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24-08-2021, 03:46
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Re: How close did we come to killing ourselves as kids????
Living in the country we took lots of risks which we didn’t consider risk-worthy at the time, just fun! Thunder and lightning gave us a chance to show how brave (and stupid!) we were as we dared each other to stand under the tallest tree in the woods when lightning was about to strike. We jumped across brooks until we fell in, we went through the fields where there was a sign ‘beware of the bull’ because wasn’t the bull always connected by nose ring and chain to the ground – well we hoped it was.
We walked along railway tracks because that was the shortest way from one place to another – but thankfully no-one took up the dare to lie between the train tracks when a train did pass us by to see if it really was safe to do so although we did talk about it, we played in the river where dead animals were thrown in higher up, and yes – we climbed trees.
So to change the wording of the question slightly and answer ‘WHEN did we come close to killing ourselves as kids?’ – most school-free days…..
30-11-2021, 00:44
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Re: How close did we come to killing ourselves as kids????
Sniffing glue was very dangerous thing to do but so was going to school.
30-11-2021, 23:36
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Re: How close did we come to killing ourselves as kids????
Originally Posted by kestrelx
Sniffing glue was very dangerous thing to do but so was going to school.
Did you actually learn anything?
Who was more dangerous, you and glue or glue or school. I think it's just you. You are the most dangerous entity in your life.
Go back to bed.
02-12-2021, 16:34
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: How close did we come to killing ourselves as kids????
Originally Posted by kestrelx
Sniffing glue was very dangerous thing to do but so was going to school.
Originally Posted by odders
Did youactually learn anything?
Who was more dangerous, you and glue or glue or school. I think it's just you. You are the most dangerous entity in your life.
Go back to bed.
Not long ago you where complaining about the site being dead and claimed it was my fault, then you wanted that thread closed, (probably because it’s an embarrassment to you), now, one of our long-standing idiots posts (his usual crape).
Did you welcome him back for keeping the site alive?
No, you basically told him to go away (go back to bed).
Yes, he is an arse, but even he IS keeping the site alive.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
02-12-2021, 23:05
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Re: How close did we come to killing ourselves as kids????
You are right, Less, just about any post is better than no posting. Whether others agree with the poster or not, if it is a subject that warrants discussion then bring it on. Subjects that stir us up make entertaining reading and encourage responses. Make us think. Instead of telling people to go back to bed we should be encouraging them to do some posting, start new threads.
03-12-2021, 03:17
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Re: How close did we come to killing ourselves as kids????
As for glue sniffing, well if a person wants to risk brain damage (though in my opinion their brains must be a bit damaged to even contemplate doing this) and other associated health problems, then so be it. They make that choice. I remember seeing the results of this dangerous practice years ago when it seemed to be more prevalent, and doped-up, bleary-eyed, young people were ‘attached’ to their plastic bag.. Not a pretty sight.
Now I suppose there will be comments about problems caused by other excesses that people choose to indulge in….to each his (or her) own.
03-12-2021, 04:13
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Re: How close did we come to killing ourselves as kids????
Originally Posted by Less
Not long ago you where complaining about the site being dead and claimed it was my fault, then you wanted that thread closed, (probably because it’s an embarrassment to you), now, one of our long-standing idiots posts (his usual crape).
Did you welcome him back for keeping the site alive?
No, you basically told him to go away (go back to bed).
Yes, he is an arse, but even he IS keeping the site alive.
I told you years ago, you would alienate most people from coming on here. I was right.
You seem to be okay with his references to drug taking.
I'm not embarrassed, the thread should have closed. It served its purpose. I found out what I needed to know. Going back...
I didn't welcome him, and that's my choice too who I engage with.
You used to be one of the people who always used to shout out about kids being able to access the site.
Kids don't sniff gas or glue. They're all on bud and crack,cocaine and heroin. It's not 1980.
Go on twist it as per. Maybe you should try getting more people to return to the forum, and stop trying to be garinda.
Nite nite, you can have your response. 
03-12-2021, 05:30
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: How close did we come to killing ourselves as kids????
Originally Posted by dotti34
doped-up, bleary-eyed, young people
Thought they were called "Teenagers"? 
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
03-12-2021, 08:16
Beacon of light
Re: How close did we come to killing ourselves as kids????
Odders, you are right…the post did achieve its goal.
