 months ago
(when I was awake- which was only 50%of the time)
A chest xray showed early emphysema
(which is one of the things they now call COPD)
My breathing improved dramatically during the 2 weeks I waited for xray results.
I had begun self medication to correct self diagnosed vitamin/mineral deficiencies.
My breathlessness was mainly due to vitB12 deficiency.
I now climb a flight of stairs quickly without gasping
I was issued with an inhaler with the added comment that my emphysema
was really not bad enough to warrant it, but it will halt its progress.
(I have since read that this is untrue)
I used it for 5 weeks then stopped when I read this
MedWire News - Respiratory - Common COPD treatment linked to increased cardiovascular deaths
Which just compounds what I already decided-
Doctors often don't know all they should know so don't always believe them
09-12-2008, 11:59
Resting in Peace
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Re: Mouth Ulcers
Originally Posted by entwisi
but what a way to go!!!
Yes jaysay, it was a young upstart
TBH I'm quite glad because I was getting worried about it. I'm not a sickly person so something that was lasting so long was preying on my mind( as well as keeping Julie awake at night when I had a coughing fit, not good for your health at all let me tell you!!!!  )
Anyway, I don't use the inhaler every night, I can usually tell when I need it so I'm using it only when needed
I'll send you a PM Ian
09-12-2008, 12:20
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Re: Mouth Ulcers
what colour inhaler did they give you entwisi?
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
09-12-2008, 13:04
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Re: Mouth Ulcers
Blue one,
They did say teh astma clinic would be in touch..... 4 months on still waiting
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