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Old 12-09-2009, 20:02   #1
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sausage butty's Avatar

How do you get rid of damp?

Hi all I was just wondering how you get rid of damp. I am thinking of buying a house and I viewed house this morning an it had black spots on the walls does anyone know a possible cause and how I can get rid of it?

thankyou in advance
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Old 12-09-2009, 20:23   #2
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Re: How do you get rid of damp?

100's of causes, get it checked out.
where abouts is it?

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Old 12-09-2009, 20:34   #3
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Re: How do you get rid of damp?

last post said 100's reason's yes get expert advice...
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Old 12-09-2009, 20:44   #4
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Re: How do you get rid of damp?

Just like to add that damp is serious and needs sorting out to prevent further serious damage to your property, some are easy cheap fixes some can be expensive and left to the professionals, might not even be damp, it could be a condensation problem

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Old 12-09-2009, 22:03   #5
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Re: How do you get rid of damp?

Originally Posted by sausage butty View Post
Hi all I was just wondering how you get rid of damp. I am thinking of buying a house and I viewed house this morning an it had black spots on the walls does anyone know a possible cause and how I can get rid of it?

thankyou in advance
It depends how high up the wall, rising damp usually affects the lower 2' 6" if its higher then that its condensation and bad ventilation may be a cavity wall problem if it is its dammed expensive to cure.
Some instances have been cured by new plastering and special paints, but that again is expensive.
Is it an inside wall or what, best thing is walk away.
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Old 12-09-2009, 22:31   #6
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Re: How do you get rid of damp?

If I viewed a house with damp in the walls I wouldn't buy it.
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Old 12-09-2009, 23:33   #7
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Re: How do you get rid of damp?

as last 2 posters have said, walk away, unless ya got money to burn, or offer a few grand less to cover it. if they won't play,you don't.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 13-09-2009, 09:54   #8
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Re: How do you get rid of damp?

Is it rising or penetrating damp?Is the property built of brick or stone?How old is it?Is it detached - semi or terraced?

Lots of questions I know but the original post is very vague.

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Old 13-09-2009, 19:22   #9
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Re: How do you get rid of damp?

Thankyou all, im not sure if its rising or penetrating damp its an end terrance built from stone . could it be caused by a leak? i noticed a hole in the loft . how much do reckon it would be to fix?roughly?i know its a bit of a daft question but maybe someone has had the same treatment done to their house.ive only noticed it upstairs near the ceiling.
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Old 13-09-2009, 19:26   #10
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Re: How do you get rid of damp?

Be safe and get it checked properly, but seems as its upstairs and near the ceiling I would suspect a leaking roof or troughin (sp) check the pointing out too on the stone near and above the damp patch

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Old 13-09-2009, 19:34   #11
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Re: How do you get rid of damp?

I once had such a damp patch and was advised that there was a structural fault in the chimney stack of the house next door.
Since the neighbour was not experiencing any damp they didn't repair it. I just had the patch replastered with waterproof materials and hoped.

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Old 13-09-2009, 21:23   #12
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Re: How do you get rid of damp?

Black spots are more likely condensation than damp, higher than 1 metre is definately not rising damp, if the house is unnocupied, that is possibly why there are spots, if it is occupied and the house isnt aired, this will also cause condensation, damp would usually leave a patch rather than spots. I was a Sovereign approved damp proof and dry rot specialist for 15 years, I used to carry out many refurbishments rather than just the plumbing, heatin and gas work that I do now.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 14-09-2009, 19:55   #13
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Re: How do you get rid of damp?

if you have your hearet set on the house- ask the current owners to repair the problem and produce certificates- if you dont then when your mortgage lender values the house to lend you the money - he will see it and normally you have to get the repairs done before you get the full amount of the mortgage-

they usually hold back the amount it will cost to put it right until you have put it right.
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Old 17-09-2009, 12:57   #14
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Re: How do you get rid of damp?

Originally Posted by keetah992000 View Post
if you have your hearet set on the house- ask the current owners to repair the problem and produce certificates- if you dont then when your mortgage lender values the house to lend you the money - he will see it and normally you have to get the repairs done before you get the full amount of the mortgage-

they usually hold back the amount it will cost to put it right until you have put it right.
I did consider asking the owner but the house is repossesed and owned by the lender.the house is at an extremely knock down price and i doubt they would fix it. also i wont be geeting a mortgage so that wont be a problem . thanks for the advice.

i viewed the house again and i think ive found the cause of the damp, all the gutters are broken and are overflowing, possibly leaking back into the house wall cavity. Does this sound like a possible cause???
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Old 17-09-2009, 15:08   #15
I am Banned

Re: How do you get rid of damp?

Originally Posted by sausage butty View Post
I did consider asking the owner but the house is repossesed and owned by the lender.the house is at an extremely knock down price and i doubt they would fix it. also i wont be geeting a mortgage so that wont be a problem . thanks for the advice.

i viewed the house again and i think ive found the cause of the damp, all the gutters are broken and are overflowing, possibly leaking back into the house wall cavity. Does this sound like a possible cause???
The only person who could answer that would be a qualified surveyor. Then if he's wrong you have some come back.

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