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Old 06-11-2008, 21:30   #46
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Re: Landlords!

Not yer average HA/Authority property then! A property bought or managed by a HA rather than a purpose built estate.
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Accrington Web
Old 06-11-2008, 21:31   #47
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Re: Landlords!

Just goes to show panther doesn't it, ya shouldn't generalise!
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
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Old 07-11-2008, 00:24   #48
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Re: Landlords!

The comment you made about swaps is partly right Margaret, what is actually happening is as follows:

Twin Valley have been operating a choice based lettings scheme called B-with-us since 2002, we advertise the properties available in the local press, round the local area and on the internet, people would have joined the scheme and received a membership number... each week they look through the advert and if they see a property or properties they would be interested in and they meet the criteria for that home they put their name forward for it...

The Neighbourhood officer for each home would run a shortlist of all the people who have expressed an interest and the person who has been a member the longest is offered the property... the only people who can go above earliest membership date are those with priority status but many homes are advertised with the label... letting based on earliest membership date only so priority would not be considered for those homes.

From next year Twin valley, Hyndburn Homes, Pendle Housing, many housing associations in East Lancs and I think Rossendale are joining to make the scheme sub regional...which means all the homes would be advertised under the B-with-us banner..

Some of the policy and priority criteria will also be changing...anyone who are on waiting list for any of these companies will be moved to one central list but keep the date they first applied for rehousing.

So there may well be options for housing swaps from one area to the next

hope that clears things up and if you are not on any waiting list, get on one asap

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 07-11-2008, 07:04   #49

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Re: Landlords!

Originally Posted by harwood red View Post
hope that clears things up and if you are not on any waiting list, get on one asap
What happens if you are at the top of the list and keep turning properties down? Do you loose your top status?

Thinking about what you just wrote though if people select the house they like form the paper and get it if they are high enough up the list can they just sit waiting forever for the right house for them.

Do you move up the list depending on how long you have been waiting for a house even if your circumstances don't change? For example if a family of 2 wanted to move to a bigger house so they could have another child will they eventually get to the top of the list or do they have to be irresponsible and have the next child first even though their house id not big enough so they can then move up the list?

I ask because the system confuses me. When we applied for a house with North British about 10 years ago we were very low on points. We were however offered and moved into a house within about 3 months.
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Old 07-11-2008, 11:46   #50
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Re: Landlords!

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
What happens if you are at the top of the list and keep turning properties down? Do you loose your top status? if you are priority status then you would lose it and revert back to membership date only.. also priority is only given for 12 weeks and then it is reviewed.

Thinking about what you just wrote though if people select the house they like form the paper and get it if they are high enough up the list can they just sit waiting forever for the right house for them. Once you have accepted and moved into the home your membership is housed with you so if you wanted to move again you would have to rejoin and start again. But the point of choice based is if you don't express interest in anything then yes you could be on the list for years waiting for just the right house. You do get sent a re registration letter which you have to respond to on an annual basis, if you don't then it gets cancelled

Do you move up the list depending on how long you have been waiting for a house even if your circumstances don't change? For example if a family of 2 wanted to move to a bigger house so they could have another child will they eventually get to the top of the list or do they have to be irresponsible and have the next child first even though their house id not big enough so they can then move up the list? Can't say for certain if this will still be the policy when it is sub regional, but currently we allow people to go for homes with one more bedroom than they need to allow for changes in circumstances and growing families. Priority is not given for overcrowding except for extreme circumstances as in most cases they have continued to expand their family which is their responsibility (or should I say irresponsibility) not ours as a landlord.

I ask because the system confuses me. When we applied for a house with North British about 10 years ago we were very low on points. We were however offered and moved into a house within about 3 months. Well can't answer that one, except the demand on housing now compared to 10 years ago is opposite ends of the spectrum. 10 years ago there were keys for empty houses in drawers and now we can have over 200 people putting their name down for the same house!!!

Hope that makes things clearer Neil

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 08-11-2008, 10:57   #51
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Re: Landlords!

Originally Posted by harwood red View Post
Hope that makes things clearer Neil
Come on HR you should know Nel likes things in black and white
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Old 21-11-2008, 20:13   #52
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Re: Landlords!

Repossessions on mortgage default has just been discussed on BBC news
If your landlord defaults on the mortgage on the home you are renting
you will be evicted WITHOUT NOTICE

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Old 21-11-2008, 20:37   #53
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Re: Landlords!

I liv in rented in clayton its a lovely 2 bedroom . new fitted carpets . only £70 a week
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