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25-07-2009, 23:21
Coffin Dodger.
Re: It was your job to do, when you was a kid.
Did she peel em Keetah? best way to learn em IMHO  p.s. hope yer feelin better tomoz.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Last edited by cashman; 25-07-2009 at 23:27.
25-07-2009, 23:59
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Re: It was your job to do, when you was a kid.
Had to polish the upstairs and the front room on a wednesday ... and living room on sundays without fail and dust the living room every day. Mum did the cooking .. but we had to wash up .. which brother hated big time!!! Everytime it was his turn he was either out thro the back door, through the front door, through the loo window and when we got wise to that .. out through mum & dads bedroom window!!!! All to get out of washing up!!!!
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
26-07-2009, 02:29
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Re: It was your job to do, when you was a kid.
Each Wednesday it was my job to make Lancashire Hotpot for the evening meal and god help me if i didn't get it in the oven early enough to cook, but still one of my fave meals
even though i am in Wales. Anyone else loves pea soup with ham shank or spare ribs? Yum!
26-07-2009, 10:14
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Re: It was your job to do, when you was a kid.
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Complain? complain? We never complained...and we lived for three months in a brown paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six o'clock in the morning, clean the bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down mill for fourteen hours a day week in-week out. but did we complain? Never!
LUXURY! we could only dream of a life like that. 
27-07-2009, 00:40
I am Banned
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Re: It was your job to do, when you was a kid.
Originally Posted by cashman
Did she peel em Keetah? best way to learn em IMHO  p.s. hope yer feelin better tomoz.
No - I ended up doin them
but she is on hoovering and polishing next week - which got a groan lol - but she's doing it grr
And yep feeling a bit better ta- this bloody cold cant shake it.
27-07-2009, 00:50
white rabbits
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Re: It was your job to do, when you was a kid.
Originally Posted by garinda
Skim the leaves off the swimming pool, before we got an indoor one.

What was a swimming pool ?,we thought we was posh just having a bathroom.....(even if we did only live on a council estate)...  
Not a full brick
30-07-2009, 18:54
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Re: It was your job to do, when you was a kid.
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
You lot don't know you're born. We had to get up at 3.30am and lick t'road w'our tongues!
Lucky sob ... I had my tongue nailed to the floor so that I couldn't chew on the mouldy crust that was my breakfast, lunch and supper allowance for the month ....
I used to have the fire starting chores, help with dishes, and when my grandad kept chickens, I fed the little bastards, collected the eggs, and disposed of the shlt (oops, manure). But I did get a small cut of the profits from the eggs. Think it came to about five bob a week ... some weeks as much as ten bob .... not bad pay when 20 quid a week was a small fortune.
31-07-2009, 17:09
Beacon of light
Re: It was your job to do, when you was a kid.
Originally Posted by grannyclaret
What was a swimming pool ?,we thought we was posh just having a bathroom.....(even if we did only live on a council estate)...  
We didn't have a bathroom...we had an outside 'long drop'.....and a tin bath that hung on the wall outside.
The tin bath was dragged in every Friday night and we all bathed.
both bedrooms had po's........parents had a posh pot one with flowers adorning the outside.....we nippers had a white enamel one with a blue line painted around the rim.....it was someone's job to bring them down every morning and empty the contents down the long drop...then wash the Jerry out and place it upside down on the stairs steps.(the stairs at that time were only painted......too poor for carpet).
I didn't get asked to do that job...it was usually one of the boys who had to do it.
My brother Michael hated it when it was his turn.......he once threw the enamel jerry up the stairs and it bounced and came back and hit him on the head....nearly knocked him out.
Ma said that it served him right for not doing as he was told the first time of asking.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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01-08-2009, 07:04
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Re: It was your job to do, when you was a kid.
Hmmmm well my jobs were too long to list as my parents bought a really run down hotel when i was 5 years old and spent the next years doing it up and running it, so any went for me , make beds , cook , serve in the dining room , make up bills and age didnt come into it!! from 5 i was learning to cook and peel veg , make breakfasts and lay up the dining room with the necessary cutlery etc. I am not complaining tho , it has stood me in good stead for work later in life in catering and of course having a large family as i can easily cope with large numbers to cook for hahahaha.
01-08-2009, 09:11
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Re: It was your job to do, when you was a kid.
Originally Posted by garinda
Oddly I'd never heard of 'messages' until I lived in Glasgow.
'I'm away for my messages in a wee while.'
Are you a spy?
Anyone else in the area, besides Cashy who called shopping 'messages'?
I still think it's more Scottish than Lancastrian.
I have Gary but then I am a scot lol
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01-08-2009, 09:52
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Re: It was your job to do, when you was a kid.
i remember as an 11 year old upwards, having to wash up, dry up and put away after tea, before i could go anywhere, look after sister and brother, 4 and 1, after school till my Dad came home from work. Saturdays, i had to do bits of shopping for Mum, Nan, and 2 Aunties, and got 3d from each of them, at 14 i lied about my age and got a Saturday job.
01-08-2009, 23:12
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Re: It was your job to do, when you was a kid.
Mine was washing up and keeping my bedroom clean and tidy. I was lucky reall being the youngest of 6 , I was spoiled rotten compared to the others.
They all had it tougher than me
I do remember being taught to make the fire though . I used to love making the tapers.
when I was at our house I made them out of paper and if I was at my grans they were made out of bread wrappers.
and putting the paper up as a draghter omg!!! the amount of times I set that alight hahaha.
when I was about 4/5 my dad had a pen and we all had a rabbit each.which we had to all go down and clean out each day. silly me thought they were pets and then my dad one day told me that the foxes had got in an killed em  I was so distaught. strangely enough my mum made a few rabbit pies round that time.  (
Didnt realise though till years later.
10-08-2009, 15:48
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Re: It was your job to do, when you was a kid.
One of my tasks was to scrub and sand-stone the front door steps, and I went for our neighbour's bread - for which, she gave me a farthing ( a quarter of an old penny!) So you can guess how long ago that was! 
11-08-2009, 09:49
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Re: It was your job to do, when you was a kid.
Originally Posted by ossylass
One of my tasks was to scrub and sand-stone the front door steps, and I went for our neighbour's bread - for which, she gave me a farthing ( a quarter of an old penny!) So you can guess how long ago that was! 
I'm 63 and I don't remember farthings ossylass 
11-08-2009, 10:28
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Re: It was your job to do, when you was a kid.
Originally Posted by jaysay
I'm 63 and I don't remember farthings ossylass 
I'm 66 and I do - they had a wren on the back.
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