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Old 28-05-2004, 19:18   #16
God Member
K.S.H's Avatar

Re: postal votes

"Rip em up and send em back"

I always send mine back, but not to the person who sent it though. If you get 2 lots of junk mail put all the stuff in the others freepay envelope and see how they like junk mail, my bins never got junk mail in it

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Accrington Web
Old 28-05-2004, 19:46   #17
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Unhappy Re: postal votes

Sorry Did Not Think To Rip It Up And Send It Back Just Put It In The Bin.
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Old 28-05-2004, 21:51   #18
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Re: postal votes

A better person to return your unwanted ballot papers to would be Chris Lesley MP. who is the Minister for Constitutional Affairs. it is he who is ultimately responsible for this shambles. He can be found at:
The House of Commons,
London, SW1A 0AA

I wouldn't bother putting a stamp on the envelope either, he's responsible for all this, he can pay the postage.
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Old 29-05-2004, 00:10   #19
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Re: postal votes

oooo i like you bob, very determined // thats wot we need to lead us //
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
'The views expressed here are my own and are not necessarily those of the site'
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Old 29-05-2004, 14:10   #20
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Unhappy Re: postal votes

Sorry Thrown Mine Away As Well.
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Old 29-05-2004, 14:56   #21
Junior Member+

Re: postal votes

all well and good if you dont want to vote but please dont complain about the state of things if you aint used your vote
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Old 29-05-2004, 15:47   #22
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Re: postal votes

Sorry mate, but the whole point of the discussion is that it does not really matter one way or another. The majority will do what the majority want to do, whatever anyone else thinks or feels or indeed how they choose to use or misuse their vote.

The position of Abstention is a long and honoured tradition and one I now prefer to adopt because I know from years of experience that the situation is hopeless and the only thing a sane, concerned person can do, is cause a little trouble or offer a metaphorical slap in the face now and then.

I used to be young and full of idealistic zeal. I used to think that the solution to the country's ills lay, in part, through the ballot box, but then I lived through Wilson, Douglas-Hulme, Heath, Callaghan, Thatcher and now Blair. I listened as they all made the same sort of promises and the same sorts of lies to cover their incompetence, arrogance, and in some cases sheer greed and lust for power and influence. And I watched as the country got steadily worse and worse until it is hardly recognisable now as the country I grew up in. My Country, a place I was proud to call Home, has been stolen, not just from me, which is bad enough, but from all of us, which is worse, and from generations of Englishmen yet unborn, which is unforgivable. And the truly terrible thing is that we are all complicit in this theft. We have turned our back, and averted our gaze while the smirking simpletons who inhabit municipal offices throughout the country have been hard at work amking certain that the things that made this land worth fighting and dying for have been legislated against, erased, bulldozed into the ground and sold abroad. A land that is famed abroad for it's love of tradition but where tradition is either sneered at or is at best ignored. A land that in cultural terms is now well on it's way to becoming the 51st state of the American Union and in terms of politics is well on it's way to sucumbing to what Naploeon, Kaiser Willhelm and Hitler intended for Europe. It is perhaps salutory to speculate whether the Accrington Pals would be so eager to sacrifice their lives for the defence of England if they could see the state of the country now.

I appear to have 'gone off on one'. Sorry. It has been a long and difficult day. I need some of the solace that can only be found at the bottom of a Gin Bottle.
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Old 29-05-2004, 15:53   #23
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Re: postal votes

Ooops! In my list of Prime Ministers I appear to have ommitted Harold Macmillan, which is a bit naughty, and also John Major, which is entirely understandable. Like I said it has been a long and difficult day!
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Old 29-05-2004, 16:04   #24
Resting in Peace

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Re: postal votes

As you could only vote from 1974 you did not miss to meany hehe
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Old 29-05-2004, 16:06   #25
Resting in Peace

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Re: postal votes

I did vote as it happens but the wifes went through the shredder so nobody can abuse here vote
its now in little bits hehe
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Old 29-05-2004, 16:20   #26
Junior Member+

Re: postal votes

the trouble is these ******* spend our money most of them haven't got a clue what the people of hyndburn want. and crawl from under there stone once a year at election time, it all stinks. i can shed some light on who pays for it all thou its central goverment better know as the idiots from westminster
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Old 29-05-2004, 18:40   #27
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Re: postal votes

Acrylic-Bob, I understand why you are so disheartened with the political process but I totally agree with andydawson1982 - if you don't vote then your voice isn't being heard. I haven't filled in my postal vote yet - but especially being a woman (people died for the right for us to vote) I will certainly make sure I send it off.

I do actually like the postal system - but still think that people should have the right to choose which way to vote - by post or a polling station. I think we have turned into a nation of cynics (although I understand why) any new suggestions that Hyndburn Council or the Government comes up with are quickly rejected.
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Old 29-05-2004, 22:13   #28
Accy Goddess

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Re: postal votes

Oooooo You sound like Mick shortstuff.
Tell you what I told him.
A. I didnt ask her to do it.
B. She died for women to have a right to vote.
Still leaving leaving us the choice to vote or not to vote.
I choose not to.
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Old 29-05-2004, 23:37   #29
Junior Member+

Re: postal votes

if the councilers weren't idiots it mite be worth voting because for ever good one there are ten bad ones
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Old 09-06-2004, 15:15   #30
markuze's Avatar

Smile Re: postal votes

only me lol...i did get one it was sent to mi pa's- and no im not 2 young thankyou please
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