While it did that, it also seemed to stir up some much needed interest in the forum and a few more people took to contributing to threads.(thank you for that).
There have always been some fractious relations between some members….and it is like adding pepper to the soup.
For some people it is too much, it for others it gives a bit of interest.
I know back then my nemesis was Jambutty……if I said it was day, he would contradict me.
These differences are to be expected and it would be a very boring place if we all agreed on a point of view.
We are each able, through the forum,to express an opinion.
Mine is mine and I do not require anyone to subscribe to it…..yours is yours and you are entitled to hold it….both of us are entitled to disagree and maybe even say why that is the case.
In the end, we have to respect the views of other posters….and play nicely or the grown ups will make us stand on the ‘naughty step’(oh yes and the step is innocent,it is we who are naughty).
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
03-12-2021, 12:37
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Re: How close did we come to killing ourselves as kids????
Getting back to the original question, as mentioned in a previous topic, I went fishing in the then Higham’s Pond in Priestly clough without being able to swim and of course as it must happen, I fell into the pond. Luckily enough someone (Derick Briggs) saved me using his raincoat belt, and carried me home to Belfield Rd. Needles to say, I learned to swim straight after this event.
On other occasions we were always climbing up the highest trees to see who could get farthest up, without thinking of the danger involved!
03-12-2021, 14:55
Coffin Dodger.
Re: How close did we come to killing ourselves as kids????
Originally Posted by odders
I told you years ago, you would alienate most people from coming on here. I was right.
well if you think that you are entitled too but i think you have a slate loose,
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
03-12-2021, 21:55
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Re: How close did we come to killing ourselves as kids????
A couple of the things I did were quite ‘shocking’ and I’m probably fortunate I am still here to tell the tale. The first one occurred when I was about 14. My sister had a hairdressing business and was giving me a perm. This was in the days when dryers were huge and heads almost disappeared up them. My sister put the machine over my head, turned it on, and went off to do something else. I got bored and I could see through the mirror that on one side of the contraption were the switches to turn it off and on, hotter or colder, but on the other side the corresponding area had nothing but an open space and I wondered what was up there. What did I do? I told you I was bored - well I stuck my hand up into the space….I got a big shock in more ways than one to discover that there was a heck-of-a-lot of electricity going through that area and I sort of intercepted it. It went into my hand, up my arm. So much so that it is a wonder my hair didn’t stand straight up. Remember also that my hair was still damp and if I recall it rightly the curlers used then were metal…..did I tell my sister - no, I didn’t tell anyone and thankfully my hand soon felt normal again. Kept it out of unknown spaces after that.
The second time I was shocked was when I was using an electric toaster and some crumbs had caught on the element and had started to burn. Without thinking, I knocked them off the still switched-on toaster with the knife I was holding……and was thrown backwards when the knife and the element connected. Can I blame being young for this stupidity - no, I was about 40 by then. Some people just never learn…
03-12-2021, 22:25
Beacon of light
Re: How close did we come to killing ourselves as kids????
Oh Dorothy…I know I should not have laughed….but I have to admit…I did…..at both of your close calls.
As you know I have a very pictorial imagination….so I saw it all in my imagination…..you should have seen your face!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
03-12-2021, 23:49
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Re: How close did we come to killing ourselves as kids????
i will admit ... i took two drug overdoses .. one when i was 6 thats according to my medical records .. i cant remember that .. the other was when i was 10 and on holiday with my parents .. both with phenobarbitone tablets .. the one when i was 10 i took a whole weeks tablets .. and doctor was out to see my granny and mum said can you look at jen she doesnt seem right .. when i admitted what id done .. doc said you have to keep her awake for 24 hours .. if she does fall asleep take her straight to the hospital and tell them what shes done. she will have to have her stomach pumped and the tubes down her nose and mouth etc .. scared the living daylights out of me!!! When we came back off holiday mum took me to the doctor and told him what i'd done .. and he said well she hasnt had a fit for 5 years .. and took me off them. So one good thing about it .. ok 5 years later i was back on them .. but i did get some tablet free years ..
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
03-12-2021, 23:55
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Re: How close did we come to killing ourselves as kids????
Originally Posted by cashman
well if you think that you are entitled too but i think you have a slate loose,
Which slate? The one you liked, or the better not moved. It rains in when it wants tôo whatever?
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