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15-08-2011, 08:20
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Re: Buenas dias Accrington
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
I'm still trying to figure out if he's the beatnik-type guy who was involved in the Hands Off Cuba march to the town hall in Oct, 1962. Think Bob may be able to get in touch with him via the AGSOB site, so perhaps we'll see a new burst of activity from him after his 8-year absence!
That sounds like Stewart. Good mate of Ernie Lee, if you remember Ernie.
15-08-2011, 08:24
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Re: Buenas dias Accrington
Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson
That sounds like Stewart. Good mate of Ernie Lee, if you remember Ernie.
Oh yes, I remember Ernie, Bernard. A most blueswailin' harp man. He's been mentioned on here quite recently.
15-08-2011, 08:37
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Re: Buenas dias Accrington
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
The tinker brook delta blues band and all that.
15-08-2011, 08:48
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Re: Buenas dias Accrington
Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson
The tinker brook delta blues band and all that.
Yeah, that's the one. Still not sure if this Stewart Hartley is the same one as Ernie's beatnik mate, though. Maybe Bob will find out?
16-08-2011, 14:19
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Re: Buenas dias Accrington
Well I did do that (and some other political things such as CND and Young Socialists) but apart from being the first person in Accy to buy Bob Dylan´s first album and writing poor poetry I would never have described myself as either a beatnik nor a hippy. I have mixed feelings about that appellation: amused, confused and bemused, I suppose.
It may have been eight years since I posted but I have no remaining connections with the town nor anyone in it. After almost 30 years in Japan, 3 in Malaysia and 15 in Spain, I feel little connection, but someone did dredge my name from the depths of memory so I thought it right to reply.
I live in Cantabria, which borders Pais Vasco and we have had the odd bombing in Santander but ETA is pretty a busted flush now. Really they have all they are going to get in terms of linguistic autonomy, taxation, education and whatever and they would be wise to totally eschew violence and follow the route taken by the Catalans in recent years. The do have the best food in Spain, especially in San Sebastian, now that El Bulli has finally closed its doors.
The only ex-AGS folks I have been in touch with are Ernie Lee, now spending much of his time in Brittany, Malcolm Whittaker who has retired to Rome after a long career at Reuters, and John Virtue who I met when he was artist-in-residence at the National Gallery.
Anyway, thanks for remembering me after all this time.
Any others from my cohort lurking out there, do get in touch if you are so inclined.
16-08-2011, 14:51
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Re: Buenas dias Accrington
Well, I was an 11-year old at the time, so I did tend to make snap judgements (brushed forward hair [in the pre-Beatles era] + horn rimmed specs + CND badge = beatnik  ). Anyway welcome to Accyweb!
By the way, Malcolm Whittaker is a member on here under the name ozzyroma, but he doesn't post very often.
Last edited by Wynonie Harris; 16-08-2011 at 14:55.
25-08-2011, 05:12
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Re: Buenas dias Accrington
Hello & welcome
26-08-2011, 04:21
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Re: Buenas dias Accrington
Hi there x
If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you always got....
02-08-2014, 19:48
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Re: Buenas dias Accrington
Hi, was tryin to reply to you, but not sure if it got through - have bad internet connection here which keeps cutting out. my email is juliannmoore04@btinternet.com. part from worshipping you from afar back in the 60's, my sister knew you and one of our last conversations before she died, was about you! Wo0uld be good to fill in the blanks about some things... You still in Spain?!!! Im in Fulking (with and L, Fulking L!!!!) Jenny creasey.
02-08-2014, 20:02
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Re: Buenas dias Accrington
clearly my reply did not get through as it is not listed!!!!! If this is Stewart Hartley, I recall you as the coolest on the Accy Alternative scene, worshipping you from afar with a group (or groupies from Accy High School).. although you may not consider yourself a beatnik, you presented as an alternative "challenge" at the time, and were a fashion icon in ex-army(or similar) long coat,!!!!! My sister was in your age-group -- I was younger, and going out with a member of the Dansaks, hanging around music venues and local groups. I recall you coming to a sit-in at Brum University, where I was a student - hot from the barricades of Paris 1968 as rumour had it... Tariq Ali was on the platform at the sit in and I got in bother with the Uni over the sit - in... Had no news of what happened to you after that. Ive been living abroad, ion Israel, various African countries, Far East and Oceania, and emded up in the School of African and Asian Studies at University of Sussex... since then, years in Communityh Law, in London and South EastLaw Centres... recently retired.. My connection with Accy - my twin brother still lives fairly locally, and my sister owns a house there rented to an elderly relative .. my sister died new Year 2013/4 ad one of our last conversations was wondering wht happened to you!She was also a ig fan of yours. Funny how so many folk from Accy have pitche dup abroad 0 you only have to look at this message board.// I am a return-nik, but ot the south!!!.
03-08-2014, 06:54
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Re: Buenas dias Accrington
I have an email address for Stewart and will try to make contact.
03-08-2014, 15:19
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Re: Buenas dias Accrington
Originally Posted by jenny creasey
clearly my reply did not get through as it is not listed!!!!! If this is Stewart Hartley, I recall you as the coolest on the Accy Alternative scene, worshipping you from afar with a group (or groupies from Accy High School).. although you may not consider yourself a beatnik, you presented as an alternative "challenge" at the time, and were a fashion icon in ex-army(or similar) long coat,!!!!! My sister was in your age-group -- I was younger, and going out with a member of the Dansaks, hanging around music venues and local groups. I recall you coming to a sit-in at Brum University, where I was a student - hot from the barricades of Paris 1968 as rumour had it... Tariq Ali was on the platform at the sit in and I got in bother with the Uni over the sit - in... Had no news of what happened to you after that. Ive been living abroad, ion Israel, various African countries, Far East and Oceania, and emded up in the School of African and Asian Studies at University of Sussex... since then, years in Communityh Law, in London and South EastLaw Centres... recently retired.. My connection with Accy - my twin brother still lives fairly locally, and my sister owns a house there rented to an elderly relative .. my sister died new Year 2013/4 ad one of our last conversations was wondering wht happened to you!She was also a ig fan of yours. Funny how so many folk from Accy have pitche dup abroad 0 you only have to look at this message board.// I am a return-nik, but ot the south!!!.
A mate of Ernie Lee? Yes. A beatnik? Never
03-08-2014, 15:35
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Re: Buenas dias Accrington
Originally Posted by sgh51a
A mate of Ernie Lee? Yes. A beatnik? Never
Well, I am not too sure how to take this. Me? Cool? I did go my own way to be sure, and have continued to do so. And yes, I did have a grotty green suade jacket (shades of Leonard Cohen and the famous blue raincoat). I lost touch with most folks after moving to Japan but did meet up with a few when I was back in Manchester doing my MEd but since then ...
I ended up teaching teachers at a Japanese national university and was fortunate enough to write several textbooks until I decided that enough was enough and moved to Cantabria on the north coast of Spain, next door to the Basque country, where I now live with my wife, Hiroko, of 38 years, two dogs, four cats and a donkey. After many years as an alien civil servant I can now take part in political activities once more and am a convener for our local branch of Izquierda Unida (the United Left) and stood as a (failed) candidate in the European elections.
We are both still active in cultural affairs and helped organised a large Cantabria/Japan cultural exchange programme, with music, theatre and dance and we work closely with the Santander Conservatory and a Japanese university to promote further cultural exchanges every year. On top of that we are busy with the International Montessori organisation, so I suppose that in all those years I haven't really changed all that much.
Stew the (non)-hippy
04-08-2014, 16:33
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Re: Buenas dias Accrington
welcome back
04-08-2014, 16:46
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Re: Buenas dias Accrington
I've got a great name for Stewart's informal musical group - Hartley's Jam Band
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